Chapter 24

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Bankotsu POV:


All I saw was red.
Just as Renkotsu and Suikotsu turned the corner to come check on us, my fist was instantly connected to Watari's nose.
He slammed against the wall hard and sank to the floor covering his bloodied nose.
"YOU BASTARD! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO GET IN THERE!!" I screamed in his face as I grabbed his collar and slammed him up against the wall.
"I'm so terribly sorry!" He cried out.
He raised his hands up in surrender.
"Honest! It had been over two hours so I thought she had finished!"
I lifted my fist up to hit him again.
"Big brother, please settle down." Renkotsu spoke.
I glared at him.
"What?" I questioned him.
"It would be unethical for you to kill this man. After all he still needs to pay us the rest of the money." He said looking at the man.
I was angry. She was right under me, staring at me with those big, beautiful mismatching eyes.
Her body ready for the taking.
I growled.
"You better pay me extra for cock blocking." I threatened.
He pressed his forehead on the floor, Bowing to me.
"Yes, sir. My apologies." He says with an awkward chuckle.
I grabbed my hoari and armor off the floor, putting them on as I walked passed Watari heading to the dining room.
"And I'm helping myself to some more of your whiskey."
"Heh, by all means. I have more." He says as he walks beside me.

Catya POV:

'He saw us.'
I was hiding under the porch that surrounded the castle.
Crouching down to assure that no one could find me unless they looked under the floorboards.
My knees were brought up to my chest as I rested my head in my lap.
"I can't believe that happened.."
I was in complete disbelief.
Back at the facility we were forced to bathe in groups and it never bothered me before about someone seeing my naked form...until I met him.
He was the only person in the whole world I wanted to see me vulnerable and completely naked.
"Catya?!" I hear someone call out.
Closing my eyes I focused on the voice and footsteps coming down the hall.
"Where the fuck is she?" He questioned as he scratched his head.
Through a small crack in the floorboard I reached up sticking my finger through, poking his ankle.
Jakotsu screamed and jumped off the railing landing on the ground.
Lifting up his head he locked eyes with my mismatching ones.
"There you are.." He said trailing off.
He crawled a little under the porch, closing the space between us.
"What are you doing under here?" He asked, annoyed still about me scaring him.
"Possibly hiding."
I groaned tucking my head back into my lap.
"Watari And possibly Bankotsu."
He sat down, leaning against one of the beams that supported the building.
"What did you do?" He says with amusement flashing through his expression.
I trusted Jakotsu the most out of the band of murderers that I had grown so fond of.
I cried dramatic tears tangling my hands through my hair.
"Watari walked in on us!"
"So? I've walked in on you two before."
"Yes but this time it was different!"
He tilted his head to the side awaiting for me to finish explaining.
"He was on top of me and I had my hoari wide open utterly naked and just as he was about to take me he walked right in!" I threw my hands up.
"I didn't know how to react so I pushed Bankotsu off of me and ran out! Will your big brother be mad at me for pushing him? Will be punish me?!" I questioned, unnoticed that I had envaded Jakotsu's personal space.
He let out a sigh as he pushed my face away from his.
"So that's what has you hiding like turtle?"
I covered my bright red face with my hands.
"I asked for him to replace Mayu with me." I mumbled against my palms.
Jakotsu grabbed my wrists pulling them away from my face.
"You What?"
"I told him to make me his go to girl.."
He sat back and after a few seconds started laughing.
"What did he say?!"
Jakotsu leaned in at the thought of juicy gossip.
"He said I was his favorite but nothing else."
"Well we all knew that! But to be his go to girl? That's quite bold of you, most women fear him and will let him take them when he feels like it, but you? Volunteering to take Mayu's spot! Ha! That will surely piss her off!"
"I don't care about pissing her off, all I care about is doing what I possibly can do to make Bankotsu happy." I retorted.
"Uh huh...So you must really like him?"
"Of course I do! He's protecting me from life is entirely in his hands and I must do something to return the favor, but it's not just him.."
"Hm?" Jakotsu intensely waited for me to finish.
"It's all of you.. I want to make all of you happy. You guys could have easily killed me or took turns with me but instead hid me away from those wanting to hurt me."
I clasped my hands together tightly and squeezed.
"Catya! Jakotsu! Where the fuck are you two?!"
As soon as the voice boomed through the floor we exchanged a look and peaked through the floorboards up at the partially drunken mercenary followed by Renkotsu, Suikotsu and Mukotsu.
"Are we going to be leaving soon?" I whispered to Jakotsu.
"I hope so."
Bankotsu stomped on the floor, completely oblivious to the prying eyes underneath him.
He spun on his heel punching a deep hole into the building's wall.
"Damn it! First I get blue balled by that little fucking vixen, cock blocked by that freak with a hard on for mutants, and now said vixen is hiding from me?!"
He shouts in anger and pent up sexual frustration.
"He's maaaaaaaaaaaaad." Jakotsu dragged out.
Clapping his hands together he smiled at me.
"Alright kitty cat, your owner is calling for you!" He says before his sweet smile turned to a dark, menacing grin.
"What are yo-" 
I yelped as Jakotsu grabbed my ankle and viciously pulled me out from under the porch.
I tried in vain to claw my way back under the floorboards.
"Found heeeeeer!" Jakotsu sang as he raised me up by my ankle.
'Please don't drop me, please don't drop me, please don't drop me.' I pleaded in my mind as I held down my hoari from exposing my intimates, staring at the men in front of me as I lightly swung back and forth.
"Get your shit together, we're leaving." Bankotsu blurted out pointing at us.
"Y-yes sir." I respond as he simply walked away.
"Huh? I thought there would be a bigger reaction." Jakotsu pondered as he did what I pleaded for him not to do, drop me.
I landed on the ground with a light thud.
"Ow..." I say rubbing my head.

Jakotsu and I were walking to meet with everyone else at the entrance of the castle.
I stopped, causing him to look back at me curiously.
"Is it my imagination or does Bankotsu's anger seem off?"
"Off? How so?"
"I don't know. Like there is something much bigger bugging him."
"Hm. You think it has something to do with the lord of this place?"
"Possibly? Maybe it just might be, what was it called? Mukotsu told me.....ah yes! Sexual frustration! Apparently it's most common with men of Bankotsu's age."
"Uh huh....well I'm sure not going to ask about it." He says as he continues walking.
Following quickly behind him we meet up with everyone else.
"Lady Catya." Watari greeted as I glanced at him.
Turning to face Bankotsu who was staring Watari down,
"Are we leaving?" I asked.
"They are my dear. You will be staying here." Watari states.
"What? No!" I retorted.
Cringing my nose at the thought of staying in this false paradise.
"It's not your choice."  He adds.
Bankotsu narrowed his eyes at him.
"Let's go Catya." He commanded.
Just as turn to leave Watari spoke up.
"Lady Catya, before you leave answer me this."
I glared at him over my shoulder waiting for his question.
"Are you still afraid of the dark? Afraid of the soul lurking in the darkest parts of your mind?"
I gasped sharply as my eyes widened.
"What are you getting at?" Bankotsu threatened as he held up Banryu.
"As I told you earlier, you are not capable of caring for her properly." Watari says coldly.
This only angered Bankotsu more.
"And as I told YOU earlier, if you try to take her from us we will slaughter you and all of these freaks." He hissed.
"Careful who you call freaks. Don't forget your precious woman is one of them." He says motioning to Hinako and Minako.
"Now come Thirteen." Watari commanded.
I shook my head and hugged Bankotsu's arm.
The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"You want to die over this old man?" Bankotsu's voice was low, deep and threatening, sending a sharp chill down my spine to the pooling warmth between my thighs.
I wanted them to kill everyone in this castle.
Tugging at his sleeve to catch his attention he looks down at me.
"Did you get the money?" I say quietly.
He nodded.
I smiled softly at him.
"I think you should kill him and everyone here. Think about it, if Kazuku comes here and finds out that Watari housed us, I'm sure one of these nobodies will sell us out."
He smirked.
"What a beautifully wicked idea." He complimented.
"Well what do you guys say? Wanna have some fun?" He chuckled darkly as everyone readied their weapons, smiling mercifully.
I giggled looking back at Watari.
"Seems as their contract with you is over." I giggled again before letting out a small laugh.
"They're going to kill you now. All of you." I explain with a sweet and innocent smile.

Blood stained the walls, floors, everywhere.

"I think that's everyone!" I say cheerfully as I held up Hinako's severed head.
"You were weak. Just like your brother." I say with a mischievous smile as I dropped the head.
I spun around and danced through the countless dead bodies, plucking out the eyes I thought were the prettiest.
Humming a small melody as I dropped more eyeballs in my little bag.
"Oui, you ready Catya?" Suikotsu asked from behind me.
I kept my smile as I held up Watari's bloodied head.
"Thank you so much for your concerns! Don't worry about me, dear Watari. My companions won't let him get his hands on me, they will make me stronger too! Oh you silly man! You should have known better than to separate me from him." I kissed his forehead before tossing his head to the side.
Turning on my heel I grin at my Seven companions.
"Let's go get drunk!"


Watari POV:

Scooping up my head I placed it back onto my shoulders.
"Oh how rude that young man can be!"
I watched as they walked away with the lavender jewel that is Thirteen.
I chuckled softly.
Guess I'll have to collect some more servants from my dear friend Kazuku.
I'll keep Thirteen's whereabouts a secret...for now at least.


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