Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


Lauren's POV

"I can't do this." I heard Camila mumbling.

"It's pretty deep." The vet said. "He'll need stitches."

Nodding my head, I run my hand down Dixon's neck. "Will he be okay?"

"Yeah. He just needs some pain relief and he'll be just fine." The vet said softly.

Releasing a sigh of relief, I kiss Dixon's snout before looking at the vet. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll do the stitches just now." The vet informed me.

Nodding my head, I step away to let him do his job.

I went back over to Shadow's stall to see how she was.

She was huffing as she paced back and forth in her stall, barely putting full weight on her front hoof.

"What can be done to help her?" I asked Camila gently.

"I don't know." Camila whispers, tears filling her eyes.

I wrapped my arms around Camila. "It'll be okay."

Burying her face in my neck, Camila begins to softly cry.

"It'll be okay." I whispered again.

"It's all my fault." She sobs out, gripping onto my shirt tightly.

"No, it's not." I told her.

After a few minutes, Camila pulls away and wipes her eyes. "How's Dixon?"

"He's got a really deep cut on his side. He needs stitches." I told her calmly.

"Miss Granger went to get Ashley with the principal." Camila says softly.

I nodded. "She deserves to be expelled for this."

The younger girl nods her head in agreement. "She might get kicked out and lose her horse."

"Maybe." I said. I glanced at Dixon. He was watching me with sad eyes.

Biting my lip, I move over to him and rub his snout. "I'm sorry baby."

He nudged my hand before turning his head to the side and nuzzling his cut, he was trying to tell me that it was sore and I knew that. The vet said he'd get Dixon some pain relief.

"It's coming." I say softly, scratching lightly behind his ear.

He tilted his head to the side and relaxed a little.

The vet came back into the stall and smiles softly. "I have his pain relief."

"Good." I said with a nod.

I watch as the vet slowly injects Dixon with the pain relief.

Dixon's ears flicker and he releases a huff.

I smiled at Dixon and ran my hand down his face. "Good boy."

Moving closer, he lays his head on my shoulder.

I whispered soothing things to him while the vet stitched up his wound.


"Hey," I whisper as I crawl into Camila's bed.

Camila rolled over to face me. "Hi."

Smiling, I look into her eyes. "Wanna go down with me to check on the horses?"

"Okay." She nodded.

Grinning, I kiss her cheek before quickly getting up.

Camila blushed. "Let's go." She got up and followed me to the door.

Smiling, I grab her hand and lead her down to the barn, she was blushing the entire time and I couldn't help but wonder why.

Dixon and Shadow had their heads hanging over their stall doors. The two horses were looking at each other sympathetically.

Camila pulls away from me and makes her way over to Shadow, caressing her snout.

I moved over to Dixon. "Hey, buddy." I said softly.

Snorting, he bumps his nose against my hand.

I smiled at him. "You feeling better?"

Huffing, Dixon shakes his head.

"No? Oh, buddy." I ran my fingers through his mane.

Dixon leans into my touch and looks at me through sad eyes.

"Everything will be okay." I told him softly.

Huffing, he bumps his snout against my shoulder before blowing air in my face.

I giggled. "Hungry? Are we?"

Nodding his head, Dixon releases a neigh and steps back.

"Okay, okay." Lauren giggled. She went to get Dixon some food.

Camila was taking care of Shadow who was whining.

I shoved piles of hay into a hay net and carried it back to Dixon's stall once it was full.

The horse was walking back and forth impatiently

"Hey, calm down." I hung the hay net over the rail.

Huffing, Dixon looks at me and blows air into my face.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Here."

He immediately begins to eat, huffing every few minutes.

"Ready to go lay back down?" Camila asks softly from the door to Dixon's stall.

I turned my head to look at her. "Yeah." I nodded.


"You know, I think she might like you." Normani says as she paints my nails.

Dinah and Camila had gone for a ride on Dinah's horses Maya and Mitch while Ally was spending time with Justin.

I lifted my head to look at Normani. "What?"

Rolling her eyes, Normani grabs my other hand to paint those nails. "Camila, I think she likes you as more than a friend."

"We are just friends, close friends, like family." I told her.

"Then you might want to tell her that." The older girl responds.

I remained quiet.

Normani shifts slightly and runs a hand through her hair. "She's crushing on you badly."

"Did she tell you that?" I asked.

"She told Dinah." The dark-skinned girl responds.

"Oh." I swallowed.

Normani becomes quiet as she continues painting my nails.

I stared down at my hands, becoming quiet too.

At that exact moment, Camila and Dinah walked into the room giggling.

"Wow! It's quiet in here. Is everything okay?" Dinah asked.

Normani bites her lip. "I might've said something I shouldn't have."

"Like what?" Dinah asked, frowning.

"I told her about Camila's feelings for her." Normani responds slowly.

"You did what?!" Camila gasped, her eyes widened.

I remained quiet, looking at my feet.

"I'm sorry Mila, but she deserved to know." Normani says softly.

Tears filled Camila's eyes and she looked at me before turning around and rushing out of the room.

"Well, that's just great." Dinah muttered before chasing after Camila.

Taking a deep breath, I look up at Normani. "Thank you for telling me."

"You deserved to know." Normani said before going back to painting my nails.

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