(82) reluctance

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Caitlin had learnt to ignor hope she kept her singing in the back of her mind.

But mark animals were there owners emotion as well as a connection to their soulmates emotions for instance if one of them is in distress.

A year ago Caitlin was in distress alot so now hope got agitated when she was in small spaces and there was lots of yelling or if Caitlin was being hurt.

Hope had taken to biting her wrist or her neck when she was really scared and wanted Caitlins attention.

Marks weren't living things but they weren't not living either, there was no science behind them that anyone could figure out.

When one part of the soulmate pair died the mark disappeared. Some people say that losing the mark was the worst part.

She was in the lift when Hope started chirping loudly alound.

Animal marks only did this when they were around their soulmates or they thought there owner was in danger.

Caitlin blushed embarrassed when everyone started giving her funny looks and she rubbed her thumb across the blue bird to try and calm hope.

"Miss your bird is unsettling my Dragon" a older man from the HR depart men said as politely as possible but she could see the dragons tail flicking over his collar bone.

"Sorry, she gets agitated very easily" she apologised.

She continued to try and soothe the bird but it wasn't working and the bird started flapping its wings frantically "hope stop" she hissed.

The blue bird continued and Caitlin tried to sooth it but it wasn't working and her ears were staring to ring with the high pitch chirping.


"Yes I know Mr.Frederick my little bird is upsetting your Dragon" she snapped "Hope please" she tried

The bird began biting her wrist she couldn't draw blood or break bones but she could bruise her and she could cuase lots of pain.

She winced and her breath caught in her throat at least now she wasn't chirping.

As if on que hope started chripping again "Oh for the love of God" she muttered reaching towards the buttons in the lift "I'll just take the stairs"

Everyone murmured in agreement and hope but down really hard on her wrist making her yelp and cradle her wrist to her chest.

Tears pricked her eyes it hurt that much and she stroked hopes feathers "we're safe" she whispered but hope bit her again and she closed her eyes against the pain.

she herd someone let out a conflicted sigh before they mumbled "Oh What the hell" before she felt a hand on her wrist and the pain eased.

"Open your eyes" he said softly

She opened her eyes slowly and the pain in her wrist disappeared and hope settled her eyes automatically fell on the hand on her arm where an identical bird was sat flapping its wings at Hope.

She pulled her wrist out if his grasp like he had burned her.

She backed into the wall and shook her head slightly when the doors opened she ran.

She sat in the stair well for a while and hummed to calm hope down then she got to work as usual. It didn't change anything.

She worked at STAR labs it was a special facility for widows who still believed that their soulmates were coming back grieving like that was okay for a little while but if they lived like that for long enough they went crazy.

The Stories That Never Have Endings- (Snowbarry Soulmate Aus) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora