Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Sorry this is so short, but I felt that nothing really important could fit in this chapter. Next chapter will be pretty interesting so stay tuned. It will come out either these upcoming days or the next week. Hope you enjoy it.

Elias POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the coldness of the sheet. I brought my body closer to the right side of the bed but came in contact with the empty space that once held my mate's body. Immediate emptiness surrounded my being as I didn't feel Sofie's body next to mine

Sensual scenes of last night appeared  in my thoughts as I recalled the mating process. Images of her delicate body moving in sync with mine brought me to another world. Her warm breath still tingled my neck as I remember the harmonic sound of her moans.

Immediately I shot up from the bed eager to feel Sofie again. I pulled a pair of black shorts from the white wooden drawer and proceeded to the kitchen.

As I made my way downstairs, I could hear the symphonic laughs of Davius and Marielle as they continued to eat breakfast. Last night seemed to have been a great event for everyone, I thought as I walked toward the table, grabbing a cup of coffee. "Good morning"

They both looked up as Davius pushed his seat to bring me into a quick hug. "Congrats man, I'm very happy for you" He smirked when he returned back to his mate.

Before I could respond Marielle spoke cheerfully " I'm sure your enthusiasm has to do more with the winnings of the bet right Dav?"

I looked confused at Davius as he quietly growled at his mate who had burst into hysterical laughs. "What is she talking about?" I asked with demand

"It's nothing" Davius quickly intervened

"Oh come on now, it's pretty funny. He and Larius were betting on how long it would take you and Sofie to finish the mating process." Marielle continued to laugh as she gripped her mates arm to gain stability of her body.

Angry at her words, I looked over at Davius who was staring back at me with an apologizing look. "Good to hear I'm the laughing stock of the Imperial" I replied in sarcasm.

Immediately they both stopped their laughs and froze on the spot. Realizing my anger at the offense, Marielle quickly tried to take a hold of the situation and started apologizing. "We're sorry Elias. We know you were being patient with your mate, and they shouldn't have made a game out of it. We're truly happy for you two. Speaking of which where is the lucky girl?" She quickly changed the conversation as a smile crept onto her face.

Feeling confused at her words regarding my mate I asked with worry as I felt the emptiness of her wolf grow. "What do you mean where is she? You haven't seen her yet?"

"No we thought she was with you that's why we didn't wake you up?" She quickly replied looking puzzled.

I felt panic overcome my whole body as I failed to reach to her wolf. She had blocked the mind connection with the pack and I couldn't break through it. "Search the territory now. She has to be here!" I screamed bewildered as I tried to fight my wolf for dominance.

I couldn't grasp the reality of what had happened. My mate was missing. Angry at myself for letting this happen I hit the wall in front of me and shifted into my wolf trying to catch the slightest scent.

The guards had searched the area multiple times however no trace of her was found. The footage camera showed her sneaking in the early morning with a small bag. I was furious that security hadn't spotted her sooner

My wolf felt pained and betrayed, as I continued to tear apart yet another piece of furniture. Everything in the bedroom carried her scent and it was slowly killing me not being able to feel her. Oblivion had turned into my nightmare.

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