Chapter 46

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Bankotsu POV:


I was a man hypnotized.

Every move she made, every sway of her hips my eyes followed.

Catya bounced around helping Aname with cleaning the tavern. She wore a dark blue oversized hoari with the sleeves pulled up, her bandages becoming slightly dirty from dusting and her long lavender hair was pulled into a bun, displaying her angelic face and slender neck.

Every time we were alone I couldn't help myself from having my way with her. My body had this natural pull towards her and she welcomed with open arms.

"I've gotta be more careful." I mumbled.

Jakotsu, sitting next to me followed my eyesight to Catya.

"What? With Cat?" He asked.

I nodded as I continued watching her.

"Don't want her to get pregnant, eh big brother?" Mukotsu teased.

I glanced at him and he quickly shut up.

"No. I don't." I say sternly.

The thought of kids made me sick to my stomach. I was meant to be a mercenary, that's all.

I'll be damned if I slip up and get held down by a fucking baby.

"Even if she were to get pregnant, I'll just fix it like I did Mayu." I say taking a swig of my drink.

Suikotsu started choking on his drink. Coughing before pounding his fist to his chest.

I glared at him, annoyed of his coughing.

"Sorry, big brother. Went down the wrong pipe!" He explained with a chuckle.

He was in his good side right now so I had little to no care in what he had to say.

To be honest I had woken up in a bad mood. Catya had stayed with Aname for the night. As she did every night for the past few weeks.

I didn't think it would bother me as much as it did. I brushed it off nonchalant the first few times she asked. I wanted to bang Mayu so it was convenient but now Mayu was as clingy as ever and Catya seemed so out of reach.

Well, not so distant with Suikotsu.

That bugged the shit out of me.

Yukine had gone somewhere with Watari so I didn't have to worry about him but now she had latched herself onto Suikotsu.

"Suikotsu! I need to get the sack of flour down in the kitchen but I can't reach it. Will you help me?" She asked him with that beautiful bright smile I fucking loved so much.

Just as I opened my mouth to volunteer, Mayu slid into my lap.

"My darling, I got a new bottle of sake. Along with a new perfume! What do you think of it?" She asks holding out her arm for me to smell.

I grab her arm and start smelling. Catya glanced at me before frowning and turning to head to the kitchen with Suikotsu following her.

Mayu smelled nice. Like fresh roses and raindrops and with the perfume it amplified it.

I sniffed up her neck before placing a kiss to her pulse. She gasped softly before smiling.

"My, my. Seems my perfume did worked well. How about we go have some alone time?" She purred running her hand down my chest.

I smirked.

Mayu was probably the best distraction aside from killing. And right now I'd do anything to get Catya off my mind.

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