Chapter 25

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Catya POV:


It had been a week since what happened at Watari's castle.
I asked Bankotsu once what Watari said before he came looking for us and he just brushes me off saying, "Not your fucking business."

The sun was beaming down on us with such ferocity it felts as though we were walking through the flames of hell.

"Ugh, it's so hot! How much longer till we can stop?" Jakotsu complained.
"I see a pretty large village in the distance." Kyokotsu announces.
"Might as well stock up on supplies." Renkotsu adds.
"We'll see once we get there, until then quit your bitching." Bankotsu snapped.

Though the weather was hot, a sweet breeze blew through the grass and wild flowers like the waves of the sea causing a chill to sliver down my spine as the wind blew against the beads of sweat trailing down the side of my face and neck.

I pushed my hair back to keep it from further sticking to my skin.
'I wonder what's on his mind.' I thought to myself as I stared at Bankotsu's braid swinging back and forth.

Looking around I quickly noticed that, even though Jakotsu was the only one to voice his discomfort, everyone else looked as if they were suffering.

"You would think this breeze would cool us down.." Jakotsu whispers as he nudged me with his hip.
"Ah, you can say that again. Hopefully this village has water." I say as I tip over the empty container of water.
"Of course they will have water, you stupid girl."
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Dick." I mumble.
"Whatever." He laughed.

As soon as we approached the village, we were spotted by two young women who were collecting grass and flowers in the field.

"Hey! You two!" Bankotsu shouted.

The two women hesitantly approached us, blushing as Bankotsu walked up to them.

"H-hello, y-you must be traveling warriors." The older of the two women spoke.
"Yes we are. Is there an inn somewhere in the village?" He questioned.
"Uhm..Yes! M-my father owns it, just head straight ahead and turn left at the statue..T-the inn is just ahead." She says with shaky words.

That's when I noticed it.
Both of the two women were infatuated with the handsome mercenary, that was obvious, but they couldn't look up at him.
Their eyes were glued to the ground with small peaks here and there but instantly went straight back to the ground when he would catch them looking.

The taller of the two was a slender girl with soft and gentle facial features, big brown eyes that glistened like little stars and a single freckle under the right side of her bottom lip. Her hair was a beautiful chestnut brown color with soft curls flowing down to her mid back. Her family must be rather well off since she wore a mint green kimono with colorful flowers that was as clean and pretty as Mayu's.

The shorter girl wasn't as pretty as the taller girl but was still quite cute. Her hair was as black as the midnight sky with a slight blue tint to it, sleek and short landing a few inches above her shoulders. Her bangs were long enough to cover the left side of her face, but I was still able to see her shy expression and dark blue-grey eyes. Her face was like an innocent lamb, so sweet and humble. She must be a priestess in training as I studied her traditional dress of a Miko.

She locked eyes with me for a second before returning them to the ground with an even deeper blush.

"Oh, you're so charming! I'll make sure that you and your companions are treated as special guests!" The brunette giggled.

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