Chapter 11: A nightmare (Sasuke special)

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Sasuke wakes up from a sound, causing him to bold upright in his bed. It wasn't a loud sound, but still, his heart is racing. It's still the middle of the night. The Uchiha compound is always silent. He's the only one there. So what was that sound? With a groan, he falls back into his bed. Must have been nothing. Slowly, he starts to drift back to sleep. Before his eyes are fully closed however, he hears the sound again. It sounds like metal scraping against stone. A slow, even scrape singing through the cold night air. It sounds like it comes from outside. Sasuke gets up from his bed and looks out of his window into the well lit streets. There is nothing there. He decides to go back to bed. Soon, he is asleep again.

The next morning Sasuke is up early. His sleep had been restless and not having the patience with himself to try and sleep some more, he decided to get ready for the day. Besides, it's not that early anymore. Might as well make the most of a long day. After using the toilet and a quick shower, Sasuke makes his way downstairs. He makes himself a quick breakfast and is about to sit down when a strong feeling of being watched washes over him, enough to make his breath catch in his throat. He whips around quickly, but there is nothing there. Looking around nothing seems to be any different than normal.

Shrugging it off, he sits down, places his coffee and his plate in front of him as he picks up a scroll Kakashi-sensei had given him the previous day. He'd have time to study it today, seeing as they planned to meet at one o'clock at the academy.

There is a 'thnk' sound behind him, like a tea spoon dropping in the sink. Again, Sasuke whips around and again nothing seems out of place. His heart rate is slightly elevated and his nerves are on edge. What is going on here?

He gets up and looks in the sink. Nothing. The sink is empty. Slowly, Sasuke turns around and returns to his breakfast and scroll. Still the uneasy feeling is clinging to him. As he is about to make a grab for his coffee, he realises it's not on the table. "What the..." He looks around again. He spots his coffee mug precariously perched on the edge of the sink. There is no way the mug could stay in that position! Sasuke reaches out to grab the mug, but before he can touch it, the mug suddenly drops into the sink with a clatter, causing Sasuke to jump back a bit in fright. Softly cursing under his breath for being scared that easily, he again makes his way to the sink and looks in it. Again, the sink is empty. No trace of the mug or the coffee it contained. A shiver runs down Sasuke's spine.

He quickly finishes breakfast, skipping coffee altogether and decides he'll go into town to look for Naruto. Yeah, his blonde boyfriend would love it if he showed up unannounced. Sasuke has a small smile playing on his lips in anticipation of Naruto's reaction. Maybe he could even get Naruto to spent the night here with him. Not that he's afraid to be alone, of course not! But some company, especially from Naruto, would be nice for today. Sasuke pockets the scroll before washing his dishes. As he is with his back to the table, he hears a small thud behind him. The small sound makes a shiver run up his spine. For the third time that day, he whips around and looks around. He spots his coffee mug in the exact middle of the table, hot coffee still damping in it, but nothing else seems out of place.

Walking sideways while keeping his eyes on the mug, Sasuke makes his way out of the kitchen and into the hallway. This is just creepy. The sink full of half-cleaned dishes forgotten.

He turns around and walks to his bedroom a little faster than he'd like to admit. He needs a different shirt if he is to see Naruto today. He got out a dark gray shirt that matches his eyes well. At least, he thought so. Of course, the Uchiha crest was on the back of it in red and white. Happy with his shirt, he goes into his bathroom to check his hair and brush his teeth.

As he looks into the mirror, he notices the reflection of his own shadow. It seems a bit off. Like it's a fraction of a second behind on his motions. Or is it a fraction of a second before he himself moves? He doesn't know. What with everything that had already happened today, maybe he also didn't want to know. While brushing his teeth, he keeps an eye on his shadow dancing behind him in the mirror. Then, when he puts away his toothbrush, he looks away from the mirror for a split second. The creepy sensation of being watched is back again. As Sasuke moves back into the view of the mirror, he notices it's not just his shadow that seems to be out of sync with him. His actual reflection was not moving with him!

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