Chapter 31

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Catya POV:


"What the fuck?" Bankotsu questioned with wide eyes.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Watari was standing at the doorway, smiling.

"Hello you two! It's been a while hasn't it?" He says innocently.

Bankotsu jumped off the table and stepped in front of me, blocking Watari's view of me.

The fat man Bankotsu was about to fight with had gotten angry at the fact that he lost complete interest in him.
He grabbed the mercenary by the arm and screamed in his face, "You little punk!! When an adult is talking to you, YOU PAY ATTENTION YOU BRATTY PIECE OF SHI-"

Bankotsu's fist connected deeply into the fat man's face. I could hear the crunching of his nose breaking. It almost seemed as though his fist was being eaten by the fat man..well that was until the fat man was sent flying to the other side of the tavern. He crashed into a few tables and was quickly unconscious.

Bankotsu shook his arm and cracked his knuckles before turning his attention to Watari.

"So, you're alive? I could have sworn your head was removed from your body." He says.

"Aye, That it was, that it was."

"How?" I asked gripping Bankotsu's arm.

Aname was utterly confused at the hostility and tension in the room.
She quickly jogged over to me, grabbing my hand.

"We should go, let Bankotsu deal with whoever this guy is." She says pulling me away.

"She stays by my side." He says in a low voice grabbing my wrist without ever breaking his glare on Watari.

"Are you sure? She'll be safe with m-" Aname begins to question.

Bankotsu turns his head slightly, glaring at her over his shoulder.

"Are you questioning me?" He says threatening.

A visible chill rolls down her spine.

"No sir." She says before releasing my hand.

I give her a reassuring smile that she returned before leaving to the kitchen.

"Can we sit down and talk? Like civilized adults?" Watari asks walking up to us.

Bankotsu acting on instinct quickly pushed me against the booth, his back pressed against my chest. He narrowed his eyes at Watari.

"You can relax my boy. I'm not here to take the little lady from you. You have made it perfectly clear that you do not intend to give her up without a fight, now may we?" Watari says gesturing to the booth.

"Fine." He says shortly.

We sat down across from him, Bankotsu's arm resting behind me.

"Aname! Bring me some sake." Bankotsu ordered.

She quickly brought over the sake and three cups, bowed and left.

"Allow me." Watari says before pouring the sake in our cups and finally his own.

"Well? You wanted to talk or die a second death?" The brute mercenary threatens.

Watari seemed unfazed by his threats, even though he knew they weren't empty.

He looks up at me and smiles softly.

"I wish to study you and your growth. You have improved drastically since you were in the facility and I wish to learn what Kazuku couldn't, how to control you." He says in a low voice.

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