Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

After tasting the most delicious food at a small Italian restaurant, surrounded by green decorative trees, we decided to return back to the palace and get ready for our dinner with the king.

The royal palace wasn't too far so we decided to send our chauffer back and walk there instead.

I wanted a chance to talk to Niccolo alone. I needed to leave United States before the ball took place. My mate was a prince and chances were he was going to be there.

"Niccolo could I ask you something?"I asked in low voice, too scared to even say the word leave

"You know you can ask me anything love'' He said as a smirk was created in the corner of his lips

''Would do everything to make me happy" I continued to push him further

''You know I would. You are the future queen " he answered

"Yes but would you want to make me happy, from your heart?"

"Of course, I love you Sofie . More than anything in the world" Niccolo said looking annoyed at the conversation

"Then can we leave before the royal celebration on Friday?" I asked quetly

''You know very well we can't just leave. We are the guests of honor. The king has invited us to be part of his celebration and is expected of me , as the future king, to be there!"

"Well then, can I leave? You have no need for me here, the king invited you as his guest, not me." I was determined to fly back home as soon as possible. I could not risk seeing my mate again. It was too dangerous for him to know the truth regarding my future. He would no only die of a heart break but Luke would go beyond to truly kill him and i could no allow that to happen.

"No. You are my fiancée and you are here to show your support your towards me and represent your Imperial" He said in his royal voice.

Lately his voice was becoming more powerful. The king title would be his in only two months so it was only natural that Niccolo  would feel more stronger and intimidating than before.

" I just don't see the point of me being there. Its just a ball. I feel i'll be more useful if I go back home and help with our wedding preparations"

"I said you will stay here and that's the end of it." His voice became aggressive and his blue eyes, were now getting darker as his wolf was trying to warn me to not argue with Niccolo anymore.

I apologized, trying to look as innocent as possible. It wasn't easy to argue with Niccolo. His wolf would always be on the edge of coming out, to overpower me and show that he was the king.

"I just haven't felt myself lately, so I thought it would be a better idea if I went home"

"Yes, i've noticed" He said looking a bit annoyed by my comment. "You've been different since the night you went for a run. You returned later in the morning wearing nothing but a black shirt" My face was now frozen in shock. I felt my cheeks getting warm and red as panic built up in my chest.

The images of that morning, started running through my head, trying to distinguish any parts where I had an encounter with Niccolo.

I didn't want him to find out about my mate. Niccolo would feel the danger and would want to fight him, knowing I would never truly be happy if my mate was somewhere in the world.

"How did you know about that" My voice was shaky and low. I tried to sound more confident but something in me wasn't helping.

"I told you Sofie. I'm a king, I have eyes and ears everywhere.'' He said while starring into my eyes, making me feel more intimidated than ever ."Who's shirt was that?"

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