Aunty Erza

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~Nashi pov~

Oh no! He's crying. He doesn't like it.

"Thank you, Nashi," He spoke, "it is really good. How did a 5-year old make this?" He said smiling,he had no Idea what kind of wrath he would face.

"I want one." Erza said, taking one with a chocolate dipped strawberry out of the box.

"I'M NOT FIVE!" I yelled, "I'M NINE, YOU MORON!!!" Erza hit me upside the head telling me to respect him since he was older then me, when I started to cry, she hugged me slamming my head into her armor, that also hurt. Then she also hit Gray for calling me five

~Gray pov~

She's NINE? That would mean Lucy was pregnant when she left or got pregnant right after she left. That is a lot worse, she already loved someone before she even left the guild. I am over thinking it, maybe I should take a nap.

~One Hour later~

"Gray get up we're here." Erza said shoving me off the seat. I stood up and followed her, bringing the cupcakes that had been sitting next to me.

We walked through town to the inn we get to stay at for free, it is owned by the people who put the request in.

"Why hello there," The young woman at the desk said, "how may I help you?"

"We're wizards from Fairy Tail, and were told to come here." Erza spoke with a stern voice. The young woman's eyes widen, and beckoned us to follow her.

She led us to a room where an old man sat, "I assume your the wizards who have excepted the job?" We all nodded."I have hired you to retrieve an object that has been stolen from me. It is called the Sword of Souls, it has no magic properties but is a family heirloom and is used in the festival coming up, please return it as soon as you can." The man said with a grim tone. We got all the information we needed including a list of suspects and headed to the two rooms.

"Nashi you and Gray will share this room since it has two beds." Erza said.

"But I don't want to share with the idiot, I want to share a room with you Erza."


"H-he called me a brat Erza! He is soo mean!" Nashi cried.

"Gray," Erza warned, "Be more mature, she lost her mother." At this Nashi started crying louder.

"Now look what you did!" Natsu shouted, "Happy fix it."

"How am I supposed to do that!" Happy argued.

"I don't know! Your a magic cat, figure it out!" 

"What kind of logic is that" All the while Erza was trying to calm down the sobbing girl, who was only crying harder with each time the two idiots yelled.

"ENOUGH!!!!" Erza shouted requipping into her Heavens Circle armor (The one with the angel like wings and she can control a bunch of sword, ya that one.) 


~Nashi pov~

Erza magically changed her clothes, for some reason this caused Gray and Natsu to hug, then she beat them up. It was really cool, it even made me smile! At first I was fake crying, and I'm an amazing actor, because I'm still mad at the idiot and I knew Erza would teach him a lesson. But... when Erza brought up my mom... I remembered everything that happened and it was just a lot to handle.

"Ok, Nashi change of plans, you will share a room with Happy, and these two idiots can sleep outside." Again I just nodded my head, my long raven hair flowing behind me. Usually Mama would braid it for me, and Levy has been braiding it for me since.

"Um... Miss Erza, can you braid my hair for me?" I didn't really want to ask, dont get me wrong, Erza is REALLY cool, but... she's not my mom.

"Of course dear, but call me Aunty."

"Aunty?" I asked confused, Mommy never said she had any sisters, just really close friends, "Are you Mommy's sister?"

"No, just... a friend, but everyone in Fairy Tail is family, your mother and you included." she said as she began to braid my hair.

"But... I'm not a part of Fairy Tail yet, I don't have a mark." I whispered, but I knew the scarlet haired mage heard me.

"What do you mean you don't have a mark? Didn't Mira give you one, you have been with us for weeks now." I shook my head, looking down, my newly braided hair was swishing behind me. It had a bow at the bottom and two bows on the sides and a head band. (this is based off of Erza's hair when she is in her Lightning Empress armor and looks exactly like this except the orb is replace by a bow and the bows are a pale blue.) "The first thing we'll do when we get back is make you an official member of Fairy Tail." She said with a smile, she isn't as scary as I first had thought.

"Okay!" I said smiling back "Aunty Erza!"

Erza hugged me, smashing my head into her armor. It hurt. A lot.

~Lucy pov~

I know I'm getting weaker, I don't know how long I've been here. How long has it been since I felt the sun on my skin, how long has it been since I last walked around, how long has my daughter been alone. The only way to tell that time is passing is when they bring food. They don't do that often. Suddenly I was shaking.

"Lucy! LUCY!" Angel yelled concern, "What is wrong?!" 

"Sh-she's all alone."

"Who is Lucy?"

"My baby girl." I whispered, so quietly not even a dragon slayer could hear it.

She was about to say something when her once beautiful white hair, now a dull grey, was yanked back, "You'll be a perfect first subject." A familiar voice said, I knew it was the crazy man from the first day. Angel screamed, writhing. He stuck a needle into her neck, causing her to stop struggling and go to sleep. I just looked away, I couldn't help her now, I would just have to figure a way out of this-this torture lab. I have never been more scared in my life.

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