Episode 24 : Illegally Fall In Love

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At Dawn........ In The Halls Of The Mansion.......

Link: (Sleeping) (Snoring)
Whyeth: (Walks Down The Stairs) (Yawns) I Am Freaking Hungry......
Whyeth: (Keeps Walking) (Sees Link) Wait..... Link? (Runs To Link) Brother? (Kneels Down To Link) Brother...... (Shakes Link) Wake Up?
Link: (Drunk) (Wakes Up) (Slurry Speaks) What? What? (Looks Around)
Whyeth: (Concerns) Link.... Why Are You Sleeping At The Ground?
Link: (Looks At Whyeth) Oh.... Meh? Hahahaha! Let Me Tell Yah? Once Ah Pon Ah Tahm....... A Boy Named Link Is..... Ahahahaha... Hated By His Brothas! Hahahahaha!
Whyeth: That Is Not True! (Hugs Link) I Don't Hate You Or Mad At You....
Link: Really Ah? You Ah Lahhyin!
Whyeth: No! I Don't Hate You! Now Lemme Help You Stand Up!
Link: (Puts His Arms On Whyeth's Back)
Whyeth: (Stands Up) (Helps Link Stand Up)
Link: (Struggles To Balance)
Whyeth: (Helps Link Walk) Here We Go!
*Link And Whyeth Starts Walking*
Link: (Smiles At Whyeth)

At Link's Bedroom........

*The Door Opens*
*Link And Whyeth Enters The Bedroom*
Whyeth: Almost There......
Link: (Walks With Whyeth)
*The Door Closes*
Whyeth: (Puts Link Down On The Bed)
Link: Ahh! Better! (Lies On His Bed)
Whyeth: Okay! Good Night L.....
Link: (Pulls Whyeth Down With Him) No! Whyeth!
Whyeth: Huh? (Lies On The Bed) What Are You Doing Link?
Link: (Punches Whyeth's Face) Oh Cmon Whyeth! You Are So Cute...... Sleep With Me Please....
Whyeth: But Link...... (Feels Uncomfortable)
Link: (Crying) I Taught You Don't Hate Me.....
Whyeth: No I Don't......
Link: (Crying) They All Hate Me......
Whyeth: (Feels Sad) (Hugs Link) Fine Link....
Link: (Hugs Whyeth)
Whyeth: (Looks At Link)
Link: You Ain't Gonna Leave Me Right? (Feels Sad) (Tired)
Whyeth: I Won't......
Link: (Sleeps)
Whyeth: (Strokes Link's Hair)

At Morning...... Everyone Was Once Again Ready For School....... Link And Whyeth Are Still In The Bedroom.......

*Link And Whyeth Are Shirtless*
*Link And Whyeth Are Sleeping*
Whyeth: (Yawns) (Wakes Up) Good Morning.... (Looks At Link Shirtless) Ahhhhh! (Screams)
Link: (Wakes Up) Good Morning Whyeth!
Whyeth: Why Are We?? You Know....... Topless? (Looks At His Body)
Link: (Looks At His Body) I Don't Know How You Did That But Me...... It Was So Hot That Is Why I Took Of My Clothes........
Whyeth: Okay?
Link: So..... Ugh........ Lets Now Go To School?
Whyeth: (Stands Up) Yeah! I Need To...... (Walks To The Door)
Link: (Stares At Whyeth's Ass) (Licks His Lips) (In His Mind) I Wanna Fuck Him.....
Whyeth: Ugh...... Link... The Door....
Link: Oh Yeah! (Stands Up) (Walks To Whyeth's Back) (Lets His Bulge Touches Whyeth's Ass)
Whyeth: (Feels Link's Dick) (In His Mind) What Us He Doing?
Link: (Clicks The Button)
*The Door Opens*
Whyeth: (Looks At Link)
Link: (Smiles) What? Go Away My Cute Brother..... Get Ready For School......
Whyeth: (Smiles) Yeah! Bye.......  (Left)
Link: I Love You Whyeth.......

As The Brothers Go To School, Classes Started And After The First Period, Its Now Recess........
At The Cafeteria.......

Vance: (Eating) What Were You Doing Inside The Bedroom Of Link?
Whyeth: Me? Sleeping...
Vance: And Why Are You Sleeping With Link....... You Never Slept With Him.....
Gio: Well..... They Are Brothers Vance.......
Hughes: And Vance....... Do Not Worry..... That Doesn't Takes Away His Love From You Right? I Am Sure That You Are Why's Favorite Brother.......
Whyeth: I Love Them All Really Especially Vance....
Vance: (Smiles)
Whyeth: And Ezer.....
Hughes: Yeah! I Like Ezer Too........ Its Like..... He Isn't That Active In The Activities Of The School But His Kindness Rules Him Over........
Vance: (Murmurs) Kind? Ugh......
Sarah: (Approaches Everyone) Ugh.... Hi Guys....
Vance: Oh Hi Sarah! What's Up?
Sarah: Have You Seen Silver?
Vance: Oh Him? We Don't Care.......
Whyeth: Don't Be Like That...... Ugh Sarah! He Is At School But I Am Not Sure Where He Is...... In Free Times, He Usually Sleeps......
Sarah: Oh... So That Means... He Could Possibly Be In The Theatre.... Its Cold There....
Vance: Yeah I Guess.....
Sarah: (Sits Next To Hughes) Can I?
Hughes: You Have Sat Already.......
Sarah: Hahaha.... Yeah.....
Xia: (Enters The Cafeteria)
Vance: (Sees Xia) Hey Xia!
Xia: (Looks At Vance)
Vance: (Waves) Sit With Us......
Xia: (Looks Around)
Gio: Yiee.... Vance Crushes O  Xia......
Vance: Be Quiet Would You!
Sarah: Hahahaha....
Xia: (Walks To The Table) Are You Sure I Am Not A Distraction?
Vance: Why Would You Be?
Xia: (Feels Quiet) (Sits Down)
Ms. Gina: (Approaches Everybody) Hey Guys...
Whyeth: (Smiles) Hi Ms. Gina....
Vance: Oh My God! (Slaps Himself) I Forgot To Tell Whyeth...
Whyeth: What Is That?
Vance: The...... What Do You Call This... Ugh...... The Cards....
Whyeth: Oh Damn! I Forgot Where Did I Put It........ But I Guess Mom And Dad Knows Where It Is.......
Ms. Gina: Oh Really Aye? (Smiles)
Vance: Yeah! Its On Our Parent's Good Hands......
Ms. Gina: Okay! Fine! (Left)
Xia: (Looks At Ms. Gina Leaving)
Gio: I Don't Mean To Be Bad But....... Ms. Gina Is So Creepy...
Sarah: Correct!
Hughes: Yeah Man! Its Like.... If She Is The Teacher.... You Will Gonna Force Yourself In Making An Assignment...
Whyeth: Hahaha....
Vance: She Is Cool! We Are Close Though!
Whyeth: I Agree.....

After A Whole New Day.... Everyone Got Home And Some Of The Brothers Are Now At Dinner....... At The Dining Hall...

Whyeth: Mom......
Cristina: Why Son?
Whyeth: Have You Seen The Seven Deadly Sins Cards.......
Cristina: (In His Mind) Oh Shit! I Burned It!
Vance: Mom?
Ezer: ......
Link: (Stares At Whyeth)
Cristina: I Forgot Where I Put It...
Vance: Damn!
Cristina: Sorry Son If I Misplaced It...
Whyeth: No.... Its Fine... (Smiles) I Am Gonna Wash The Dishes Now.... (Stands Up) (About To Pick Up The Plate)
Link: No!! (Stands Up)
Ezer: Huh?
Vance: Excuse Him?
Whyeth: What Is Wrong Brother?
Link: (Walks To Whyeth) (Takes Whyeth's Plate) You Go Rest..... (Strokes Whyeth's Hair) And I'll Take Care Of This.....
Vance: (Sees Link Stroking Whyeth's Hair) (In His Mind) What Is He Doing?
Whyeth: Okay?
Ezer: .......
Cristina: How Sweet Of You Link!
Link: (Smiles At Whyeth)

This Is So Suspenseful And Lustful At The Same Time.... What Is Really The Idea Of Th8# Season? Tune In!

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