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"And so otter, he says, 'is she blind? And ely wants to know if you're a bat. Because... " Frank tell his date. Its was very awkward, and she kept looking in her little mirror picking her teeth.

"Would you like red or white?" The waiter asked.

"Red." The blond woman said with a Brooklyn accent tapping her glass.

"Red it is." Frank shake his head.

"Darrell would drink beer with everything. I mean, if he could have a keg with dinner, he would." She says clicking her tonuge.

"Would you like to order?" The waiter asked.

"Sure." Frank says.

"I'll be right back." The waitor tells them walking into the kitchen in the expensive restaurant.

"See? Now that is the kind of thing that would drive darrell crazy. "You're here now, he'd say, so take our order!" She mocks with a chuckle.

" You talk about darrell a lot." Frank speaks out.

"Well, yeah. We were married for seven years. He didn't tell you that? Must have slipped his mind. Yeah, well, that's just like him. I'm gonna go hit the head." She stood up grabbing her things and just leaving the restaurant.

"Thank you so much." He sighs tossing money on the table. He looks around when he spots red hair. And an amazing tall beautiful body.

"Helen?, Frank.....Helen? Frank.....Helen?.... Frank beardsley." They both asked back and forth when she's noticed him.

"Well, what are you...what are you...?" They asked at the same time.

"no, you first." Frank tells her.

" No, you go first." Frank says not.able to keep the smile off their faces.

"Well, i'm having dinner with my... -" Helen say point to max.

"hi, frank. Max algrant. Pleased to meet you." Max says going back to their table that the waiter was waiting at.

" So, what are you doing back here?" Frank asked. "Sit down, sit down."

"Oh, yeah. Thank you. Well, i've been back here forever. I didn't want my kids growing up in the whole... you know, new york money-status thing." She said running her hand through her hair. Frank notices a ring on her ring finger and his smile drops a little.

"Yeah, that thing. That's right.Yeah." he stutters.

"So, are you in town for the reunion?" She asked curious.

"No. I'm... i moved my family back here. I'm running the coast guard academy. I'm an admiral. Yeah. That's why i'm wearing the uniform. " he informs her.

"Yeah. An admiral. Whoa." She says a little suprised.

"Yeah. With a family. Well, you, too." He adds.

" It's great. I mean..." she starts.

" We're ready." Max said coming ober laying his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay. Well... " frank stands.

"it's great to see you again." She stands looking over at her witing table.

"Good to see you." Frank smiles giving her a little hug.

" Okay, bye." She waves leaving.

Frank not watching when he is walking slams into a waitress holding a tray of drinks. The glass shattering and both him and the girl getting soaked.

Helen distracted by looking at him goes to take a seat and falls flat on the floor. Missing her chair.

"Were you distracted by his good-conduct medal?" Max jokes.

"Shut up, max." She whisper shouts.

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