Chapter 5

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Catya POV:
It had been a few days since we spent the night in that cave.
"Alright men, we're approaching the village. The lord of this region wants us to kill everyone and burn this place to the fucking ground."
I looked at Bankotsu as he continued to explain the plan.
"How many people do we get to kill?" Jakotsu said with hopeful eyes.
"A lot." Bankotsu replies with a smirk.
Bankotsu turned and walked up to me.
"You kitty-cat, will stay outside of the village and away from anyone. Oh and if you try to run or get in our way, I'll kill you."
And with that they were gone. I leaned on a tree as I watched them sprint into the village.
Flames erupted everywhere.
I couldn't help but be watch and stare in awe.
The village had a small army of at least a thousand men but had been wiped out in minutes.
I was amazed by the strength of all 7 men but I couldn't keep my eyes off Bankotsu.
A small blush crept to my cheeks as I watched him cut people in half with Banryu.
He was so strong, so powerful, so handsome.
No doubt in my head, he was the strongest man I had ever met.
My eyes followed his every move. He was spinning his Banryu over his head as electricity started appearing from his sword.
Power started gathering in the halberd. Suddenly he flung a purple energy strong enough to destroy the whole village. He placed Banryu on his shoulder as he watched his comrades finish killing the villagers.
He had blood splattered all over him, especially his hands.
I couldn't understand the feeling I was getting.
Back at the facility the doctor would put us in a small arena and watched us slaughter each other. We had to showcase our power in a duel to the death so that the doctor could note our progress.
I had never lost a battle in that arena, but I did secretly love the duels. Ripping my opponent open and pulling out their organs.
Such a deep fascination with death..
It was a high I craved, and seeing Bankotsu with blood stained hands..
I snap out of my daydream at the sound of horses neighing. I turn my head of the left side of the village as a small group of guards from the nearby lords approached the band of seven.
The man that lead the small group hopped off his horse and started walking towards Bankotsu.
As soon as the man began walking so did Bankotsu. They met in the middle of the village.
I couldn't hear what they were talking about but the man handed Bankotsu a medium sized sack filled with metal coins.
They exchange a head nod, turn on their heels are returned to their groups.
"Catya! Come!" Bankotsu shouted.
Without hesitation I stood up and jogged over to them.
He threw the sack to Kyōkotsu for safe keeping.
He glanced at me for confirmation that I had obeyed him and hurried over.
"Where to next big brother?" Renkotsu asked.
Bankotsu looked at him and grinned.
"Lets find ourselves a tavern and drink till we can't stand!" Bankotsu said confidentially.
As we started walking away from the burnt down village I got a strange sensation.
I turned my head and squinted my eyes to see a bit farther.
I gasped when I finally noticed the man hidden in the bushes, aiming a bow and 2 arrows at us.
The second I noticed him he let go of the arrows. My eyes widened as I realized the arrows were aiming at Jakotsu and myself.
With only a few seconds left I instinctively pushed Jakotsu and threw my head back to narrowly miss the arrow as one went only a few inches over my nose and the arrow that was directed at Jakotsu barely missed his neck.
"Fucking wretch! How dare you push me!" Jakotsu yelled as he stood up only to notice the two arrows that barely missed us.
"You saved me?" He questioned.
Before I could give him an answer I pointed at the direction the man was.
"There is a man hiding in the bushes. He is armed with a bow and arrows." I stated.
My gaze was locked on him. He was getting ready to fire another arrow. This time he was aiming for Bankotsu.
Suikotsu chuckled menacingly as he retorted back until he was out of view.
I saw him run around the village to the area where that man was and before he could get his bow ready, Suikotsu slashes him in the back.
There it was again.
Just the sight of it alone sent a chill down my spine.
I walked over to the man and knelt down in front of him.
Suikotsu was watching me, either wondering what I was planning on doing or just waiting for me to get out of the way.
"Servant girl, move out of the way or feel how sharp my claws are." He said with a hint of annoyance.
I looked up at him.
"I'm sorry but my name is Catya." I corrected him nervously.
"Well then CATYA, let me finish my kill or I can kill you both." He said showing signs of annoyance.
I jumped lightly when I felt something touch my thigh. Both me and Suikotsu looked down at him. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and blood leaking from him mouth.
"Are you an angel? Here to rescue me from these horrid murderers?" He spoke softly.
I tilted my head to the side.
"Angel? Murderers?" I asked.
"Please save me.." the man said before coughing up more blood. He tightened his grip on my thigh.
"Please save me from these seven devils.." He said.
"Hmm, how deep is this?" I questioned as I stuck a finger in his open wound on his back.
The man screamed an agonizing cry. I could feel all his muscles spazzing as I dug in deeper.
Suikotsu stepped on each of his wrists to keep him from stopping me.
"What's going on?" Bankotsu said from afar.
I could hear him begin to walk closer but the only thing I could focus on was if I could pull every organ out from the wounds inflicted to the man by Suikotsu.
I started to smile softly.
I pulled out the knife that Bankotsu had given me and I twirled it in my hand and giggled lightly. I look up at Suikotsu.
"I'm sorry to be a bother but can I play with this man for a bit?"
My smile grew bigger when he nodded his head and smirked.

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