Chapter 25: Where's John

Start from the beginning

Finally Lestrade stepped forward and picked Sherlock up off the chair. He picked him up and held him close. Sherlock was at first pushing away from the detective. He was about to start hitting him as well with his stuffie. After all he wasn't really that close to him in any sense but soon his comforting was making him feel better.

Sherlock cried into Lestrade's shoulder as he rubbed his back. Sherlock honestly really needed a shoulder to cry on and Lestrade somehow knew that. Mycroft looked amazed at how Lestrade knew how to comfort him. Lestrade smirked seeing Mycroft's amazement "I have a lot of young nephews and nieces that I babysit for." He whispered.

Soon Sherlock cried turned into soft sniffs. Lestrade still held him in his arms just to make him still feel safe. Mycroft walked over to Sherlock. "Little brother I am so sorry about everything that happen that night. But you must know I did everything to make sure you were safe. I promise you we will find John. That why I called Lestrade. Together we are working with the police and secret service to find them." Mycroft looking at Sherlock in Lestrade's arms.


Hours and hours went by. Mycroft and Lestrade went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth throughout the office. Sherlock could barely keep track of them! They were on the phone, off the phone, they went to the left, they went to the right, on and off the computer. Sherlock was getting dizzy just watching them!

Sherlock tried to speak up and give his little opinion on things but every time he did he was either rejected or was awed at. Again Sherlock little temper was rising. With every hour that passed by Sherlock grew madder and madder waiting and worrying about John.

He knew they weren't going to solve this with the stupid idiots that were the police and secret service in London. They needed someone who was more than the both of them. They needed a Doctor. He was the only one in Sherlock's eyes that could possibly give a better insight into finding John.

Sherlock jumped off the chair and made his way over to Mycroft's desk. Mycroft sat in his desk chair on his laptop. Sherlock didn't really know how to get his attention. He pulled on his pants leg hoping to grab his attention. That didn't work so he tried again, harder. This didn't work again so Sherlock was going to try to rip his pants leg off. That also didn't work in ripping it off but it worked in getting Mycroft's attention.

"What's the matter Sherlock?" He asked alittle agitated. In all honestly it had been a long hard day and Mycroft was exhausted. Sherlock looked at him a bit mad himself. "Doctor." He said plainly. Mycroft looked at but confused "Doctor? Doctor Watson? Sherlock I already told you, we are still looking for him."

But Sherlock shook his head. "Not Da-...John. The Doctor." Sherlock said as his little side started to slip in again. Lestrade looked alittle confused. "Why do you want a doctor Sherlock? Are you feeling okay?" Lestrade said kneeling down and trying to feel Sherlock's head for a fever. Sherlock just rolled his eyes and slapped his hand away.

It finally clicked into Mycroft who Sherlock was talking about. He looked down at Sherlock "But I thought he was missing? Didn't Amy and Rory tell John that he was missing?" Mycroft asked but Sherlock shrugged. Mycroft looked at Lestrade who was still confused. Sherlock was right and Mycroft knew it. As much as he hated to admit it.

"Look up Amy and Rory Pond and get me a street address Greg. They might know someone who can help us." Mycroft ordered. He picked up Sherlock and sat him back down. He looked his his little brother and couldn't help but smirk. He was still in his little dinosaur onesie with his little coat on the back of the chair.

Knowing they were leaving soon meant that he had to check Sherlock to see if his diaper was...clean. That way going to be a challenge but he knew the last thing he wanted was him to get a diaper rash on top of everything else that was happening.

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