Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Sofie POV

My body stiffened in shock. His voice was so loud and thunderous, that I couldn't concentrate on what he had said, only the tone in which he had said it. The whole ball room froze in horror. I looked down at the marbled floor and slowly turned around to face Niccolo.

''Niccolo I-I...."

''I see you met the king! Good, now that he has been introduced to the future queen of our Imperial it's time to leave.'' He scolded, while staring into Elias confused eyes. His once soft face was now harsh and he looked ready to attack.

I slowly removed my hands from Elias's arms and pushed myself lightly to get free of his hold. The moment I took a step towards Niccolo, I felt a tight grip on my arm.

"Where do you think you're going? " Elias spoke harshly. He pulled me closer to his side and took a step in front of me, now coming face to face with Niccolo.

"Let go of her Elias. Our visit here is over" Niccolo argued not understanding why the king was being protective of me.

"Yes you are right prince Niccolo. Your visit has come to an end. But she is not going anywhere. She is staying right here where she belongs.'' Elias voice snapped making his voice sound firmer than usual. It would have intimidated a normal wolf but Niccolo no close to being a normal wolf.

"She is my fiancée and future queen of my Lucania Imperial Packs. Now let go of her before this turns bloody!"

"And she is MY MATE!" Elias's voice pounded in the ball room. I could feel his wolf trying to take over and he was succeeding. He had become a whole different person. His shining, blue eyes had twisted into a dark and gloomy black.

"Sofie love, come here! Let's go home " Niccolo whispered softly towards me. I could feel Elias eyes narrow and he clenched his teeth together. His hands fisted in rage. I felt his claws sink deep into my arm but I didn't dare to let out as much as a yelp.

I tried to move towards Niccolo, tightening Elias's hand, reassuring him that I was going to be fine.

I saw Elias hand rise and in seconds ten men were in front of us, creating a human barrier between Niccolo and us. Larius approached us and stayed on Dylan's left side while Davius took his right.

"Niccolo your airplane is ready to departure. You have exactly one hour to leave my territories and to never return to this Imperial again. If you fail to do so, I swear, I won't hold back to rip your head apart and feed it to my dogs." He was serious.

His voice was deadly and held no emotions.  He had just threatened Niccolo and this meant war for the two Imperials. I would never be able to see my parents again, or the people I loved. I felt my heart break in half, when I thought of never hearing my mother's soft, angelic voice, again.

"Watch your words King Elias. I'm the future King of the Lucania Imperial. You will give me the respect I deserve" Niccolos voice roared in anger and hatred. Elias was crossing the line.

"This is me respecting you Prince Niccolo. If you were a normal wolf you would have been ripped into pieces in just a matter of seconds. Now leave! Your time starts now" I could feel the tension in the air.  Elias pulled me closer and hurried out of the ball room, leaving the rest of the guests confused and intrigued.

I couldn't dare to speak as he walked into the palace. I felt Elias was on the edge of shifting and he was doing all he could to overpower his wolf and stay in his human form. As soon we approached a room, I snapped at him.

"How dare you act like that towards Niccolo?! He has done nothing bad to you and yet you threatened and humiliated him in front of the whole higher class" I could feel my wolf trying to take over me, wanting to be in her mates arms. Wanting to feel his warmth and be protective, but my human side was too pride to  kneel that easy.

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