Chapter Two

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"We can't ever just stay out of trouble!" Lenny yelled as the three men rode their horses to the Van der Linde Camp.

"I suppose discretion isn't something we just have, right Arthur? What even happened back there?" Asked Javier.

Arthur cleared his throat, "I guess I sorta had a few too many to drink, spilt some beer on some drunkard. He took it bad and threw a punch at me."

The three then ride in silence. They were all tired from the events of the saloon. "Hey, you all are back in one piece!" Said Sean.

"Arthur got us in a bit of trouble- had the whole saloon join in on a fight," said Lenny.

Sean patted Arthur's shoulder, "Oi! I knew I should've tagged along! Could have used me help."

"Yeah, yeah, we had it under control. We're back fine, aren't we?" Stated Arthur. He did not want to mention the real reason he stumbled on his own two feet. He knew love never got him anywhere, why bring it up to the group? He had other things to worry about anyway.

* * *

(Y/N) Arriving at the saloon

"(Y/N), please do not slouch. It's unbecoming if you do-"

She let out a sigh, straightened out her posture, and turned to her mother, "Mother, I am just relaxed. No one is here to impress. We're going to an old saloon for crying out, certainly there's no one there to show for."

The elder man, her father, fixed his tie, "I suppose so. But proper mannerism is a habit to be practiced! And do have more respect for your mother."

(Y/N) cared for her parents very much. She was born in England and lived there until recently. Another rich English man moved to the US in hopes to flourish his business. Her parents have prepared for an arranged marriage with her and the man, Peter Hillington. (Y/N) had always been hesitant about the marriage, but gave in. She did not want to disappoint her parents, that and she never cared for anyone at all in the first place. Peter Hillington meant nothing to her, and she would never expect to learn to love anyone, married or not.

Simply put, no one had shown her true care or love besides her parents. Sure, they decided to throw her into courtship, but other than that, they had been very kind to her. They had educated her through her years growing up, expanding her knowledge from her developed love of literature, and taught her how to treat others with respect.

(Y/N)'s parents had known how she had felt about the arranged marriage, which is why they decided to listen to her wishes and explore the small town of Valentine. She wished to see the saloon and receive a drink as a quick refreshment, and they complied due to her overall cooperativeness.

"Now," her father, Herald Robinson, inquired "what would you like to drink?" The small family walked through the double-door saloon gate, taking in the scene of the establishment. It was not as bad as (Y/N) had expected.

"Let me see...a shot of liquor perhaps?" Said (Y/N). Her parents grimaced but allowed her wish. She noted their reaction, "What? We're in an American saloon for the first time- a shot of liquor seems appropriate."

Just then, as the three received their drinks, (Y/N) enjoyed the room's aura. She loved the music, the happy smiles on the dancing people's faces, the excited expressions of the poker players, and these people- they certainly were not like the people she was used to back in England. No, these people felt and looked free. They had not a care in the world it appeared.

But, for some odd reason, (Y/N) could feel a slight stare. It came from somewhere around the room. She observed and shifted her eyes until meeting her gaze with a strange man. He was standing near the pianist, just in awe. He wore an old, worn hat, a blue button-up shirt (which fit his broad shoulders well she thought), and muddy pants. His eyes looked tired and his stubble was visible from where she sat; he held a certain charm she could not name- that she had to admit.

what he was so fascinated at, (Y/N) had no clue. She decided to wave to him and see what had him in such a trance. Maybe, if she could sneak away from her parents, she could converse with the man. Her curiosity was peaked. She waved and smiled towards him, and then he stumbled, spilled his drink, and started a saloon war. That was a quick chain of events.

Before (Y/N) knew it, drinks and fists were flying while tables and chairs were flipping. Her mother wrapped her arm around her shoulder, "Come, (Y/N), it is not safe here!" The two women made their way out, following (Y/N)'s father out.

I guess some things are never meant to be thought (Y/N). She considered meeting that man, and the odds, against her favor as usual, chose for her. She was to simply keep to herself and that was that. A boring trip to marry a man she barely heard of to continue her boring life. In that saloon (Y/N) began a change of heart: Maybe marriage was not for her? What if, she could just stay by herself without any ties. She, too, wanted to be free like those people she had just witnessed.

She had to do something. 

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora