Chapter 17

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For all the Elias fans out there! Enjoy you little gif

Chapter Seventeen

Sofie POV

We drove for six hours without stopping anywhere. All you could see was wild and virgin nature, untouched by the human hands. The small town we drove through gave a sense of peace and happiness. Everyone walked freely in the streets, smiling and looking positive about life.

The only cars driving were the ones passing by and a large international green bus that had stopped near the gas station.

After a few more minutes we finally arrived at Dylan's summer house. The two story house was delicately painted in a creamy white color which created a harmonic relationship with the navy blue shades of the windows.

"Alright Davius you take the south east room, security is in the guest house, and Sofie and I will take the south west."

I glanced confused at Elias and noticed that he was staring right back at me with a wondering look. "We are not sleeping together!'' I said in a confident voice.

He turned to face me and smirked "I figured you would say that, that's why I picked the hall that has two rooms.''

I took my suitcase and took a step closer to him, causing him to flinch by my presence ''Lead the way king."

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep with you? I promise you won't regret it. " Elias smirked widened and he pulled me closer to his side, inhaling the scent of my neck.

I let out a moan and wrapped my arms around his neck as I bit on his lips. "Mhm Im positive."

The room was painted in a soft turquoise color which brought warmth to the surroundings. Above the queen sized bed, hung two long drapes designed in light blue and beige royal patterns. Both sides of the bed were occupied by two large white bed stands that carried square wooden vases with white roses and a dark blue lamp on the right side.

I started to unpack my clothes, placing carefully my summer dresses on the bed, but then I was soon interrupted by a light knock on the door. The strong aroma of the Dior perfume hit my nose, and I immediately realized that Marielle had decided to pay me a little visit.

"Come in." I answered as I continued to remove my clothes from the luggage

"Hey'' She entered my room, carrying a small book in her hand. She was wearing a yellow short dress and white wedges. " I was just passing by to see if you need help unpacking."

"That would be amazing, thank you''
She started walking towards where the suitcase had been placed and sat quietly next to my bed, unfolding some of my shirts to put on hangers. "So the king was a little angry today"

I looked up at her annoyed with her statement but I quickly returned to my clothes. "Isnt he ever?"

"....Are you happy that he came with us?"

"Define happy?" I said in a serious voice but her facial expression made me laugh. "Calm down, you look like you are having a heart attack, and to answer your question, yes I am happy he came.  I uhh...I feel safe around him."

Marielle gave me a sympathetic smile and rose from the bed. "Do you want to come with me shopping today?"

Smiling at her I closed my luggage and put it on the floor. "Didn't you go shopping a few days ago?"

She narrowed her eyes; "I meant food shopping! Come on it will be fun."

"Isn't the Chef supposed to do that?" I frowned not understanding the purpose of her request.

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