Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


Lauren's P.O.V.

"Hello girls." Miss Granger said happily as we stopped in front of her. "You must be Lauren, Ally, Camila, Dinah-Jane and Normani." She pointed at each of us as she said our names and we nodded.

Miss Granger was tall with dusty blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore an Abby House t-shirt and white trousers.

Ally, Normani, Dinah, Camila and I wore the same red t-shirt but we wore grey trousers instead of white ones. A red hoodie was tied around her waist.

"Ally, your horse is in stable six. She's beautiful by the way. She's so sweet, most horses after travelling such a long way would be grumpy but she wasn't, she was fine." Miss Granger smiled.

"That's Quinn, she's always happy no matter where she is." Ally nodded and she walked away, smiling as she saw her horse who whinnied happily, throwing her head in the air.

"Dinah, your horse is in stable three, she wasn't too happy to be here, put up quite a fight." Miss Granger shook her head, letting out a little giggle.

"Trust Maya to put up a fight. She's head strong." Dinah giggled, as she walked towards her horse.

"Normani, your horse is in stable five. She's so cute." Miss Granger, flipped her hair out of the way of her eyes.

"Yeah she is. Pretty stubborn too. She didn't give you any trouble then?" Normani asked.

Miss Granger shook her head. "No."

Normani nodded and walked away.

Miss Granger turned to Camila and I. "Your horses aren't here yet. Am I correct?"

Camila and I nodded.

"My horse will be here tomorrow." Camila said, smiling at the thought of her horse.

Miss Granger nodded. "And Lauren, when will your horse be here?"

I bit the inside of my cheek nervously. "Em.... later today I think." I said not really sure when Dixon was going to arrive.

"Okay, why don't you two go set up their stables. Lauren your horse will be in stable seven and Camila your horse will be in eight, across from Lauren's." Miss Granger smiled at us and we nodded before she walked out of the barn.

I glanced at Camila and then we walked down to our horse's stables. I sighed, looking at his name on the gold plate that was stuck to the door. I hoped he'd get here soon.

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