Chapter 12: The Chuunin exams

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O my god! Sasuke must have been so cute this morning! Whyy... Whyy did I not go to his place last night? HAHAHA, really kit, only you would love to see your lover terrified! Ow, come on! Like you wouldn't want to see that too! Yeah I would, but I want to see that for a whole different reason, I assure you! Hmpf... Hey, maybe I can get Shoki to help me scare Sasuke some time? I hear Kurama sigh in the back of my head. Whatever you want kit, just make sure not to break the poor kid! He says exasperated. Ow, come on, it'd be just a bit of fun! Right, right...

While I was treating Sasuke's shoulder, Sasuke told me about what happened. I'm sure he left out more than a few details, especially about how scared he actually was, but I got the gist of it. I'll have to ask Shoki about Ferrin next time we meet. Maybe I can even try summoning Ferrin. After treating his wounds, I decided to stick around until we need to go to the first part of the Chuunin exam. Sasuke doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he seems relieved that I invited myself to stay. 

Sasuke is in the kitchen making us some lunch. He still seems a little jumpy after what happened to him this morning, giving me a little more insight as to what really happened this morning.

"I get the feeling you don't want to be alone tonight..." I say in a teasing tone, watching him moving around the kitchen with practiced ease. 

"You would be... not... wrong..." Sasuke admits a bit reluctantly. He looks back at me. "You'll stay with me tonight?" His command comes out more like a question.

"Well, it will depend on what the exams bring, but since you're telling me to do so, I think I can manage that." While I talk, Sasuke has the food ready and plated and walks over to me. He places a plate with rice and curry in front of me and sits down next to me with his own plate. We eat in a comfortable silence. Me, for a change, without having any nausiousness. I've noticed more and more that if Sasuke is the one to give me the food, I have little to no trouble eating it. Hell, he's given me stuff I even enjoyed eating! 

I get up to do the dishes. Sasuke is just sitting there, watching me move around the kitchen, a small smirk on his face and completely silent. "What?" I ask him without looking back. He just slightly shakes his head and keeps staring at me. 

"What?" I ask again.

"Nothing." I continue with the dishes while Sasuke keeps smirking at me. 

"Well, there must be something with you smirking like that at me." I look back at him. 

"Nope, just watching you..." He moves himself into a more comfortable position, ready to watch me move around some more.

Instead of letting him get to me, I decide to tease him a bit. "Hmm, so, like what you see?" I ask wiggling my hips a bit. 

Sasuke gains a small blush on his face. "Huh, I guess you do." I throw a dishcloth in his face. "Well, if you can sit there and smirk, you can help me." Sasuke gets up and stands next to me, drying the dishes I clean. Within five minutes we're done. Sasuke gives me instuctions as to where everything should be put away. "So you know for next time." He gives as an explanation for making me put everything away. One particular dish, the last dish, seemingly has a place in one of the higher cabinets, making me stretch far enough for my shirt to rise up a bit, showing some skin. I can feel Sasuke's eyes burning into my skin as that smirk of his returns to his face. He walks up to me and runs the tips of his fingers over my exposed side ever so softly. I twitch a bit at the tickling sensention running through my skin followed by goosebumps. I turn away from his touch while pushing his hand away. Pulling my clothes back into place, I pout at Sasuke for a bit. Sasuke just has a smile on his face. "Well, there's something I can use..." He says before kissing the tip of my nose and walking away from me. I just stare after him a bit. That's... gonna be bad... 

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