business part 5

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“Y/N, you’ve barely touched your food,” Lily scolded as you continued to push your salad around your plate. Sometimes you wished that she was less observant, but if she was, then she wouldn’t be Lily Evans.

“Yeah, well, I’m not that hungry today,” you lied as you gritted your teeth.

“You haven’t been hungry since your fight with Rem—”

Your fork clattered as you dropped it against the table, interrupting her sentence.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Lily.”

“But you need to! You’ve been moping around all week. It’s Friday, Y/N. It has literally been almost a week and you still look dreadful.  I don’t even want to know how you went to class and saw him in person.”

You shrank a little in your seat when she said that because the truth was, you hadn’t gone to your English class at all since you fought with Remus. You were allotted three free absences for each of your classes, and you had already used two of your English absences over a stupid fight with your stupid TA.

“…Y/N…did you skip class?”

The redness that crept up your neck and blossomed onto your cheeks gave Lily the answer to her question and she groaned in annoyance.

“You never skip class, that’s ridiculous. He takes attendance, doesn’t he? I bet he didn’t mark you as absent; he probably feels guilty. I’ll ask James. Do you want me to ask James? I better not, actually, then Remus would know you’ve been thinking about him. Even though he probably already knows since you haven’t been in class. You could always fake being sick! That would work. I’ll call James and tell him how dreadfully ill you are and Remus will know by the end of the night, since James has a big mouth, that the reason you were absent is because of the flu and not because of him.”

Lily’s rambling brought a smile to your face and you chuckled at her thought process.

“Goodbye, Lily, I’ll see you at home,” you said as you stood up from the table and gathered your things.

“I’m calling James!” she called out after you as you left the café.

On your walk home, you allowed yourself a few moments to think about the events of the party on Friday and the following morning. It was dramatic, outrageous, a blowout to say the least, and since then nothing had been resolved, which annoyed you to no end because you were, if nothing else, a fixer.

You never left things unsettled and it bothered you to no end when there was an issue between you and another person. However, this situation wasn’t as easily fixable as some of the other arguments you had been in over the years.

When you finally reached your apartment and stepped inside, you threw all of your belongings into a corner of the room and collapsed onto your couch.

Soon, you were fast asleep, dreaming of simpler times before a handsome, insufferable TA and your arguments with him.

Remus felt his heart clench yet again when he thought about how Y/N hadn’t been in class all week. It was no doubt his fault, and he felt tremendously guilty that his stupidity had somehow caused her to be absent from his class.  

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