✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Ten *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Minho jumps up and runs into Minhee's room.

"Minhee!" He yells when he sees her with her eyes open on the hospital bed.

"What happened?" She asks.

"You were attacked. Whoever it was wanted to kill you. And they almost succeeded. The... the heart monitor..." Minho says and he doesn't have to finish for Minhee to understand.

"I'm sorry for scaring you guys." Minhee says.

"Where are the others?" Minhee asks.

"There can only be five people in a hospital room at a time so they let us in here first." Chan says.

"Hey little sister. How are you feeling?" Minwoo asks.

"Minwoo?!" Minhee asks excitedly. It's been awhile since she's seen her beloved older brother.

"Hi little sister." Minwoo says.

"So... um there's something I need to tell you Minhee. Please don't freak out." Minho starts.

"Not here Minho." Mirae says, pulling him aside.

"Why? She deserves to know." Minho says.

"Yes, she deserves to know. But not till she's out. If you tell her now it will add stress and when you're injured as bad as she is, you can't have stress." Mirae says.

"Yeah bear. You really can't tell her until she's released." Minwoo says joining in the conversation.

"She deserves to know now! What if something happens and she dies before they even release her! It's not unlikely with her condition! I need to tell her!" Minho protests.

"Tell me what!" Minhee yells.

"Fine. I guess you're right." Mirae admits.

"What do you need to tell me Minho?" Minhee asks.

"Promise me you won't freak out." Minho says.

"I won't." Minhee says.

"Youreademonandyouhavepowerfulmagicthatmaybedangerousifyoudontlearntocontrolit." Minho says really fast.

"What?" Minhee asks.

"Let me translate for him. You're a demon and you have powerful magic that may be dangerous if you don't learn to control it." Mirae says.

"Really? That's so cool!" Minhee yells.

"Once you get out of here you're gonna have to get training so you can learn to control your powers." Minho says.

"That's fine." Minhee says.

"And you have to stay at Kaede's since it's not safe for you anywhere else." Minho says.

"That's fine too." Minhee says.


Minho and Chan carefully help Minhee walk out to the car. Mirae just signed the papers that say she's released. Minhee sits down in the car and winces when she puts her back against the seat.

"We'll drop you guys off at Kaede's then Minwoo and I will go get Minhee's stuff." Mirae says.

"Ok." Minho says.

They drive to Kaede's house and Minho and Chan get out first to help Minhee. She puts her arms around their shoulders and limps up to the door.

"Do you need help?" Naoto asks, coming out of the house with Hana following.

"Could you? It would help if we had someone behind us making sure her grip doesn't slip and she doesn't fall." Chan says.

"I'll help." Hana says walking behind then.

"How did this happen?" Naoto asks.

"Someone attacked her. And whoever it was, intended to kill her. She has a stab wound on her stomach to prove that. But the person who found Minhee scared her attacker away." Haven says, walking up to the door.

"Did you tell the police?" Naoto asks.

"The police will do nothing. The most they'll do is look through people it could have been, and it could have been anyone in Japan, and then let the case sit when they can't find anything. The only cases they actually do something about are the homicide ones." Minho says.

They get Minhee inside and over to a couch. They help her sit down and she winces again when her back touches the back of the couch.

"Ouch." She mutters.

"Careful. You don't want to hurt yourself worse." Jiyoung, who was there when they walked in, says to him.

"Naoto. Call Maybelle. She'll be able to do something about her pain." Jiyoung says.

Naoto grabs the pendant that's around his neck and whispers something. A girl appears in the room.

"Maybelle. She's in pain." Naoto says pointing at Minhee.

"Let's see." Maybelle says.

"Does it hurt when I do... this?" She asks poking his ribs on the opposite side of the broken ones.

"Ow!" Minhee yells.

"Yep. The doctors didn't do a very good job of fixing you up. You have a broken arm, broken ribs on both sides, a broken leg, that gash in your forehead will scar if I don't do anything, and these cut marks? You're lucky they didn't hit any vital veins. They're pretty deep. You're in a lot of pain aren't you?" Maybelle asks.

Minhee nods.

"I can help with that." Maybelle says. She puts her hand to Minhee's head and her hand starts glowing.

Minhee relaxes and suddenly she's not in any pain anymore.

"Even though I took away your pain that doesn't mean you can move around." Maybelle says.


Mirae and Minwoo walk into the mansion with Minhee's stuff. Chan helps them take it all up to Minhee's room.

Minho walks down the stairs to check on Minhee.

"Are you alright Minhee? Do you need anything?" He asks.

"No. I'm okay for now." Minhee says.

"Minho! There's someone here to see you!" Naoto yells from the kitchen.

Minho walks into the mudroom. He walks out the door and sees no one. Suddenly someone puts their hand over his mouth. He goes to scream but he feels something cold against his forehead.

"Make any sound and I'll shoot you." He says.

"Who are you?!" He asks terrified.

"I think you know." He says.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Catastrophe • Minchan [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum