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"Pheobe" I called while we were on the school grounds.

"Whats up?" she asked setting her guitar aside.

I took a seat on her other side on the grassy lawn. I sat mt backpack on my lap. I made sure to give her a dead stare.

"What did you guys plan?" I asked straight to the point.

I could see her eyes widen in shock. And I could tell she was a little confused as to how I knew. I didnt know everything, but I could get an idea. Plus shes not a good liar.

"N-nothing. And who is this we?" she lied.

I gave her a glare and stood up. She also got up and grabbed her things. I could tell she felt uncomfortable and that was just what I was going for.

"If I find out that you are lying to me. I will end you," I threatened, "Love you. See you on the bus" I smiled walking away. Was I bipolar, maybe just a little. But I know shes lying. Im not an idiot.

When we got home we all had to do our chorse. The house was a mess from kid toys to decore everywhere. I got stuck cleaning the bathroom. I will clean anything, but the bathroom. It's really really really gross.

After cleaning everyone was pretty much scattered around the house doing their own thing.

I went outside later that night sitting by the water. I was just gazing at the stars thinking about my mom.

I love the family im living with. But i really wanted my mom to get better so we could be a family. Everytime she got better she wouod come into the real world and get worse. She used to be clean, but dad died and she turned to alcohol. Then eventually bad people started to come around more. And they got her hooked on drugs. Our relatonship really went down hill from there.

I didnt realize i was crying until my throat felt closed up. I took a few deep breaths and cleared my throat.

"Kelsey, you okay" someone asked tapping my shoulder.

"Im fine" i lied turning to look at dylan.

He took a seat close next to me. Gently he pulled me into his arms so he was huging me.

"Whenever a girl says she is fine. Shes not. What is it?" he asked stroking my hair.

"I just miss my mom. The old her, the one who was not hooked on drugs" I told him.

His brown eyes looked into mine as we stared at each other. It looked like he wanted to tell me something. Like something was pulling him apart because he could not say it. He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"I know you miss her. But till she gets better you have us. Youll alway have m- us us you will have us" he said awkwardly at the end.

Was he going to say himself

"Thank you. I needed that, im glad I have you guys" I replied.

"Great cause your stuck with all of us" he told me rubbing the back of his neck. I gave hima greatful smile.

It was silent for a while then dylan looked away from me. I blushed and put my hands on either side of his face. I gently moved his face to look at me. When he did I felt his cheeks heat up a little. Did he... like...me?

Slowly he started to lean in and I was not going to stop him. I felt my eyes flutter shut as his nose lightly brushed against mine. As our lips were about to touch we were blinded.

We both quickly let go of each other and jumped up. Frank stood there with a flash light blinding us. He was smiling a mocking smile while dylan glared at him and I just looked embarrassed.

"You guys should get some sleep. Theres school tomorow" he said turning around and walking back to the house.

Dylan and I looked at each other and followed. I cant believe I almost had my first kiss. And with Pheobes brother, what am I thinking.

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