Episode 40 : To Leave For Now And Always

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The Next Day...... At The Mansion, In Whyeth's Bedroom......

Vance: (Crying) (Hugging Whyeth) (Buries His Head At Whyeth's Back) Don't Go Please....
Whyeth: (Tidying His Clothes) (Packing Up) (Feels Sad)
Pryce: (Helping Whyeth Tidying Some Clothes) Are You Two Sure About What You Are Doing?
Hughes: We Respect You Two For The Boy To Boy Relationship But...... You Two Are Brothers.......
Whyeth: (Strokes Vance's Hair) We Can't Stop Who We Are Falling For.... If You Fall, You'll Fall.....
Hughes: Well...... At Least You Really Love Each Other.... Why Not......
Whyeth: Guys...... Please Do Not Tell Anyone Ore Anybody In Our Family About Our Relationship...
Vance: (Keeps Crying) Do Not Leave......
Whyeth: (Pulls Vance To His Lap) Baby! We Will See Everyday.......
Vance: But Whyeth..... I Really Fucking Love You And I Just Knew You Do To........ I Don't Wanna Waste No Time Without Loving You!
Whyeth: But Ezer..... Ezer Is Super Jealous Of Us Being Together...... If I Move And If You Move..... He Will Get Mad Again...... And He Won't Gonna Get Mad At Me I Guess........ He Will Get Mad At You And I Don't Want That To Happen.......
Vance: Whyeth.... Find A Way To Keep Us Together....... Please..... There's Still Time.....
Hughes: Vance..... The Extra Bedroom Is So Big For You Two....... Why Not Bring Him Whyeth.....
Whyeth: But Ezer....
Vance: Wait.... I Have A Plan....
Whyeth: If Its Gonna Involve A Fight..... Then Stop It....
Vance: No Why.... I Mean Is........ If Ever There Will Be A Family Fight Again...... Like.... What Happened Yesterday..... Then I Will Also Gonna Leave The House......
Whyeth: That Is A Clever Idea....... Just Make Sure That You Won't Gonna Do Anything Bad To Cause A Fight.....
Vance: Oh Cmon Whyeth...... If Its For You..... (Holds Whyeth's Hand) I Will Change.......
Whyeth: (Kisses Vance) Baby..... I Am Excited To See You Again With Me Everyday....
Vance: (Kissing Whyeth) Yeah Baby Brother..... So Excited...

At Downstairs..... The Other Brothers Were There Eating Breakfast....... At The Dining Hall....

Cristina: (Feels Weak) (Feels Sad) (Eating)
Link: (Eating)
Cristina: Silver.. Call Your Dad At The Bedroom And Tell Him To Eat Now.....
Silver: Mom! I Don't Want To!
Cristina: I Said...... Call Him!!!
Griffo: Would You Stop Being...
Cristina: Shut Up Griffo!
Avi: .......
Ezer: .....
Silver: Fine! (Left)
Ezer: (In His Mind) Where Is Vance And Whyeth?
*Vance, Whyeth, Hughes And Pryce Passes The Halls With A Lot Of Baggage*
Cristina: Wait.... (Sees Whyeth With A Baggage) (Walks To Whyeth) Hey You!
Ezer: (Follows Cristina)
*The Brothers Follows Ezer*

At The Halls Of The Mansion......

Cristina: (Holds Whyeth) Where Do You Think You Sons Are Going?
Whyeth: (Takes Away His Hand) I Am Gonna Leave This House.....
Ezer: Wait.... Whyeth!
Cristina: What The! Why Would You!!!!
Whyeth: Cause This Is For The Best.... And I Am The Worst Son Of The Family Right? I Am A Disgrace!
Cristina: (Crying) No Whyeth... I Am Just Stressed Out....
Whyeth: No Mom! (Serious) This Is Final...... I Am Gonna Leave This House........ Anyways...... Its Better Without Me! No One Will Gonna Threaten A Brother........
Avi: (Rolls His Eyes)
Vance: (Holds Whyeth Arm)
Ezer: (Looks At Vance Holding Whyeth's Arm)
Cristina: And You Vance...... Are You Gonna Leave Too?
Vance: (Looks At Whyeth) (Frowns)
Whyeth: (Looks At Vance) (Feels Sad)
Vance: Mom I Am Not.... (About To Speak)
Whyeth: (Holds Vance's Arm) He Is Also Leaving..... (Serious)
Vance: Wait..... Whyeth? I Taught......
Link: (Angry) (In His Mind) He Brainwashed Whyeth....
Cristina: No Vance! (Crying) Not You Two! You Two Will Always Be My Gems......
Whyeth: Mom....... I Have No Rights To Say Thus But...... As A Son, You Broke Us Apart And You Made Us Feel Down......
Vance: I Am Gonna Get My Things....
Whyeth: (Holds Vance) No You Won't!
Ezer: Are You Gonna Leave Me Whyeth?
Whyeth: (Feels Sad) Ezer.... (Hugs Ezer) We Will See Each Other At School..... I Just Need Or.... We Just Need To Rehabilitate Ourselves...
Ezer: (Looks At Vance) (Angry)
Vance: (Looks Angry At Ezer)
Griffo: .......
Whyeth: Lets Leave Vance! Guys.......
Hughes: (Left)
Pryce: (Left)
*Vance And Whyeth Are About To Leave*
Cristina: (Holds Whyeth And Vance) Sons......
Whyeth: (Crying) (Hugs Cristina) Sorry Mom! (Left)
Vance: Bye.... (Left)

At The Bedroom Of Cristina And Dravie.......

Silver: (Opens The Door Slowly) Dad?? Its Time For Breakfast.... Lets Now Go...... (Walks To Dravie) Dad? (Shakes Dravie) Dad? (Sees Some Blood) What The! (Nervous) (Terrified) Dad! (Crying) Dad!!!!!! (Left)

At The Halls......

Cristina: (Crying)
Silver: (Runs To Cristina) Mom! Mom! Mom! (Crying) (Terrified)
Griffo: What The Fuck! Stop Being Nervous.....
Cristina: Where Is Your Dad?
Silver: Mom! Someone Killed Dad!
Cristina: What!? (Eyes Widened)
Ezer: No! Dad!
Link: Dad!
Avi: Dad!
Griffo: Dad!!!!!!!
Silver: Lets Go Get Him!
Dolores: (Approaches Everyone) What Is Happening?
Cristina: Mom! Dravie Was Killed!!
Dolores: What The! Lets Go!!
*Everyone Runs Away*

At The Bedroom Of Dravie And Cristina.....

Cristina: (Crying Hard) (Shakes Dravie) Who Did This To You!! Tell Me! You Can't Die Dravie!!
Griffo: (Holds Dravie's Hand) Dad......... (Crying)
Silver: (Crying) Dad!!!!!
Avi: (Stares At Dravie) (Tears Falls In His Face)
Link: (Crying) (Hugs Dravie) Dad!!!!!
Dolores: (Feels Sad)
Ezer: (Looks At Dravie) (Crying) (Takes Our His Phone) (Texts Whyeth)

At The Mansion Of The Agalia.......

*Whyeth And Vance Looks Around*
Ria: (Approaches Whyeth) Welcome You Two!
Rico: Do Not Worry You Two.... You Guys Are Welcome Here......
Pryce: Is Our Home Cool?
Hughes: Heard That Guys..... You Guys Are Welcome That Is Why No Need To Worry!
Dillion: (Takes A Baggage) Let Me Take This! (Left)
Greyson: Let Me Guys Help You! (Takes A Baggage) (Left)
Tyrone: (Takes A Baggage) May I?
Vance: Sure Tyrone!
Tyrone: (Left)
Charlie: What's Up Homies! Don't Mind If I Bring Your Baggage! (Takes A Baggage)
Whyeth: Sure Homie! (Left)
Gio: Guys...... So....... This Will Be Exciting...
Ria: I Know Right... And I Am Gonna Cook For Us Right Now! (Left)
Rico: Yeah! BRB! (Left)
Vance: How About My Baggage?
Whyeth: It Doesn't Matter... Lets Get It After Days....... You Can Use My Clothes... We Have The Same Sizes.......
Vance: (Kisses Whyeth) I Love You So Much Baby! Why Did You Do That? I Taught.... You Are Gonna Leave Me....
Whyeth: At Second Thought.... I Realized I Can't Also Live Without You.......... (Kisses Vance)
Vance: (Kisses Whyeth)
*Whyeth's Phone Vibrates*
Whyeth: Oh Wait.... (Takes Out His Phone) (Opens His Viber)
Vance: (Looks At Whyeth's Phone)

Viber: Ezer - Whyeth

Ezer: Whyeth.......
Whyeth: Why Ezer?
Ezer: Dad...... Is Dead!
Whyeth: What??!


Whyeth: (Tears Falls On His Face)
Vance: (Tears Falls On His Face) Whyeth..... Dad....
Whyeth: (Looks At Nothing)
Vance: (Hugs Whyeth) (Crying)
Whyeth: (Hugs Vance) (In His Mind) Who Killed Dad?

Oh God! I Am Fucking Thanking You Guys For Tuning In This Season! And Look At The Last Line..... "Who Killed Dad?" Its Gonna Be The Main Topic Of The Next Season So Be Ready........ And Tune In Next To My New Novel... Vino de Dulce Oscuridad....... About To Start...

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