Episode 51 : Avaricious

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Its Now Night..... And Its Now Dinner Inside The Villalobos' Mansion......... The 4 Brothers Were There Very Quiet While Waiting For Their Mother To Arrive......

Dolores: You Know What...... I Know That All Of You Brothers Doesn't Want To Apologize To Each Other For What You've Done..... But I Should Tell All Of You That Its Like They Key For You Guys To Get Along Again...
Ezer: (Quietly Speaks) But There's No Way For That To Happen! I Ain't No Stargazer Or A Fortune Teller But I Can Say That Never Will We Get Along.....
Griffo: We Are Too Broken With Each Other Now.........
Dolores: So What? You Guys Wanna Stay Quiet For The Rest Of Your Lives?
Silver: Gran... I Guess It Is Better This Way That.... Argue About Something......... Just Think Of Us As A Glass A Glass Who Already Have Broke.... You Might Clue Us But You Will Still See The Cracks... We Are Still Separated.........
Dolores: But..... Be Lucky That All Of You Are 7 Brothers...... You All Are Not Glasses....... You All Are Made From Wood Who Grew Out Tree......
Link: (Shakes His Head) Would All Of You Stop Using The Figures Of Speech!!!!
Silver: (Rolls His Eyes)
Dolores: Just Do What I Say If You Guys Think About It....... Cause It Will Set You All Free..........
*Cristina And Avi Enters The Room*
Cristina: (Angry)
Avi: (Follows Cristina)
*The 4 Brothers Looks Angrily At Avi*
Cristina: (Sits On The Head Seat) (Angry) So......
Avi: (Sits On A Chair)
Cristina: So..... Look What You All Have Done! Because Of All Of Your Stupid Attitudes.... You All Had Ruin Your Lives...... Aren't You Even Tired Of All Of This! Cause I Am Tired..........
Link: (Stands Up) Mom! (Screams) Who Cannot Be Tired Of All Of This! Is This My Fault! The Truth Is........ If We Can Be Independent... Why Not! I Love You Mom But I Do Not Love My Brothers! (Angry)
Cristina: Why Is That So!
Link: I Am So Tired Of Explaining This! The Truth Is... Most Of Us Never Started Hate If It Was Because.... (Looks At Avi) (Shakes His Head) Just Like What I Said.... I Am Tired Of Explaining This! I Hope You Don't Get Rot From Believing Things From Avi! (Left)
Ezer: (Stands Up) I Hate Link And Everyone Here.......... But I Agree.... (Points Avi) This.... This.... This Asshole Should Be Banned! (Left)
Cristina: (Screams At Ezer) Ezer! That Wasn't Nice Of You!
Griffo: Mom! (Angry) Stop Expecting Us To Be Nice Cause If He Will Always Be Here... (Points Avi) There Won't Be Any Peace..... (Left)
Silver: If We Were All From A Tree...... (Points Avi) He Is The Root Of All Of This Shits! (Left)
Dolores: (Rolls Her Eyes At Avi) Well...... Cristina.... I Agree......
Cristina: What The! Mom! Would You Stop All Of This! Even You Are Believing Those Bastards.....
Dolores: You Know What Cristina! The Real Demon Is Either (Points Avi) Him Or......... Your Own Heart........ (Left)
Avi: (Feels Sad) (In His Mind) (Angry) I Cannot Take This Anymore! All Of Those People Are Keep On Trying To Break Off Me.......
Cristina: I Am Not Tired Of Eating... Well Avi.... If You Still Wanna Eat...... Then Go Do It..... Wash After....
Avi: Yes Mom...
Cristina: (Left)
Avi: (Rolls His Eyes) Fine! At Least...... This Shows The Real Good Thing That I Can Do....... (Opens The Covered Food)
*A Soup Appears From The Cover*
Avi: (Takes The Soup) Fine.... This Is The Easiest To Wash........ (Sees His Reflection On The Soup) (Sees His Eyes Full Black) What The! (Looks Away)
*The Light Starts Turning On And Off*
Avi: What The! (Tries To Scoop The Soup Using The Spoon)
*Avi Scoops A Soup With Worms*
Avi: (Screams) Ahhhhhhhhh! (Stands Up) (About To Run Away) (Approaches The Door To The Hall)
*The Door On The Halls Closes*
Avi: No! No!!!!!! No!!!!!! (Knocks On The Door) Let Me Out! (Screams) (Sees The Doorway To The Kitchen) (Runs To The Doorway)
*The Doorway To The Kitchen Closes*
Avi: (Crying) No! No!!!!!!! (Screams)
*The Rain Starts Pouring Outside*
*The Lights Turns Off*
*Lightning Occurs Outside*
Avi: (Terrified) (Screams) No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Madam Lucy Appears Above The Tables*
Avi: (Sees Madame Lucy Appears) Wait....... Ms. Gina?
Madame Lucy: (Smiles) Avarice! Hahahahahahaha! (Floats)
*The Table Moves To Avi's Way*
Avi: (Jumps Away) What The! What Did I Done Wrong To You! Why Are You Here!!!!!!!!!!
Madame Lucy: (Floats To Avi) Avi!!!!!!!!! The Avarice!
Avi: Avarice? What Avarice! I Am Not An Avarice!!!!!!! (Runs To The Big Mirror) (Looks At The Mirror) (Looks At The Mirror)
*Madame Lucy Appears On The Mirror*
Avi: (Screams) No!!!!!!! Why? (Crying) What Is Happening? Why Me! Why Me!?
Madame Lucy: You Are Trying Hard To Be The Best..... But..... All Of You Brothers Will Always Be Stupid!
Avi: No! I Am Not!
Madame Lucy: Yes You Are! (Screams)
*The Mirror Explodes To Avi*
Avi: (Closes His Eyes)
*Everything Turns Normal*
Avi: (Opens His Eyes) (Looks Around) Huh? Wait......... What Just Happened?

At The Agalia's Mansion...... At The Guestroom.....

Whyeth: (Cleaning Vance's Wound)
Vance: Baby! Its Fine..... Its Already Okay! And I Am Still Okay..... Would You Start Sleeping?
Whyeth: But Vance......
Vance: I Never Really Thought I Could Fight Someone Hard Like That... Its Like...... From That Time.......... I Felt Like I Had Some Super Powers.........
Whyeth: Really Vance..... Cause Everytime I Get Uncontrollable... I Feel Something Like...  A Power That Makes Me Do That! And Makes Me More... Uncontrollable And..... As........ I Feel That I Get What I Want..... Something Leaves Me Suddenly..... The Power Leaves Me That I Feel Weakness........
Vance: (Hugs Whyeth) What Is Happening To Us! (Crying)
Whyeth: I Do Not Know.... I Never Wanted To Do Such Things But..... I Do........

Back At The Villalobos Mansion....... At Cristina's Bedroom.......

Cristina: (Walks Out Of The Bathroom) (Walks To Her Mirror)
Madame Lucy: (Appears Behind Cristina)
Cristina: Huh? (Sees Madame Lucy) (Eyes Widens) (Screams Very Loud) (Faints) (Falls On Her Bed)

Its Getting Scarier.... And Getting Exciting At The Same Time....... Get Fired Up For This Deadly And Sinful Finale That You Will Ever Witness..... 9 Sinful Episodes.....

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