Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

The sun came too quickly for Heaven. She hadn't planned on actually falling asleep, but she was more than thankful for the sleep. Ever since she was in high school, insomnia had been the biggest pain in her life. It came due to her depression, but it lasted throughout her life. She had been to the same doctor, and they always fought over this. There were certain sleep aids she couldn't take because they weren't strong enough for her. Ambien had been the last sleep aid that she had taken.

Looking over to Quincy's side of the bed, her frown immediately hopped to her face. He wasn't in the bed like he had been the previous morning. Her eyes traveled to Quincy's alarm clock, and noted that it was thirty minutes until noon time. Even though it wasn't much, she couldn't complain about the sleep. Removing herself from the bed, Heaven went to their bathroom. Nothing had changed from last night. The candles were still in place, which let her know that Quincy didn't bother to clean up her mess like he normally would've done. His side of the vanity mirror wasn't like it normally was. He had been in the bathroom. A faint smile found her face before she closed the door. She pampered herself with a shower and her normal routine. Make up was the least of her worries.

The material of the Alexander McQueen stretch leggings hugged Heaven's tight curves as she went through their spacious, quiet home. She hated the quietness of their home. Without Peyton running around, it seemed as if the house had no living people inside. After searching the home, she sighed. She couldn't find him inside of the home. They lived in a seven million dollar home. It was a home that Quincy had his eyes on ever since he was eighteen years old. He told her numerous times how he had found the house while working for his uncle, who owned a lawn service. They would come and mow the lawn every two weeks, and no one had ever even looked at the home. It was this house that drove Quincy to be successful. This house had been the reason that he flipped his money. Once he flipped his money, he knew that he would need a good business, and that's how his modeling agency came about.

Model Jacobs.

He lived in a neighborhood where a lot of women had wanted to be models. Everyone thought they were a model, including Heaven. She had tried out to be one of Quincy's models after hearing about some of the dirty things in the business. The ones that did the worst things got the most money. Heaven was on her own at the time, so she needed the cash. Once Quincy got word that little Heaven was trying to get on his team, he did the only thing he knew he could do. He hired her as his assistant. The last thing he desired was a bunch of men drooling over an underage girl. The two worked closely together, and it was Heaven that tried getting with Quincy. At one point, he denied all of her, and threatened to simply cut her off if she didn't behave herself, but temptation had other plans. One night led to them finally getting together, but she had to remain loyal. That was Quincy's only rule for her. It wasn't something that Heaven couldn't do, because she didn't have eyes for any other men. Quincy's drive was what pulled her to him.

A plate of eggs and bacon later, Heaven found herself leaving the inside of the house to enter their backyard. She stopped in her tracks when she saw that Quincy had been outside the entire time. She hadn't thought to even go outside, because he only used the backyard to play with Peyton and handle business. "I thought you were gone," she commented with the plate of food in her hands. With a squinted face, Quincy looked to her. "Nah," he responded.

Heaven's smile appeared. She had prepared herself for his rudeness, but was surprised to see that he hadn't decided to rip her head off. "Are you hungry?" Heaven asked. Her eyes traveled to the plate in her hand. If Quincy had wanted the food, she wouldn't mind giving it up. At this point, she would rather cater to Quincy's hunger than her very own. Quincy smirked before motioning for her to sit in his lap. "I won't bite. I just want your food."

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