18 (edit)

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I stand at the front of the line in the hardware store. With a chart in my hand reading everything we need to buy for their house. With as long as the list is, and Franks chart back at the house, well we were in for a lot of heavy duty work.

"Hey, admiral, will you build me and Aldo a sandbox?" Ethan ask his father walking next to him.

"Well, sure, once we get further along with the house." Frank agrees nonchalantly.

"Yay, a sandbox!" Ethan cheers.

"Okay, blue team, Spackle. Red team, insulation." I shout so everyone can hear me.

We all split up into groups. Frank with Ethan, Marissa, and Bina. Helen with Aldo, Kelly, and Mick. William with, Michael, Jimi, and Naoko. Christina with Lau, and Harry. Phoebe with Dylan, and I. And lastly Joni with Ely,  and Otter. Mrs. Mutton did not come.

We get everything on our list which was paint and carpet. All of the sudden we hear Frank shouting for someone to stop. Me and phoebe share a look and take off in his direction leaving Dylan with the cart.

"Pull the lever" Frank shout standing on an fork lift.

The crazy thing is that otter and Ely are the ones driving it all over the store. While Frank is standing on the part that lifts. Frank slips and falls into a pool full of green goo. I just bust up laughing while everyone is laughing or looks amused.

" Admiral are you okay" William asked helping his dad out of the slim.

"Where are the, boys where are the boys?" Frank shouts looking around.

"I don't know" Joni said.

We all got super quiet and looked around. Then out of nowhere the fork lift comes zooming past us. Right to Frank.

He's gonna die. Might as well start planning the funeral now. Let's see we could get a tomb stone shaped like a ship. Is that even possible because that would be cool?

"Stop" Frank said backing up against and isle and blocking his face with his hands over his eyes.

The fork lift stops when the fork part goes inside of bags of sand with Frank standing between the lifted part. Sand falling all over him.

"Yay, a sandbox" Ethan cheered pushing his way through the older kids to see.

Awww no ship shaped tomb stone.

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