Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

"Where to?" The redheaded man in the driver's seat asked, as he quickly glanced from behind to see who I was.

"The airport please" I answered quickly, not wanting to lose any more time.

" I don't drive longer than two hours and the airport is a five hour drive. You gotta take the bus darlin'!"

I frowned at him, however agreed to his decision seeing that there was no other way. As soon as the driver left the double door of the summer house, I took out the little scent masking spray and put it all over my body do disguise my scent. I then softly pushed my head back and tried to relax my body as the scenes from last kept rushing through my mind.

I knew that the mating bond was now fully completed and my feelings towards Elias would only grow stronger and stronger every day, however I couldn't let myself jeopardize our people for my own selfish reasons.

I feared the moment when Elias would wake up alone in the cold bed and feel the emptiness of not having his mate next to him, let alone not finding her anywhere. I knew I would feel his pain and betrayal but in the long run, this sacrifice would save the lives of thousands.

The cab came to an abrupt stop and the redheaded man looked back yet again with a smirk on his face. "We're here sweetheart. You can buy your ticket inside. That will be $31.90" He unlocked the glass window that came in-between us and extended his hand so he could reach for the money. "It was lovely to be in your service." His grin widened as he quickly scanned my body and left the cab to help me with the luggage.

"Best of luck lady, looks like you need it " The driver shouted from his seat as he took off to his next customer. I nodded my head at his words thinking that luck will indeed be needed where I go.

It was still dark out and judging by the number of people that were coming towards the station, I guessed that breakfast time would come sooner than I expected. I quickly entered the old building in front of me and headed to the next available person.

"One ticket to the airport please." The woman in front of me simply nodded and continued printing the ticket along with the receipt. "That will be $55
You have one stop before your final destination. Next bus comes in 5 minutes so I suggest you hurry. Have a safe trip!" She smiled softly and called for the next customer in line. I hurried to the blue bus on my right and searched for a good seat.

As I made myself comfortable on the leather seat, my heart started beating fast and I felt nervous as I  smelled the scent of two new wolves.

One of them was a girl around my age. She had golden hair and was tall and toned. The other one, a male, looked as a newly shifted wolf and was on the verge of shifting as every second went by.

I tried to look down and hide my face from them, as the girl looked around the bus for her seat, however I failed and accidentally made eye contact with her. As soon as she spotted me, her whole body tensed and she froze on the spot, looking intensely at me for any signs of danger.

The alpha blood in me refused to look down and declare defeat so I continued staring back at her.

As soon as she realized my higher rank, she bowed her head slightly and looked at me with tiring eyes, as if she was apologizing to me for the challenge. I gave her a quick smile at her and looked away to the window, trying to relax my mind and get some sleep.

"Hey do you mind if I sit here?" I heard a squeaking voice ask. I turned my head and saw the golden haired girl standing next to the empty seat, waiting for an answer.

"I would rather not" I answered coldly
She gave the bus another glance and turned to me again " these two seats are the only ones left. I really don't want to sit on the floor"

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