"No, you're both grown men. It wasn't your fault, I'm sorry to pin that on you" Camilla sighed.

"I know you didn't mean it, C"

"No, I'm so sorry Baks. I felt so bad when I was thinking about all of this"

"Don't worry about it, we're all shaken up" Baka smiled at her.

"Mrs Graham..." the doctor came out out Aubrey's hospital room.

"Yes..." Camilla jumped up to walk over to the doctor.

"We've managed to stabilise your husband, he lost a lot of blood but he's going to fine" she smiled, reassuring Camilla. "He would like to see you as well"

Camilla gave a tearful smile and walked into Aubrey's hospital room, pumping some of the hand sanitizer on the door into her hands and rubbing them.

"Baby momma" Aubrey chuckled lightly seeing her, he was still evidently in pain but was bearing it.

"You remember?" She smiled, holding his hand.

"That's all that I was thinking about" Aubrey smirked, rubbing her hand with his thumb.

"I'm- I'm so sorry about the other day, you mean so much to me and I was just annoyed and frustrated" Camilla let a tear fall.

"Don't cry baby, this was my fault. I was wrong and I'm sorry" Aubrey looked up at her. "I love you"

"I love you too" she smiled as Aubrey raised his hand to wipe her eyes. She bent down to kiss Aubrey, still holding his hand.

"You getting all your tears on me" Aubrey joked, trying to lighten the mood. "You really put yourself out on the line today, you were willing to do a lot for me today. That's something I'll never forget and I will forever and always go above and beyond for you" he sighed.

"I really didn't know he was behind any of this, if I did I would've done more-"

"I know you didn't, I believe you and I know what type of person you are" Aubrey nodded at her. "I'm ready for us to move on, I swear. I'm gonna be a father, I really gotta get it together" he added, a smile creeped up on Camilla's face.

"Probably in about 8 months" she smiled.

"Has it got a head yet?" Aubrey chuckled.

"I'm not sure, I'm supposed to have a scan today but given everything that's going on, I don't know about that" Camilla shrugged.

"This isn't the most ideal situation, but this is everything I wanted for us...marriage and kids. We got it"

"Probably in the worse way, but yeah baby, we got it" she laughed. "Also, I kinda already told your mom and my mom"

"What? Already?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Well, they both came to see me and the nurse started talking about HCG in my urine and blood, something like that" she laughed.

Aubrey was glad to have his wife back, he wasn't expecting them to be on good terms through a situation like this but he was grateful either way. To now learnt that they were having a child together made things blissful but also complicated.

Baka, Niko, Chubbs along with Julianna and Sandi had no entered the hospital room to see Aubrey.

Sandi rushed over to Aubrey and hugged him, despite him still being in pain. He ignored the pain, given the fact that his mother thought she was about to lose her son.

"Thought we nearly lost you there for a second" Baka spoke, shaking his head. Camilla looked down, she had felt guilty knowing that Baka was carrying guilt over her words.

"I told you he'd be good" Chubbs patted Baka on the back.

"Sorry to interrupt, I was just wondering if you wanted to do your ultrasound scan right now, Mrs Graham?" The nurse stopped at the door.

"Uh-, if I do, can my husband come in the room too?"

"Usually, I'd say no but-" the nurse poked her head out of the door, then back into the room. "He can, but he'll need to be wheeled into the room and onto the ward"

Rather than leave some people out, Camilla and Aubrey had agreed to allow everyone that was currently at the hospital with them to be in the room while Camilla got her ultrasound.

"Do you know how far along you are?" The nurse asked while Camilla lifted up her sweatshirt to reveal her stomach.

"I'm not sure, probably a few weeks" Camilla replied, diverting her attention to Aubrey that was sat in the side on the other side of her. He wasn't saying anything but he had a faint smile on his face. "You okay, baby?"

"I'm just excited" he chuckled, holding her hand.

"You're not a few weeks from what I can tell" the nurse laughed, pressing on Camilla's abdomen with her hands. "You seem to be around the 11 week, maybe 12 week mark"

"3 months?" Camilla's eyes widened.

"That's what I can see, we'll do an ultrasound and see. If we can't detect it with this one, then we will use the transvaginal ultrasound" the nurse nodded.

"This is crazy, man" Niko said, smiling. He, Baka and Chubbs were stood at the end of the bed that Camilla was laid on, Julianna and Sandi were stood right next to the nurse.

The nurse applied the gel to Camilla's stomach and then the transducer to her stomach. A few seconds later a small image began to appear of the baby.

"Wow" Aubrey said, clearly shocked. Camilla held the sides of her face, smiling she was clearly overwhelmed with joy as a tear began to fall. The others in the room kept quiet, but all had a smile on their faces. Sandi and Julianna were stood holding one another.

"Just as I thought, you're about 3 months" The nurse smiled, measuring the size of the baby and other vital things. "I'd place your due date at about, February 24th to March 2nd"

"That's so close to my birthday" Camilla smiled.

"You don't understand how happy I am, baby" Aubrey grinned, kissing Camilla's hand.

This was a whole new chapter that was starting off on a crazy note. But, this was a chapter they were ready for. They'd been through the worst but the best was yet to come for them.

Well...so they hoped.

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