Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


Lauren was wrong, the lesson was pure torture. It was so much harder than she of her roommates expected. She and Dixon were sore and tired by the end of the hour long lesson. As she slid down off his back, her muscles ached and screamed. Dixon was huffing and puffing, completely shattered, he wasn't as fit as she thought he was. His head hung low to the ground. Lauren was beginning to think that it was just a fluke that she Dixon got in... maybe it was because her parents were rich, maybe the school just wanted her parents money.

Sighing, Lauren ran her hand down Dixon's sweaty neck and gently took his reign in her hand. Dixon shook out his main, snorting, he turned his head to look at her with his famous judging look.

"What?" Lauren asked. "I know, I'm tired too. Don't look at me like that." She said with a hint of weakness in her voice.

The group of British boys and girls across the arena laughed as they led their fully fit horses out of the arena. Those pedigree horses looked like they could do that lesson for hours on end. None of them looked tired at all.

Lauren looked down, feeling judged. She ran her hand down Dixon's neck again. "Good boy." She whispered, leaning against him for a moment as her legs shook.

Lauren and Dixon weren't the only ones that found it hard and Ally was the first to voice her opinion. "Did anyone else find that really hard?" She asked when their instructor had left the arena and gone inside.

"Yeah." Dinah said. "Maya is absolutely shattered.

Lauren could only nod in agreement.

"Well, Shadow is fine." Camila states proudly before leading her horse out of the arena. "Maybe you should have made sure your horses were fit before you applied." She called behind her before entering the barn.

'What's her problem?' Lauren thought to herself. She ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath, steadying herself on her own to feet. She looked at her three roommates still left in the arena and suddenly felt extremely homesick. She'd never missed her parents before but now... now she could cry for a year.

"Okay, it's official, that girl needs an attitude check." Normani said. "And that horse does too. She's so loud and always squealing."

Dinah nodded. "She's squealing at him." She pointed at Dixon. "I don't see why. He's such a quiet horse."

Lauren simply shrugged. "It's a mystery." She said.

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