Chapter 20

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Catya POV:


I had done it! I made myself stand out! I was so happy.
We were all sitting around a fire pit that was set up in the dining area of the inn.
My hair was still a little damp from Bankotsu and i's bath so I decided to not braid it and let it down.
With the braids undone my hair was rather thick and wavy falling down to a little past my hips.
Jakotsu held up a small portion of my hair and smelled it.
"Your hair is so pretty and smells so nice! Like *hiccup* lavenders!" Jakotsu exclaimed while chugging his drink in a wooden mug.
"What it always this color?" Jakotsu drunkenly asked.
"I think so? It's been that color since I could remember." I say shrugging.
"There is something that I've been meaning to ask you, Catya." Renkotsu started.
"Hm?" I tilt my head to the side with a pice of beef sticking out of my mouth.
"That healing trick you used on our big brother a while ago. Was that black magic?" He asked looking at me with complete seriousness.
"I guess so. But I never really put much thought into it. It just happened naturally one day after my treatment." I say looking at my arms.
"Treatment?" He asked.
All eyes were on me.
I really didn't want to think or talk about the facility and I think Suikotsu noticed cause he was quick to change the subject.
"Big brother, is everything alright? You've been quiet." He asked looking over at Bankotsu.
"Yeah I'm just thinking of the other night." He says taking a sip from his wooden mug.
"This beer tastes like piss." He says pouring his drink out.
"The other night ey? With those two girls or with Catya? Oh wait that wasn't the other day." Jakotsu joked.
My face went red as well as Bankotsu.
"Hahaha! I accidentally walked in on them today, right in between two bloodied bodies! It was so cute!" Jakotsu said as he slumped over me and rest his chin on my head.
"You were really giving it to her! It even got me a little excited!" Jakotsu blurted out before Bankotsu threw his mug hitting Jakotsu in the forehead.
"That's enough outta you!" Bankotsu barked with a blush still on his face.
I chuckled.
"You killed those two girls, big brother? I was hoping to have a round with them!" Mukotsu exclaimed.
"Not me." He says point to me.
I smiled with a light giggle.
"They were interrupting us." I say shrugging.
"Ha! What I would give to see that! How'd you do it? Slit their throats?" Suikotsu asked.
"No I stabbed them repeatedly in the eyes. I was going to take them out but they were the same color as poop soooo...." I trailed off shrugging before giggling.
"I've always wondered how bad that pain would be when removing the eyes." Renkotsu stated.
"It defiantly won't tickle." I say looking at one of my eyes from my collection.
This one was dark green.
"Ha! I doubt it won't be that bad." Suikotsu Said with a a mouth full of food.
"Besides look at Catya's Eye, with how tiny she is I bet it wasn't even that bad!" He snorted.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
How dare he make such claims.
I lowered my head.
"You're a fool." I say quietly.
"The fuck did you say?" He threatened.
I looked up at him, locking eyes.
"You don't know nor understand what real pain is. Inflicting it is no problem but if you had been through the pain that I have you would've been dead long ago."
Everyone went silent.
"Pfft, I've been through pain believe me. I'm a warrior first and foremost so my pain tolerance might be different from someone who can't even defend herself." He said.
"An injury from a sword is much different than what I've been through. You get hurt and will be fine the next day, I was hurt every day!" I stood up clutching my fists.
"Each day was complete hell! These few months outside of that fucking place has been the only times in my life that I wasn't experimented on and tortured! Tell me Suikotsu, when you were only 5 years old did your caretaker rip off your finger and toenails because you weren't answering their questions?! Did you have to be electrocuted every day for hours on hours because it supposed to make you stronger?! The day they replaced my eye.... I can't even explain the pain. My earliest memories were nothing but pain." I slumped down to the floor.
I was shaking.
"You don't know pain...none of you do!"
A black pulse escaped me blowing out the fire.
Complete darkness.q
I was instantly overwhelmed.
A scream escaped my lungs as I covered my ears.
Renkotsu quickly got the fire started.
"Catya, What the fuck is wrong with you! Calm down!" Bankotsu said as he tried to touch me I flinched like he was about to hit me.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I kept repeating, tears falling down my cheek.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I continued.
My left eye started stinging the more anxious I got.
"Hey!" Bankotsu said grabbing my wrists.
When I looked up at him, everyone gasped.
"Your eye.." He said trailing off.
"Suikotsu! Come check it out." He ordered.
I was confused until I touched my cheek and saw that my hand was covered in blood.
"Huh?" My voice was shaking.
"Let me see." Suikotsu says as he pulled my eye open.
I moved my eye around as he instructed.
"Popped a vein. You'll be fine." He says.
I let out a breath.
"I'm sorry, guess I got a little overwhelmed." I say twirling my fingers.
"That magic of yours has a little force to it, huh?" Kyokotsu asked.
I gasped. I had forgotten about my scrolls!
I quickly shuffled to my feet and ran to my bag.
"Here they are!" I said.
I brought them over to Renkotsu.
Opening them up I asked him, "Which one of these would be a fighting spell? I want to learn how to defend myself right." I say with determination.
"Right. First you have to learn how to read what your reading." He says with annoyed expression on his face.
I giggle.
He spent the next a few weeks teaching me to read as we traveled to our destination.
He said I was an incredibly fast learner.

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