Chapter 26

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Bankotsu POV:


"Catya! Catya!!"
Where the fuck was she?
I had spent the night with that brunette chick and all I could think of was The lavender vixen.

"Jakotsu!" I practically broke the door sliding it open.
"Huh?" He said lifting his head.
"What are you doing big brother? The sun juuuuust rose.." he complained.
"I don't give a shit. Where's Catya?"
"What happened to the brunette?"
"What do you mean? I fucked her and threw her out of my room."
"Ah. Well I don't know where she is. Last I saw she had just finished taking a bath but she never made it back to my room. Hehe it was cute, she looked so lost and went the other way even though I was about to call to her. Haha!" He laughed.

I furrowed my brows in my obvious irritation.
I kept wondering around the inn as the early morning hours rose.
"Here's Ginkotsu and Kyokotsu. But still no.."
'What the fuck?'
Suddenly a barrel by Kyokotsu moved slightly.
Peering in I found the vixen I was looking for.
Resting my head on my palm I took a second to gaze over her features.
She was so beautiful, sleeping soundly all curled up like a kitten at the bottom of an empty barrel.

I reached down and jiggled her shoulder.
She looked up at me with barely open droopy mismatching eyes.
My heart skipped a beat.
Clearing my throat I ask, "Whatcha doing down there?"
"Whatcha zooin up fthere?" She asked with a frown on her face.
I smiled in amusement.
"Oh my god, you're drunk off your ass."
"What What's it's to you." She says sticking her tongue out.
"Come on out. I'll take you to bed."
"I thought I was sleeping with Jakotsu." She says challenging me.
"Well I change my mind. Now c'mon."
I pull her out of the barrel and put her down on her feet.
The smell of sake hit me instantly like a brick to the face.
"Damn kitty cat, how much did you drink?"
"I'll I'll tell you what!" She slurred as she attempted to push me.
"You're *hiccup* you're a real son of bi-bitch, you know that?" She says as she pushed me.
Cute girl.
She didn't nudge me one bit but instead fell backwards.
I reached out to help her back up.
She glared and slapped my hand away.
"I've got it!" She yells out trying to get to her feet only to trip and fall into my chest gripping my biceps for support.
"You smell like her.." she says sadly.


'What do I say?'
Fuck, I shouldn't give a shit if I make her sad or jealous. She was just another girl I can bed.
Wasn't she?

She was something different. Made me feel different than all the other girls.
I sighed placing my hands on my hips.
"What me to change or bathe?" I asked with slight annoyance in my voice.
"Both." She said sternly.
"Fine, how about we bathe together?" I say huskily sliding my hands cupping her perfectly round ass.

She roughly pushed me away.
I stared at her with wide eyes. She has never rejected me before, anger begin to build.
"What the fuck do you mean no?! You're the one who blue balled me back at that fucking castle teasing the shit out of me!"
She flinched and wrapped her arms around her body.
"No.." she said quietly.
I furrowed my brows and growled.
"Fine. Stay here, I'll be back." I say turning around.
Just as I began walking away she wrapped her arms around my waist in a tight embrace.

My cheeks instantly began to heat up.
"Catya.." I start.
"I'm sorry.." she says softly.
Turning around I wrap my arm around her small waist.
"Why are you sorry?" I say suspiciously.
Something's not right. She looked as if she had something to tell me but couldn't.
"Hey?" I start until I see something under her yukata.
After that all I saw was red.
"Who touched you?" I ask as I tighten my hold on her using my free and to pull her yukata exposing her shoulder.
"No.." she begs.
I grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to my room.
Someone touched her, someone was going to die.
Never had I been so fucking angry.
Catya was whimpering behind me.
"Keep crying, I'll give you a reason." I say as to her over my shoulder tighten my bruising grip on her wrist.

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