Chapter 23

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Catya POV:


I had been practicing my magic for the past few hours. No one had really bothered me because they feared me.
Not all though.
Hinako and Minako both wanted me dead.
I couldn't blame them though.
Back at the facility the doctor would have us fight each other to the death for "research" or just for his sick enjoyment.
I was undefeated, and so was Fifteen.
When they had arrived to the facility there were three small children.
Two twin girls and an older brother.
Their brother lives a sad short life.
He was ten years old and quickly gaining strength as demonic spikes bursted from his back.
The doctor thought it would be fun to put the strong Fifteen up against a small eight year old child with lavender hair and a demon eye.
With two black tails coming from my back we fought.
I tore him apart.
The doctor would make us watch the blood bath and this time he had both sisters up front watching their brother ripped to shreds by a small girl going crazy like a rabid animal.
I shook my head at the bloody memory and focused on creating magic circles.
The sun had sunk behind the castle and the sky was taken over by an everlasting sea of stars big and small.
I stared in awe at the heavens above.
"Beautiful night isn't it?" A familiar voice called out from behind me.
I hesitantly turned around to face whoever disrupted my thoughts.
Watari stood in the middle of the field and smiled at me.
"What do you need?" I asked.
I was ready to attack if need be.
"Just want to talk." He said raising his arms up in surrender.
I lowered my arms.
"How did you escape? The facility is located at the edge of a cliff. Falling off that cliff is a two mile drop, how did you survive escaping?" He questioned.
I kept my blank, emotionless expression.
"I fell into the river just under. One of the guards came to collect me for my treatment."
"Just one?"
"Yeah, he left himself open and I took the opportunity."
I didn't trust Watari, how could I? He Kazuku's right hand man.
"You have every right to not trust me." He says quietly.
"Why are you betraying Kazuku?" I asked, curiosity dancing through my eyes.
"I had an incident I suppose. About 17 years ago I met a woman who was one of the nurses at the facility and one thing to another she bore my child, but Kazuku convinced her to hand the child over to him or he will take the child by force. I wasn't aware of any of this until I found a letter she wrote after committing suicide. After that I swore to find that child and when I did...he had been mutated into a gruesome creature on the verge of death."
My eyes widened.
There was one experiment that was more feared than I, this creature was Eleven.
"I remember seeing Eleven, he looked at me, though he couldn't speak his eyes pleaded me to end his life...and I did." His voice cracked.
"At least you put him out of his misery." I say blankly.
Just as he opened his mouth to speak again a roaring cry echoed through the mid summer air.
We both faced the area in which the noice came from and were soon greeted with a large snake like demon with slashes and burns all over it's body.
Soon the beast were surrounded by each of my Seven companions.
"Seems they found a toy to play with." I smiled.
Bankotsu jumped up to the head of the beast and held on as the monster swung its head around trying to throw him off.
He smirked a wicked smirk as he raised Banryu over his head and impaled the demon through the top of its head to the bottom of its lower jaw.
He jumped off as soon as the monster landed on the hard earth beneath them.
"Ha! That was too easy!" Bankotsu grinned.
I was in awe of the gorgeous man covered almost head to toe in blood.
"You can say that again! Those stupid soldiers were begging for mercy, it was so cute!" Jakotsu laughed.
Just as Bankotsu put his guard down the beast behind him lifted its head and went in for the kill.
"Bankotsu! Look out!" I screamed.
His reaction was quick enough to avoid being eaten but not quick enough to avoid getting bit.
He cried out in pain as the monster's venomous fang impaled his forearm.
Quickly Jakotsu swung his snake like sword and cut the monster's head off. Killing it once and for all.
Bankotsu broke off the fang and pulled it out of his arm.
"Fuck!" He yelled out as he collapsed to the ground.
As quickly as I could I was by his side pulling off his arm guard to inspect the wound.
Soon a dark purple patch formed around the wound and quickly began spreading.
He clutched his injured arm, he was in agony as the poison quickly moved up his arm and trailing down his fingers.
"Let's get back to the castle so we can treat the wound!" Watari calls out from across the field.
Jakotsu helped him walk back to the castle.
"Place him on the futon." Watari tells Jakotsu.
"Damn it! It hurts!" Bankotsu complained.
He was in obvious pain but he kept a calm, slightly irritated expression on his face.
"Lady Catya?" Watari begins, catching my attention.
"Can you still do that magic trick that would heal your injuries?"
"Yes but I fear it won't be strong enough...the poison is in his blood." I say as I trailed my fingers down the dark purple veins appearing on Bankotsu's arm.
"Have you tried using your saliva to heal? It may work even better." Watari says.
I blinked.
Everyone was silent.
I never even thought of that.
After cleaning and closing up his wound on his forearm, I began contemplating how I was going to suck the venom out.
Then it clicked.
Maybe if I sucked on his fingers?
After a few minutes of thinking it over I decided to take action.
Bankotsu kept a keen eye on me as I lifted his hand.
"Here we go."
He hissed through his teeth as I dragged my tongue over his knuckles.
As soon as I did the purple veins moved slightly, responding to my saliva.
I slipped his pointing finger into my mouth and over lapped my tongue over and around his finger.
He groaned as a light barely there blush appeared on his cheeks.
"It's a simple procedure that Catya here is capable of. No need to get flustered, my boy!" Watari joked.
Bankotsu pushes me away in embarrassment.
"Fuck off!" He shouts at him.
He raised his hands up in surrender as he chuckled lightly.
"Watari?" I say catching everyone's attention.
"Yes my lady?"
"Do you have something to hold down his wrist and ankles. I will get all the poison out but I'm not sure how he will react so I'd rather take a few precautions." I tell him.
"I'll go get it right away." He answered and quickly slipped out of the room.
"What are you about to do to our leader?" Renkotsu asks me with a suspicious glare.
"Heal him mostly but I also wish to negotiate with him." I answer him.
Renkotsu raised an eyebrow but didn't question my motives.
"What the fuck do you need to tie me down for?!" Bankotsu barked.
I crawled over to him pushing him down causing him to curse as I put pressure on him poisoned arm.
"We'll need to remove all this." I say motioning to his armor and hoari.
Since his arm was paralyzed from the poison I had to remove everything but his hakamas and shoes.
Watari returned and with the help of Jakotsu and Suikotsu we were able to successfully bound Bankotsu's arms and legs much to his frustration.
I clapped my hands together.
"Alright! Now I will need everyone to leave the room and to not disturb us until I get all the poison out." I ordered never breaking eye contact with the angry mercenary.
I took a moment to examine his torso.
His chest was perfectly toned with a few scars here and there. My eyes trailed down his stomach, he was a lean man but was defiantly not scrawny.
His stomach had muscles trailing down his torso down to his abdomen, he had a sharp "V" shape dipping down into his pants.
I trailed my finger down from his masculine chest to line of hair that connected from him belly button to his dark, kinky curls resting above and around his manhood. His torso was almost rock hard but with a subtle softness.
He jerked at the chains that bounded him to the floor.
After his multiple failed attempts to break free he sighed in defeat before glancing up at me through his pitch black hair.
"So you gonna fix my arm or keep staring?" He says teasingly.
I frowned at his tone before letting a small smile play on my lips.
"Right away."
I straddled his hips as I grabbed his arm bringing it up to my mouth I drag my wet tongue up his palm.
He let out a deep groan.
"Now That we are alone and you are not in control we can have a little chat." I say smiling as I pull his two fingers out of my mouth as a single trail of saliva breaks the connection between my mouth and his fingers.
"Well you defiantly have my full attention, kitty cat." He says in a deep and groggy voice.
I could ask for anything, I could tell him that I wanted to mount Mayu's head to a spike but I decided to ask for something more painful.
"I want to be your go to girl. Your favorite." I mumble as I continued sucking on his fingers.
"Heh, so you're wanting to take Mayu's spot? She's worked pretty hard to get there." He smirked.
"What makes you think you can take her spot?" He questioned teasingly.
I giggled softly.
Dragging my tongue up his chest leaving behind a glistening trail of wetness.
The poison was coming out of his body quickly with each stroke of my tongue.
"Lots of things" I answered as I rolled my hips into his.
He let out a deep moan.
I could feel his member swelling with each lick.
I kept my eyes locked with his as I continued licking, sucking and nibbling up from his fingers to his collar bone.
"Fuck Catya..." he dragged out as he threw his head back.
"This is maddening." He mumbled.
I watched him squirm under me, yet I couldn't help the dampness pooling at my core.
"You're hard." I simply say.
He looked up at me with lustful eyes.
His chest was heaving up and down as he panted.
I was in complete control, and he knew it.
The poison had been long gone but I continued sucking and whirling my tongue around and around his fingers as he helplessly watched.
"Can you blame me? You're straddling me, pressing that tasty fruit against my manhood, and sucking so seductively on my fingers." He says with a sexy smirk.
"How aggressively will you take me if I release you from the chains?" I questioned.
He chuckled darkly.
"Aggressive? That's a nice way to put it." He says smirking.
"So will you make me your favorite?" I asked.
"Hm, I'm not sure. How bad do you want to be my favorite?" He taunted.
My blush deepened as I pulled down his hakamas enough to expose his manhood.
I glanced up at him before lowering my head.
"Very." I say as I go down on him.
"Heh, you've been my favorite since we found you." That was all he need to say.
In a split second after releasing all the chains, the half naked mercenary had me pinned down by my neck, his grip was sure to be bruising but I didn't care nor did my body since it was instantly on fire as soon Bankotsu touched my skin.
He tumbled over me crashing his lips into mine as he separated my thighs with his knee.
"You did a whole lot of teasing Kitty cat, maybe I should return the favor." He says to me as he leans into my neck, attacking it with aggressive sucks and bites, leaving a mark.
I moaned at his assault.
This was what I loved about him.
He wasn't gentle with me but he knew I could handle it.
God, he was such an alpha male. Everything about him radiated power and danger.
"Don't choose her over me." I say as I pull apart my hoari exposing my breasts to him.
"Fuck.." he growled.
Grabbing my underwear he tore it off of me throwing what ever remained of it to the side.
And just as he was about to enter my most intimate the door opened with a cheerful Watari holding a bowl of water.
" I brought you two some water to clean up his wound if it reopens....." He says with a smile that quickly disappeared as he opened his eyes and fully registered the scene in front of him.
My hoari wide open with the dangerous and deadly man hovering over me with my legs wrapped around his waist ready for him to enter me.
I quickly pushed him off of me, covering my chest I quickly ran out of the room with a bright red face.
'He saw! He just walked in seconds before Bankotsu had his way with me...'
I sank to the floor and groaned.
"How embarrassing."


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