chocolate moon

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You weren’t an idiot. Maybe not the cleverest witch, but not an idiot. You knew something was wrong when your friends would vanish for a couple of days each month. And it took you approximately five seconds to put two and two together. After all, you knew them- you had bonded over chocolate pudding last Christmas when you had all stayed for the holidays. However, you did grow closer to one Marauder in particular. 
   He was different. He was quiet but his ideas were loud, he was shy but he stood up for the people he cared about, he was sweet yet sarcastic. And he was kind-so kind. How could a person like that not believe in themselves? He was perfect. And that’s how you fell. 
   It began in such a subtle way, you would have never imagined how fast it could escalate. It was the way he would always whisper the correct answer under his breath but never exactly raise his hand. It was the way his eyes would twinkle with mischief even when he was scolding the rest of the group. It was the way his face would lit up every time he saw an old book or chocolate. It was the way his hair shined while the sun danced around his messy strands. It was the way he smelled-like cinnamon and ink and more chocolate. It was the way his lips curved every time he said your name. You were hopelessly in love with your best friend. 
    You were about to enter their dorm when you heard muffled voices, trying to keep it down. 
“I want to tell her… but I don’t know” Remus whispered. You decided to do the exact same thing that you thought of as the lowest point of desperation. 
“She is our best friend, Moony. And I’m pretty sure she can figure it out on her own” James reasoned. You were impressed. Usually, James is not the one that makes sense. 
“If she hasn’t already” Sirius added. At least, they thought you were capable of reading between the lines. That was comforting. 
   You knocked and waited until you didn’t know what to do. They weren’t really going to pretend they weren’t in, right?
   You rolled your eyes-Fine, if they didn’t want you inside, you wouldn’t beg. You were about to turn and leave when Sirius opened up. A fake smile was plastered on his face. You arched an eyebrow.
“Hello, love” he greeted you way too cheerful while he stepped aside to let you walk in. With just a quick glance you realized why it took them that long. Remus was nowhere to be found. 
“Hey, guys. Where is Remus?” you asked casually since those four were a package deal so you wouldn’t raise suspicion. 
“Library” they said in unison. You gave a knowing smile. 
“Library, my ass. Remus, come out of the bathroom” you said slightly annoyed. There was absolutely no need for him to hide in order to avoid you. You would have left on your own. You just wanted to make sure he was alright since last night was the full moon. 
   You were staring at the closed door with a very hard expression-cold, annoyed and hurt. Slowly, it crept open, revealing a guilty-looking Remus, who wouldn’t look at you. You scanned him for any severe damage. You saw a small scar across his lips. That was new. You sighed and dropped the vacant expression. 
“Why were you hiding Remus?” you questioned, taking notice of how the other guys had slowly moved towards the door, waving goodbye to a wide-eyed Remus and leaving you alone. 
“I wasn’t hiding” he said quietly-still not looking at you. You took a step back and sat down on his bed. You knew it was his-it was the only one made. 
“Remus, I am tired of being lied to. Respect me enough and tell me the truth” you simply told him. It was what you wanted. The truth coming from him. 
   He walked over to you and sat down next to you, not that close but not that far away. He looked at you, locking eyes with you. You took in his beautiful face. His big eyes and his plump lips-and his scars; you loved his scars.
“I’m a werewolf” he muttered softly, after a second. He waited for you to spit insults at him and run away, and maybe tell everyone. Because he truly believed that he wasn’t worthy of anything else.
   You just kept looking at him and sent him a warm smile. He was puzzled-he furrowed his eyebrows and his lips parted. 
“Why aren’t you running away? I’m a monster” he asked you utterly bewildered. You chuckled and moved closer. You could hear-feel- his heart pounding faster than usually. 
“You’re a drama queen. That’s what you are” you said nonchalantly. And to think, you called Sirius a drama queen.
“But-but..” he trailed off as you brought your hand over his newest scar on his lips. Oh, how you had imagined those lips, wondering how they would taste.
“But nothing. How on earth could you possibly believe I would run away?” you rhetorically asked but he answered nonetheless. 
“Because I’m dangerous” he said but you snorted. He gulped hard. 
“Yeah, very. I’m more worried about you getting hurt because of it, really” you sheepishly confessed. You were too close. Merlin, save me.
    He brought his hand upon your and intertwined your fingers with his.
“Why?”. It was a very simple question. A very very simple one. You could have said because he was your friend. You knew you could-but you didn’t want. It was now or never.
   You quickly leaned forward and pecked his lips with yours. It lasted about two seconds. But those two seconds could either make you the happiest person alive or they could ruin your friendship. 
   He was taken aback and he withdrew his hand. You felt like you had been slapped as you removed your hand. Great.
   You stood up abruptly and turned on your heel, ready to leave but his hand grabbed your wrist, making you turn and face him. 
“What was that?” he asked shyly, his cheeks red.
“For someone as smart as you, you’re dense” you whispered. Slowly he started grinning like a mad man and you thought that maybe he had gone mental.
“You like me?” he asked too excited to hide it. You cracked a smile at his childish expression.
“I really do” you answered, reaching for his lips. This time he responded faster than what you thought possible-still smiling.
“What about a date?” he mumbled against your lips. You let out a small laugh.
“I would love to”. 

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