🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀

Start from the beginning

"That the worst you got?" He snapped his ropes in half and stood. He looked at his class and smiled.

"I would close your eyes for this." And they did. All of them. Peter looked at the men who was pressing the metal onto his chest. He gave him an evil smirk, before putting a foot on the man's rib cage, adding pressure causing them to break under his leg. The man desperately tried to get it off but failed non-the less. The ribs broke into the man's lungs which started filling up with blood. In a few minutes the man was dead, blood dripping from his mouth, a puddle under his head. He turned to the other man who was still recording and gave him a sadistic smile, he charged at the man, causing him to scream and drop the camera and run. But not fast enough. Peter jumped the man, literally, landed on his shoulders and snapped his neck. He jumped off the man before his body hit the floor. Peter looked at the men before falling to his knees and coughing harshly. The metal had gone through several layers of skin. He refused to look at it so he grabbed one of the men's shirts and put it on.

He stood up shakily and walked to his class.

"You guys can open your eyes now. I promised I'd get us out right?" The kids opened their eyes and where met with a bloodied Peter and 2 dead men. They gasped in shock. Peter carefully cut the ropes of the students with the knife that had been stabbed in his side half an hour ago. Once all 20 students were out they stood close.

"Where's the exit?" Flash asked.

"I don't know but I'm going to try the door to the right. Stay here though, I don't want it being a bomb and it going off ok?" Everyone nodded mutely to scarred to speak and Peter limped to the door. He yanked the door open and lo- and behold it was the exit. Peter sighed in relief before he turned to the others and nodded.

"Come on, let's run out of here. Everyone get out and stay at least 100 feet away in case something happens ok?" Peter says. Everyone nods again as MJ takes lead. Quickly all 20 students are out but Peter. Peter turns from the door and picks up the camera that was tilted on its side after falling. He took the memory out and broke the actual camera with his foot. He walked out closing the door and hearing a ticking. His eyes widened.

"EVERYONE GET AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN THERE'S A BOMB QUICK!!!" All the kids ran farther as Peter let go of the handle and started running to catch up with them when he heard a big


He felt his body get thrown across the ground, and the burning pain on his back. He attempted to stand to only find out he can't. There was a piece of the building on his legs. He saw his class stop once they saw him stuck. They ran back and helped Peter push it off. Flash and James helped Peter up and walk.

2 Hours later

A helicarrier stopped in front of the students who got into defensive poses. Peter pushed to the front despite everyone's yells for him to stop. He stopped a meter away and smiled. S.H.I.E.L.D. It opened up as medics came running out helping the kids as Tony Stark ran out and hugged Peter who hissed in pain. Tony pulled away.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"He's badly hurt, to be honest he should be getting immediate attention not us! He's the one who was tortured!" Flash yelled out. Everyone stopped and turned to Peter who was pale and swaying on his feet. Tony grabbed him before he fell.

"SHIT PETER." Tony yelled. 2 medics ran out with a stretcher and gentle put Peter on the stretcher. Peter grabbed Tony's hand and gave him something before the medics rolled him away. Everyone went into the helicarrier and into the med bay getting checked over. Peter in a separate room. Tony looked at the thing in his hand. It was a camera's memory card. He walked towards Fury who was telling Agents orders.

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