Episode 50 : Activated Attitude

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Its Now A Friday...... The Villalobos Brothers Are Currently Now In School........ They Just Finished Their First Class With A New Teacher....... Its Now Recess..... At The Cafeteria........

Sarah: I Still Feel Bad About Ms. Gina's Death!
Xia: I Agree.... She Never Deserved It Though!!!
Whyeth: (Eating)
Vance: (Eating) You Know What Why.....
Whyeth: What?
Link: (Enters The Cafeteria) (Sees Vance) (Angry) (Approaches Vance)
Whyeth: (Looks At Link) Oh..... Link! Hi?
Vance: (Looks At Link)
Link: (Punches Vance)
Vance: (Falls Down)
*Everyone Stands Up*
Xia: Vance!!!!!!!
Whyeth: (Runs To Vance) Link! Why Did You Do That!!!
Link: (Angry) (Crying) Its Because Of Him!! It Is Too Obvious That He Is The Reason That You Didn't Come Yesterday! (Eyes Turns Violet)
Vance: (Mouths Starts To Bleed) (Eyes Turns Yellow)
Whyeth: No Link!
Xia: (Sees Vance And Link's Eyes Change Color) (Terrified)
Sarah: (Nervous)
Vance: (Stands Up) And Why Do You Want To Meet Up With My Brother! Go! (Angry) Why? (Whispers) (Looks Around) I Love Whyeth So Much But If I Can't Take This Anymore To You! I Am Gonna Tell Them About Your Biggest Secret!
Link: (Screams) Or Maybe Your Biggest Secret! (Screams)
Vance: (Carries And Throws Link To A Table)
Link: (Falls Down On The Table)
*The Table Collapses*
Whyeth: (Crying) Vance! Stop!!
Sarah: Vance! Listen To Whyeth!
Vance: No! Whyeth! I Never.... Never Gave Justice Yet To What He Have Done To You! (Walks To Link) (Keeps Punching Link)
Link: (Holds Vance's Arm) (Pulls Link Down To Him) (Goes Above Link) (Bleeding)
Vance: (Tries To Escape)
Link: (Keeps Punching Vance)
Avi: (Enters The Room) (Sees Link And Vance Fighting)
Whyeth: (Screams The Loudest) (Sees Vance In Pain) (Crying) Link! Stop!!!!!!!! (Clenches His Fist)
Xia: (Looks At Whyeth's Fist)
Whyeth: (Eyes Turns Red)
Xia: (Eyes Widens At Whyeth) (Nervous) (Walls Back)
Sarah: (Sees Whyeth's Eyes) Whyeth! Your Eyes....
Link: (Keeps Punching Vance)
Whyeth: (Screams) I Said... Stop! (Runs To Link) (Chokes Link)
Link: (Looks At Whyeth) Wait.. Whyeth! (Feels Pain)
Whyeth: (Chock Lifts Link)
Avi: (Nervous)
Ezer: (Enters The Room) Whyeth! (Nervous) (Runs Near Whyeth) What Is Happening?
Link: (Feels Pain) Why Are You Doing This Whyeth!
Whyeth: (Voice Turns Demonic) You Shouldn't Have Done That To Vance!! (Throes Link To The Wall)
Link: (Flies Away To The Wall)
*The Wooden Wall Collapses*
Whyeth: (Eyes Turns Normal) (Falls On His Knees) (Feels Pain)
Link: (Feels Pain) (Angry) (Clenches Hus Fist) (Eyes Keep Flashing Violet) (Looks Angrily Directly At Vance And Whyeth)
Avi: (Takes A Video Of The Brothers) (Eyes Turns Black)
Rina: (Enters The Room) Guys...... What Is Happening? (Sees Link's Eyes Violet) What The! Link!!!!!!
Link: (About To Approach Vance) (Screams) Whyeth Is Mine!!!!!!! (About To Run To Vance)
Griffo: (Enters The Room) (Sees Link About To Attack Vance) (Eyes Turns Green) (Punches Link Away)
Link: (Falls Down Away)
Silver: (Enters The Room) Oh No!!!!!!!
Vance: (Walks To Whyeth) Why.... You Okay????
Whyeth: (Hugs Vance)
Ezer: (Sees Vance And Whyeth Hugging Each Other) (Eyes Turns Blue) (Angry) (Sees A Fork) (Takes The Fork)
Silver: (Sees Ezer About To Attack Vance) Wait... No! (Runs To Ezer) (Eyes Turns White) (Pushes Ezer Away)
Vance: Huh? (Sees Ezer Fall Down With A Fork) (Eyes Turns Back To Normal)
Whyeth: (Eyes Turns Back To Normal),
Ezer: (Eyes Turns Back To Normal)
Griffo: (Eyes Turns Back To Normal)
Silver: (Eyes Turns Back To Normal)
Link: (Eyes Turns Back To Normal)
Avi: (Eyes Turns Back To Normal)
Principal: (Enters The Room) What Is Happening Here!!!!!!
*The Villalobos Brothers Looks At The Principal*
Principal: All Villalobos Brothers..... I Do Not Need An Explanation But I Am Now Telling All Of You That All Of You Will Have A 1 Month Suspension...
Avi: (Walks To The Principal) (Angry) Principal! Its Unfair... I Wasn't Even With Them!
Principal: Except You Avi..... All Students Should Go Back To Your Classrooms.......
*The Students Left*
Principal; Go Home All Of You Right Now.....
Vance: (Pulls Whyeth Up) Why..... Lets Now Leave...
Whyeth: (Nods) Vance!! Are You Okay?
Vance: (Nods)
*Whyeth Left*
Vance: (Shoves Avi)
Avi; (Almost Fall) Ouch!
Vance: (Looks Angrily At Avi) (Left)
Avi: (Feels Embarrassed)

So It Goes.... All Rowland Brothers Went Home Except For Avi.... At Lunch..... Xia, Aria, Rina And Sarah Approached The Agalia Brothers Who Were Eating At The Outdoor Table......

Greyson: Poor Whyeth!!!!!!
Gio; They Are Getting Worst And Worst!
*Sarah, Xia, Rina And Aria Approaches The Brothers*
Xia: Greyson.....
Greyson: Oh... Xia... What's Up!
Rina: The Villalobos...... You Know.......
Charlie: Did They Really Got Suspended....
Aria: Yeah!!!
Sarah: Guys.... Have You Seen All Of Their Eyes......... It Turned Different...
Dillion: What Do You Mean Different??
Xia: Me Too! I Saw Link And Vance First.... Their Eyes Turned Into Different Color.......... Vance Turned Yellow... And..... Link Turned Violet......... Then Whyeth Was The Next.... His Eyes Turned Red.....
Sarah: And..... I Saw...... Avi's Eyes Turned Full Black!
Aria: Griffo Also..... His Eyes Went Green......
Rina: And Ezer Turned Blue.... And Silver Turned Full White....... And All Of It Happened As They Got Aggressive......
Pryce: Aggressive? But... Avi? He Wasn't In A Fight........ How Can He?
Xia: Avi Was Doing Something Bad Too... Recording The Fight......
Hughes: So That Means.... Their Eyes Turns Different Everytime They Do Something Wrong?
Tyrone: That Can Be.......
Xia: (Feels Sad) Its So Supernatural..... That Could Mean Something......
Greyson: Wait Xia...... Yesterday Of Yesterday....... We Talked About The Brothers Having The Same Headache At The Same Time And It All Happened At The Time Ms. Gina Died....
Xia: Wait... That Is Weird..... Ms. Gina Always Was Into The 7 Brothers....... He Never Separated The Brothers....
Rina: What I Know Is... Ms. Gina Had Tarot Cards In Her Classroom....
Greyson: Yeah... Ugh.. Xia?
Xia: What?
Greyson: Do You Wanna Investigate The Classroom Next Monday? Lets Find Clues...
Xia: Sure.... Lets Do That!
Aria: We Should Know What Is Happening Cause.... The Brothers Are Connected.... But Supernaturally Connected......
Sarah: The Only Thing We Don't Know Is... Why?
Avi: (Passes Everyone)
*The Brothers And The Girls Look Like Avi*
Sarah: Just Like Avi!!!!!! The Brothers Have Different Attitudes...
Avi: (Hears His Name) .......

Last 10 Episodes.... See That! 10 Last Episodes..... Get Ready For This...

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