✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Treize *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Satoru runs up to Hana and grabs the girl out of her arms. He checks for a pulse. The girl is alive but barely.

Satoru motions for Hana to take her inside and up to the infirmary room. He sets the girl on the bed.

He does a bunch of stuff to ensure the girl's safety when he does his spell.

Suguru, Hana, and Satomi are standing at the door watching him intently. He waves his hand around for a few seconds.

He grabs a little bottle of a pink powder and pours a little onto his hand. He wipes it across the girl's forehead then sighs.

He mumbles something under his breath and his hand glows bright purple.

He sets his glowing hand on the girl's forehead. Soon all her wounds healed and she jerked awake.

"What happened, Elena? Who did this?" Satoru asks. The girl, Elena, says nothing.

"What? Why would he do that? You don't deserve this." Satoru mumbles.

Elena stays silent.

"He did what?! I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him and i'm gonna make it painful." Satoru sneers.

Elena puts her hand on Satoru's shoulder and he stops ranting and looks at Elena. a few moments go by where it's just silence and the three boys standing at the door are so confused.

"What's going on?" Suguru asks after a while.

"Sorry. Elena is mute and the only way she can speak is through telepathy. I have telepathy too so it helps if we need to keep a secret." Satoru says.

I'm okay. You healed me. Elena says to Satoru in her mind.

I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you. Satoru says back.

Can I stay here? At least until it's safe to go home. Elena asks.

You're not going home. Satoru says.

But I can't leave Lietta there. He'll hurt her too. Elena says worriedly.

I'll have Casper send someone to get her. She'll be okay. Satoru says, trying to assure Elena that her older sister would be okay.

"Hana. Go tell Casper that I need to speak with him." Satoru says. Hana runs off to wherever Casper is.


"How did you do that?" Suguru asks when Satoru walks out of the room Elena is going to stay in.

Satoru starts walking downstairs.

"Do what?" Satoru asks as he sits down on the couch.

"Heal her like that. If you can do that then why didn't you do it to yourself when we got you from Kenjaku?" Suguru asks.

"Because. There's limits to my powers. I can heal major wounds. But only on other people. The seven high angels knew that other angels would be selfish and only heal themselves if they had a power like that. So they made any angel with that power only able to heal others. If they wanted to be healed they'd have to find another angel with that power. Some people are so selfish that since they can't heal themselves they don't heal anyone else. I've actually gotten praise from Uriel and Selaphiel for being so selfless." Satoru explains.

"Uriel? Selaphiel?" Satomi asks confused.

"Two of the seven High Angels. Raziel, Jophiel, Azrael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel. The seven High Angels work just under god." Satoru explains.

"aren't the High Angels like the High Demons?" Suguru asks.

"Not exactly. While they all do the same thing, govern over the demons and angels, they have diffeRent morals. The High Angels have good morals of peace and kindness. The High Demons have bad morals of evil and destruction." Satoru explains to him.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Catastrophe • Satosugu [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now