Chapter 11

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Catya POV:

My eyes were so wide. People were walking all over the place. Shops set up with merchants yelling.
"What is this place?!" I say to Renkotsu with a big smile.
He looked down at me and smiled back.
"This is the City of Criminals. This is a safe haven for murderers, prostitutes, and all kinds of crooks. But this place does have its own set of rules."
"Yes. They're quite simple and easy to remember. Rule #1: no use of weapons, any issue is to be resolved with your fists. Rule #2: any destruction done to this city must be paid for with either money or your life. And rule #3: never attracted the attention of the empire or any lords to this location or face execution."
Just as he finished explaining the rules a fight between two men broke out.
"What the fuck did you say you ugly piece of shit?!" One man yelled.
"I said you can suck my dick if you think I'm paying for cheap sake and burnt food!" The other man yelled.
With fists flying both men seemed to just be beating each other senseless.
One of the men punched the other in the face and he fell back.
I look up as I was engulfed in a shadow. As soon as I looked up the man was about to fall back on me.
My arms automatically went into defense yet the man never fell on me. I open my eyes to see Ginkotsu throw the man to the other man he was fighting with, knocking both out.
"Thank you Ginkotsu." I say smiling at him.
I couldn't tell if he was smiling but he just grunted and shook his head slightly. I smiled again with a light giggle.
Bankotsu was walking ahead with Jakotsu and Suikotsu.
I stayed by Ginkotsu. I enjoyed his company. He was nice to me, he didn't talk much but the little talks we've had were quite pleasant.
"Bankotsu!" A young woman squealed.
My eyes widened.
A girl maybe a few years older than me was running towards us.
She was so pretty!
My face lit up.
'Another girl! I'm a girl and she's a girl, maybe we could be friends too!'
I was so excited to see another person like me. This girl had long black hair that flowed down to her hips with a red flower on her head.
Her eyes were a a vibrant pink color. Sharp yet mesmerizing.
She wore a colorful kimono that slouched off her shoulders showing her collar bone and cleavage. Her pretty kimono was held together with a simple black obi. She also had a yellow haori draped over her arms.
I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was so full of life, so pretty and with such a happy smile I bet she must be kind too!
My cheeks had a light blush to them. The only people I've ever interacted with was the band of seven.
When I saw other people on the way here they were usually killed almost immediately. I didn't mind it though, my collection grows bigger with each person.
I held my small bag. It was growing bigger with the eyes I've taken from those who were dumb enough to raise swords to them. I smiled as I tied it back to my waist.
"Hey Mayu!" Bankotsu said as he waved to her.
I guess I was a little overly excited cause I grabbed Jakotsu arm and hugged it.
"Jakotsu that's another person! A girl like me!" I whisper to him.
He didn't seem all too happy to see her.
"That's just Mayu."
"Is she nice? She smiles like she must be!" I say with a big grin.
"Ughh... she's more of a-"
"Who the fuck is that?"
I jumped and looked at Mayu. Her hands were on her hips and her sweet face went sour as she looked me up and down.
"Why is she wearing your haori?" She said as her eyes narrowed at me.
I started to get nervous under her intense stare. I gripped Jakotsu's arm tighter.
Than Bankotsu places his hand on my head and pulled me to him. I clutched my hands to my chest.
"This is Catya! We found her while on the road. She's an odd one but I enjoy her company" He said to her.
I looked up at him.
We both grinned at each other.
Mayu grabbed Bankotsu's arm and pulled him towards her.
"Bankotsu, my darling! I've really missed you! Come to the tavern, we can have drinks in my room." She said with a sly smile.
Without a second thought he wrapped an arm around her, he glanced at me.
"Jakotsu, keep an eye on Catya. I don't want her wondering around aimlessly."
"Yes big brother."
With that Bankotsu and Mayu disappeared in the crowd.
"C'mon Catya!" Jakotsu yelled over his shoulder.
I happily skipped over to him.
"Where to now?"
"How about a little shopping?" He said with a mischievous smile holding a sack filled with coins.
We walked to the market area. It was so amazing! Different shops were set up down a long road. It ranged from shoes to kimonos to food.
"Let's try on some clothes!"
We were having such fun! Jakotsu bought me a white kosode with red flowers all over it. When I put it on though, turns out it was a lot bigger than expected and I was a lot smaller than I thought.
"Do you have one in a smaller size? The same pattern too! And don't lie cause I'll snap your neck." Jakotsu said to the female shopkeeper.
She soon returned with a kosode with the same pattern and color.
"This is our largest children's size." She said.
I slipped off the other kosode to try on the children's one.
I was in a state of shock.
Shock than despair.
"I'm so tiny! I'm not a child yet here I am fitting perfecting in child clothes!" I cry out.
Jakotsu, the cold hearted, couldn't stop laughing.
"That's so cute!"
He grabbed me and hugged me extremely tight.
"We'll take it. Along with this."
Jakotsu handed the lady a butterfly hairpin.
"I think I would like to wear this out." I say with a smile.
I take one step, and bam! I stepped on my new outfit and fell.
"I think you're too used to your legs being all over the place." He says with a sigh.
"And it was so cute on you too." And with that final statement he took out his sword and cut the bottom part of my outfit so my legs were free.
"Oh wow thank you Jakotsu! This feels much better!" I say as I take a big step.
"Are you hungry?" Jakotsu asked.
"I could eat."
"Let's go to the tavern. Everyone should probably be there by now."
I smile.
"Lead the way!"
Bankotsu POV:

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