Trust: Chapter 20

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I felt fat. Not even fat. Fucking obese. It didn't make a difference if I tried to eat healthily, Dominic seemed to be obsessed with the fact I was having twins because I was so huge but we could clearly tell from the scans I was having one baby, not sure of the sex. I wanted a surprise.

I was now just over 9 months gone and one week overdue. Aidan was really excited, all he kept speaking about was his new brother/sister. Aw, bless him. I heaved myself up off the sofa and went upstairs to have a long bath. It was a Saturday morning so I didn't have much to do. Once I got out and got ready I called Aisha to see where she was.

'Shay! What do you want ?' I kissed my teeth.

'I'm just calling to see what you're doing, I want to go out.'

'You get tired walking for 5 minutes straight! Remember when I took you shopping ? We stayed out for half an hour.'

'I know but I didn't eat properly.'

'I'm sure you've stuffed your face then, what are we gonna get ?'

'Baby things, I feel to treat Aidan to something as well so hurry up.'

'I swear if you're wasting my time-'

'What? What are you actually going to do? Just hurry up and get here.' I hung up and sat down on my bed, Dominic came in the room with Aidan and they sat on either side of me. Aidan rested his ear on my bump and covered his other ear with his hand.

'Aid, what are you doing?' I asked.

'I'm trying to listen to the baby so sshh.' I laughed and Dominic smiled at me.



'No seriously, what?'

'Nothing, why are you so paranoid Shay?' I shrugged and he laughed and kissed me on my cheek.

'You look so beautiful you know.' I looked at him with my eyebrow raised.

'Are you serious? Please don't lie, I'm fat and my feet are swollen. I can't put my own shoes on, I can't even SEE my own flipping feet! I can barely walk for 5 minutes without getting tired and it's going to get worse!' I said and pouted, he kissed my forehead and looked at me.

'I'm not lying, you aren't fat and it's just part of being pregnant but think of it this way, at the end of it all we'll have a beautiful baby girl.' I rolled my eyes.

'The baby is going to be a boy!' I said.

'Alright, whatever you say but I didn't see no mini man when we went to get the scan.' I shrugged.

'Well, I did and I know Aidan wants a little brother.'

'Yeah well he's getting a little sister, maybe after this ones born we can try for a little boy, or just try for fun.' Dominic said and done this eyebrow thing, I slowly turned my head away and laughed. Aidan finally moved his head looking sad.

'What's wrong Aid?' Dominic asked.

'I didn't get to hear the baby, you kept speaking!'

'Oh sorry son.' He huffed and got off the bed, I looked at Dominic to go after him and he sighed and got his lazy ass off the bed and left the room. My phone started ringing and I looked and saw it was Rochelle calling.


'Hey fat chick, what you doin?'


'Alright... gosh, you are so hormonal nowadays!'

'I'm fucking overdue! I want this baby OUT now!' I looked down at my stomach as I said that and sighed.

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