Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


Camila's POV

I can't believe how well that lesson went! Shadow was so amazing. I can't stop smiling as I ran the brush down her long neck.

"You did so good," I say softly as I continue to brush her.

Shadow blew air into my face and I giggled. Her ears went back against her neck and she squealed as Lauren led Dixon past.

Chuckling, I continue to brush down her back, kissing the side of her head.

Shadow shook her head and blew in my face again before nibbling my shoulder.

"Okay girl, time for you to eat and me to head to class." I say, putting the brush away.

She pricked her ears at the mention of food and let out a soft whinny.

Filling her food bin with some of her favorite food and hay, I tap her neck gently before making my ways out of her stall.

I took off my helmet and carried her saddle and bridle into the tack room and put them into Shadow's cubicle.

"She's so snobby, but look at her clothes, she's definitely poor." I hear some of the girls mumbling.

I rolled my eyes and ignored their comments. We can't all be rich and have thoroughbred horses.

"You ready for class?" Dinah asks, walking over to me.

"Is it any of your business?" I asked.

The taller girl holds her hands up. "Woah, it's just a question...."

I walked towards Abby House to get changed for class.

When I walk into the room, I'm shocked to see Lauren already there

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, moving over to my bed.

"Why does your horse keep squealing at Dixon?" Lauren asks as soon as she realizes I'm in the room.

I shrugged. "Maybe she just doesn't like him.

Sighing, the green eyed girl turns to look at me. "What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem." I said, taking my hair out of its ponytail and shaking it out.

"You've been acting like you're better than us." She responds, glaring at me.

"Maybe I am because that lesson just there proved it. Your horses were tired after it and my horse wasn't." I shrugged.

Rolling her eyes, Lauren picks up her bag full of books. "Whatever, you're not going to make friends acting like that."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I muttered, picking up my uniform and going into the bathroom to get changed.

Lauren was gone by the time I came back out.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair before tying it up in a ponytail and picking up my blazer. I pulled it on and grabbed my backpack.


"Alright class, I'm going to pair you off for a project." The history teacher says with a smile.

Multiple people groaned and others seemed happy, me, well, I didn't really care.

"Watson you are with Hayes, Hansen with Kordei-Hamilton, Hernandez with Beiber, Malik with Payne, Cabello with Jauregui." He drones on and on.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

Once he is done telling us our pairs, he begins talking about the project.

We had to create a presentation on the history of Egypt which sounds really boring and it is.

"Alright, get with your partner and discuss. You have two months until the presentation is due." He says before moving toward his desk.

Everyone began moving to their partners, Lauren and I stayed put.

"So," I say as I sit down beside her.

Lauren looked up at me. "Yeah." She said, leaning back in her chair.

"How do you want to do this?" I ask, looking at her.

"A PowerPoint." Lauren said with a shrug.

Nodding my head, I shift slightly and write PowerPoint in my notebook.

Lauren nodded. She turned to her bag and pulled her history book out of it, turning to the section on Egypt.

Biting my lip, I keep my eyes on my notebook.

I could hear Lauren scribbling facts on her notepad with her pen.

Taking a deep breath, I lean over and look at what she's writing. Transferring it into my own notebook.

I glanced up at her face and watched for a moment as her eyes danced from her notebook to the textbook and back again. I snapped my eyes away and shook my head.

Before we can move any further the bell rings, signaling time for our next class.

I stood up and picked up my bag, putting my things in it.


By the time I'm done with classes and in my room, I'm exhausted.

It's been such a long day and I still have to go see Shadow and get her ready for the night. It's colder here than it is at home. She'll have to wear her rug.

Dropping my bag onto my bed, I take a deep breath and pull the ponytail out of my hair.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?" Ally asks softly.

I jumped slightly and turned to look at Ally. "Is it any of your business?"

Frowning, the shorter girl looks down. "I was just trying to be nice."

"Shouldn't you be exercising that horse of yours. You'll never make it onto the Abby House team if she's not fit." I said.

Nodding her head, Ally leaves the room.

I swallowed and grabbed some clothes, taking them into the bathroom to get changed.

"Why are you so mean to everyone?" Lauren asks as soon as I walk back out.

"I'm not mean." I replied, moving over to the door.

"Yeah you are and for no reason." She responds, glaring at me.

"Whatever." I opened the door and walked out, making my way to the barn.

Shadow greeted me with a soft whinny.

"Hi, at least you won't call me mean." I say softly, sighing when I see her look. "I'm not mean."

Shadow blew air in my face before nuzzling my shoulder.

Running my hand over the bridge of her nose, I can't help but sigh. "Let's get you ready for bed."

She snorted and shook her head, moving over to her feed bucket and pawing it with her hoof.

Getting her food pellets, I quickly fill the bucket, adding some straw as well. "Let's get your blanket on.

She was too occupied by her food to pay attention.

I grabbed her rug and put it on her before cleaning out her hooves and checking her legs for any cuts, sores, and bumps.

"Alright, everything looks good. I'll see you tomorrow for lessons." I say softly.

She lifted her head and looked at me.

"Hey, this isn't home, I can't spend every waking minute with you." I ran my hand down her face. "You know that. It's different here, we have to be different."

Snorting, Shadow shook her head and went back to eating.

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