Chapter 21: Hate

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The man in white is met with three confused looks, some better hidden then others, but still obvious that none of the three saw that answer coming, and a cold stare from me. Not that I'm not surprised at the fact that I am blamed for something that has nothing to do with Kurama, but I don't show it due to years of practice in hiding emotions.

Namikaze is a well respected name in Konoha and most of the other villages, even before my father was named Hokage. I could understand that some of the rivalling villages would call out the Namikaze name with resentment, maybe disgust, but to call it the source of everything wrong in this world is... unexpected. To then push that blame onto me while I've never even met another Namikaze is even more confusing. "What do you mean?" I ask with a cold voice.

"The clan of Namikaze has done nothing but hunt and destroy anything beloning to the Kuroishi clan, leaving us in a destroyed land with broken memories. We would rebuild, only for the Namikaze to return again and destroy it all again. I left my family in search of power. I found it in the purest form of Hatred. I reveled in it, gaining strenght beyond imagination for the small price of everything else. When I returned to my home, everything was gone. I found out later I had been gone for almost a hundred years. I started searching, only to find that no one survived and to make it worse, the Namikaze clan had all but disappeared as well. Refusing to let go of my revenge, I hunted down the remaining Namizake clan members. You are the last one. I will destroy you!" Despite beginning in the same calm tone as before, Yuuri ends up screaming the last part in anger. The area around us seems to drop in temperature and darken as Yuuri focusses the Hateful chakra into the environment. In response, Kurama forces so much chakra through me I go into a four-tailed beast mode almost instantaneously. My scream of pain is quickly followed by a humanly impossible roar of anger from Kurama.

Kurama forces himself in control of my body, leaving me in the back of my own mind looking at what is happening without any control. Kurama! No response. Kurama is too focussed on Yuuri. I look at the glass-like sheet that is displaying the happenings outside my mind to see the others jump back as Kurama jumps towards Yuuri at an incredible speed, launching his clawed fist at Yuuri. Yuuri evades it like the speed is nothing and continues to evade and block every punch and kick Kurama throws at him.

Looking at Yuuri and the way he moves, I see dark shadows dance behind him, mimicing his movement with a slight delay. It looks a lot like the way Kurama's chakra cloak can hit and damage a person after the initial physical blow has passed. But instead of the vibrant, hot red chakra of Kurama, the shadows around Yuuri are black, cold and lifeless.

Kurama, please! Answer me! In response to my outcry, I see Kurama's form in my mind, pinned down by dark shadows and more angry than I have ever seen him as he fights the restraints. I slowly walk towards him, while I keep an eye on the screen to see Kurama launch yet another attack at Yuuri. Yuuri meets the attack with the same force, sending them both flying backwards and away from each other. The impact it hard enough to even shake my mindscape, making me kneel down to regain at least a little balance. Kurama swings his tails around wildly, hitting me back almost as much as he was hit back. As soon as I am able to, I make my way back to Kurama, avoiding the angry flailing tails untill I manage to reach his face. I place my hands on his cheek, causing him to flinch. Kurama, it's me. What's happening to you? Kurama let's out a low and angry growl that is echoed by the Kurama ouside of my mindscape. Do you know the saying: 'Hatred will consume you'? Anger laced in his voice and these words are also echoed by Kurama outside of my mindscape. I nod making sure he can see me. This is what it looks like to have Harted consume you. It pins down and destroys part of your mind, your sanity, bit by bit. Kurama let's out an annoyed huff. Looks like it bit of more than it can chew with you, though. Kurama let's out a small chuckle before another shadow pins itself through Kurama's body, making him scream and writhe in agony.

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