Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Lauren's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath getting out of the black cab. I pulled my suitcase from the back seat and put it on the ground beside me. I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder, before paying the driver, thanking him and closing the door.

I watched the cab drive off, growing smaller as it did and disappearing into the English countryside. I sighed. I'm finally here - my dream school, Kensington Academy. I remember applying and having to wait ages before I got the letter telling me I got in. I honestly didn't think I'd get in, but I did.

I remember telling my parents. They weren't too bothered. They looked up from their work and nodded with a straight face. They didn't really care where in the world I was, just as long as I wasn't in any trouble and wasn't bothering them.

I sighed, frustrated by the memory shaking my head to remove it from my brain. They weren't here, all that mattered was that I was here and I was going to succeed.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard someone shout. It was a male voice with a British accent.

The next thing I knew I was laying on the ground, where the cab that brought me here once sat, with someone's body on top of mine. I looked at the person. It was a boy with dark hair and brown eyes. This must've been the boy who shouted.

At that moment a neighing noise caught my attention. I looked away from the boy and in the direction of the sound.

The most beautiful black horse I'd ever seen, beside my own horse, cantered past. He was wild looking and had a crazy look in his dark brown eyes. He was followed by a tall man and a few students with the Kensington uniform on - some had green t-shirts on, others purple and someone had a red one on and someone else had a blue one on - they were shouting at each other and the horse. They tried to calm the horse but this only made him angrier. He reared and nearly knocked a student off his feet. He then bucked, nearly kicking a small girl in the face with his right hoof.

"Are you alright?" The boy brought my attention off the horse and onto himself. He was now standing on his feet with an arm outstretched to help me up.

I took his hand and he helped me up. "I'm fine. Thanks." I replied.

"That's good. My name is Brad Simpson. And you are?" He asked.

"I'm Lauren Jauregui." I replied, dusting the dirt off my clothes.

"Nice name." Brad complimented. "I must go help them round up TK." He said. "But I'll see you around?"

"Yeah." I replied before he ran off.

I sighed again and watched Brad and the other students try to calm the horse. It was quite comical. I shook my head and let out a giggle before taking the handle of my suitcase and making my way into the main building of Kensington Academy.

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