'I completely forgot about the enrollment papers..!'

The young man's smirk faded as to becoming distracted by your noticeable trembling. He slowly removed his hand with the tilt of his head. "Something wrong?--"

A bark managed to cause you to look away from the beaming young man. Your eyes lowered onto a small, black dog. And of course -- it was a boy. Black fur covered his body, accept for the tips of his tail, ears, and paws, which replaced it by a ghostly white.

Seiichiro's eyes brightened, and he soon crouched down to beckon for the pet's approach. "C'mere Kaz..!" He whispered, creating hand gestures with his right hand.

The dog ran into his owner's arms and gladly licked his face. You simply smiled, and inched your way towards the two drowned in happiness. And while you grew close enough, you crouched down by Seiichiro's side. "Cute dog. So, his name's Kaz?"

Both the dog and the handsome young man looked over towards you, and immediately the dog's ears flattened and he snarled. You flinched back.

Seiichiro chuckled and stood up, so did you. He held his pet with delicacy and care, stroking his soft black fur to keep him composed. "Kaz. This is your new neighbor, and friend."

He then peered away from his dog and stared at you for a long second. "This is Kazuma. I'm glad that you like dogs, or else we'd have a serious problem in our hands..." The boy lifted Kazuma's left paw and made him wave gently in your direction. His tail wagged, and those round dog eyes were getting fully acquainted with your [E/C] irises.

"Anyways, I'll get going now. See you later, [L/N]!" Seiichiro stated, lowering Kazuma's paw to simply wave himself. "You too, I look forward to getting to know you and everyone here." You bowed, and closed the door upon his exit.

You placed your hands on your hips and hung your head, suddenly getting a stressed feeling about the mere future. However, you didn't let that sidetrack you.

"Now, time to unpack!"

A timeskip is in progress.
One moment please.
>[Time: 6:29 PM]<

As soon as you were finished placing a majority of your things in the most ideal places, you relaxed against your comfortable bed. "Ah~ It's so nice to live by myself! No more parents nagging you, or any brothers and sisters!"

You rolled over with the steady contemplation about Seiichiro. "Man... this is too good to be true. A nice guy, one door down from me! And to add onto that, I'm going to attend the same school as him!"

You tossed yourself to the edge of your mattress, consumed by the thoughts of what delayed your labor earlier. "A fresh start, and possibly a love life-"


Your eyes flicked while hearing a eerie sound above you. "What was that? There's no other story above me... Just an attic."

Curiosity revealed themselves in your irises, and so you mustered your courage to the surface in order to investigate.

"Might be a rat ... Or maybe a raccoon?"

Rather discreetly, you entered the hallway with caution. There was a thin metallic rope dangling down near the living room. And due to your height, it became quite a struggle to reach for, but eventually you reached it. With one gentle tug, the latter collapsed in a gentle manner, and you could vividly hear something inside the attic shift around.

"Hello?" You called softly, placing one foot on the staircase after the next. "Sheesh, they should've at least told me that they had... animals..." Your face was left in steep astonishment, while your eyes scanned the wooden place.

"It's ... surprisingly clean in here! And there's a couch!" As you stepped against the floorboards, you approached the couch to gently press your hand against it. "It looks new... Did the previous owners leave it here?"

The feeling of you being watched suddenly lingered over your shoulders, and the tension had inevitably began to rise. Your body pivoted and you looked around for anything out of the ordinary.

In reality, this entire situation was out of the ordinary.

You were beginning to feel insecure and slightly creeped out, and so you decided to leave before you'd act irrationally.

A timeskip is in progress.
One moment please.
>[Time: 8:09 PM]<

You laid back against your bed, this time trying to get more comfortable. As your demeanor eased, you brought your pillow closer to yourself, altering onwards to an abrupt daydream.

And as your eyelids grew heavier, you slowly dozed off. Until inevitably, you heard yet another thud. Your eyelids shot open, and quickly you sat up and glared at the ceiling. "Okay..."

"So something is definitely up there."

[Chapter END]

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now