Episode 2 : Incomplete

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The Next Day, As Whyeth Goes Out Of His Bedroom......

*The Door Opens*
Whyeth: (Comes Out Of The Room)
*The Door Closes*
Ezer: Oh.... Good Morning Why.......
Whyeth: Good Morning To You Too Ezer...... Where Is Everybody? Where Is Vance?
Ezer: Hmm....... They Are Downstairs I Think..... Preparing For School...... We Are The Ones Left Who Just Woke Up......
Vance: (Runs To Whyeth) Why! Why! Why!! You Are Now Awake Man.......
Whyeth: Yeah I Am....
Vance: Have You Eaten Breakfast? I Guess No.....
Whyeth: Yeah I Haven't Yet.....
Vance: Lets Come Down....... Eat..... Lets Go Whyeth.....
*Vance And Whyeth Left*
Ezer: (Follows Whyeth And Vance)

At The Living Room.......

Cristina: Two More Babies Have Awaken........
Ezer: Hi Mom....
Griffo: Babies.... Hahaha.....
Whyeth: What Is Wrong With That?
Avi; (Rolls His Eyes)
Ezer: (Sees Avi Rolls His Eyes) .....
Griffo: Where Is Silver?
Vance: One Thing....... Asleep.......
Silver: (Walks To The Living Room) I Am Not Asleep...... So Please.... (Yawns)
Cristina: Okay.... My Seven Are Complete Now........
Ezer: I'll Just Take A Bath Okay?
Vance: Ugh.... Can Whyeth Take A Bath First Before You?
Ezer: Ugh....
Whyeth: Oh Cmon Vance..... No Need To Rush.... Go Ahead Ezer.....
Vance: Ezer Please.....
Ezer: Ugh.... Okay.....
Whyeth: Are You Sure Ezer?
Ezer: Fine.....
Whyeth: Okay?
Vance: (Smiles)
Whyeth: (Left)
Link: (Preparing His Bag)
Avi: (About To Leave)
Cristina: Wait...... You Won't Gonna Eat?
Avi: No Need Mom...... (Hugs Cristina)
Cristina: Why Not Go To School With Your Brothers......
*Everyone Looks At Avi*
Avi: No! I Don't Want To..... (Left)
Silver: He Never Changed...... Ugh..... He Is So..... You Know..... Hey Griffo... Can You Hand Me That Ruler... Its Mine....
Griffo: You Can Reach It......
Silver: ......
Griffo: Fine..... (Gives The Ruler) Thanks......
Silver: (Takes The Ruler) Thank You......
Cristina: I Hope You Guys Have A Good Class Today Okay?
Vance: Well..... Everyday Is Good......
Ezer: ......

At School, The Brothers Entered The Campus Together Except For Avi......

*The Brothers Walks*
Rina: (Approaches The Brothers) Villalobos.... Villalobos.... Villalobos.....
Link: Oh Cmon! You Again.....
Rina: Of Course.... Its Always Me..... (Flips Her Hair)
Griffo: So..... Why Are You Here Anyway?
Rina: Nothing.... Its Just.... You Guys Are Complete.....
Whyeth: Are You Sure We Are Complete?
Rina: (Counts) 1 2 3 4 5.... Ugh.... Wait.......
Silver: We Are Not Complete.... Done! And It Won't Ever.......
Rina: Avi Is Somehow Kind......
Silver: Wow! Kind..... What A Big Word....
Whyeth: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! No Need To Get Mad Silver....
Silver: Its Just...... Ugh!
Vance: Hey.... I Need To Go To My Locker Now...
Whyeth: Me Too......
Vance: Lets Go Why.....
Ezer: Can I Join You Guys......
Wyeth: Sure....
Vance: ......
Ezer: How About You Vance?
Vance: Fine...... Lets Go.... (Holds Whyeth's Hand) (Pulls Whyeth)
*Whyeth And Vance Left*
Ezer: Ugh...... (Follows Vance And Whyeth) (Left)
Silver: I Need To Go Too..... (Left)
Rina: So...... Why Not You Two Go Too.......
Griffo: I Guess....... (Left)
Rina: You Link?
Link: Me? Nah..... Where Do You Wanna Go Anyway?
Rina: You Are Cutting Classes Again!?
Link: But You Love That.....
Rina: I Don't Know....
Link: (Pulls Rina) Lets Go!
*Rina And Link Left*

At The First Class With Ms. Gina...

Ms. Gina: (Enters The Classroom) Good Morning Class.....
Whyeth: (Looks Around) Where Is...... Where Is Link?
Griffo: Who Knows?
Ms. Gina: I See The Villalobos Aren't Complete Again Today....... So Far..... The Good Attendance Here Is Vance........
Whyeth: (Claps)
Vance: Well....... Of Course I Am......
Ms. Gina: And Whyeth......
Whyeth: Really?
Vance: (Claps) Yeah You Are Why...... Congratulations.....
Ezer: .......
Ms. Gina: So..... For Today.... We Won't Gonna Do Anything....
*Everyone Claps*
Ms. Gina: Okay... Okay... I Knew It Was Coming.... But.... Tomorrow..... We Will Have A Discussion About Something Important.......
Vance: So That Means..... We Can Go Out If The Classroom Now?
Ms. Gina: Sure..
Whyeth: ....
Vance: (Pulls Whyeth) Lets Go....
Whyeth: But Wait..
*Vance And Whyeth Left*
Ezer: But Wait Guys..... (Feels Sad)
Silver: (Looks At Ezer)
Avi: Ugh...... Its So Hot Here.... (Left)
Griffo: .......

At Recess, Whyeth And Vance Ate Together........

Whyeth: (Eating) What Do You Think Will Be Our Topic For Tomorrow?
Vance: I Am Not Sure..... But I Think It Sounds Fun.......
Ezer: (Walks To Whyeth And Vance)
Vance: Oh Ezer.....
Whyeth: I Am Sorry Ezer If We Forgot To Bring You Here.......
Ezer: (Sits Down)
Griffo: Ezer.... Whyeth.... Vance... Catch... (Throws 3 Chips) (Left)
Whyeth: Thanks Griffo........
Ezer: ........
Vance: So..... Would You Like To Wish Me Luck On This Upcoming Quiz Bee?
Whyeth: Oh....... I Am Sure You Are Gonna Win......
Vance: Well...... Of Course I Am...... Who Else Could Possibly Do That.....
Whyeth: ......
Ezer: .....
Vance: Of Course You Can Do It Whyeth......
Whyeth: Of Cmon......
Vance: I Know You Can.....
Ezer: (Eating) 
Whyeth: (Smiles)
Ezer: (Looks At Ezer And Whyeth)
Vance: Can I Taste You Chips Ezer......
Ezer: Fine..... (Looks Away)
Vance: (Takes Some Chips) Thanks...... Lets Go To The Library Whyeth..... (Pulls Whyeth) (Left)
Whyeth: (Left)
Ezer: ........

After A Whole Day Has Passed By, He Brothers Went Home Now But They Weren't Together....

*Whyeth And Vance Enters The Mansion*
Dravie: Son!!
Whyeth: (Hugs Dravie) Dad!!!!!
Cristina: I See You Guys Are The Last Ones To Go Home Today.......
Vance: (Hugs Cristina) Well.... At Least We Are Wasting Our Time On Good Things......
Whyeth: (Goes To The Dining Room) So What Is Dinner? Wow! Turkey! Its Not Thanksgiving Day Am I Right?
Cristina: No.... (Follows Whyeth)
Avi: (Eating) (In His Mind) Here This One Goes Again... Ugh.....
Vance: (Enters The Dining Room) Here You Are Avi...... I Didn't See You There.......
Avi: (Looks Away)
Cristina: Go Ahead Sons.... Eat! And Take A Rest After.... Tomorrow Is Another Day....
Whyeth: We Will Mom......
Cristina: Aww..... My Little Babies Are Making Me Proud......
Avi: I Am Done Eating.... (Angry) (Left)
Vance: (Sits Down) Okay...... Lets Start Eating.....
Whyeth: Yeah..... (Left)

Okay.... Episode 2 Is Done...... And Somehow Their Vices Are About To Be Unleashed...... Can You Read How They Act? Its So Exciting.... Tune In More And Have Fun Reading Seven Deadly Sins....

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