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I wake up and instantly put my pillow over my ears. A loud and horrible noise blast through the house. I can tell that Joni is playing her stupid sax.

"Is that the devil calling" I screamed.

"Mom!" Mick yells.

"Make her stop!" Dylan shouts.

"That noise!"

"Hey, reveille! Reveille!"

" It's 6:05! Time to get up! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Move it, move it, move it!" Frank said as we all come walking out our bedrooms half asleep.

"Oh, my god. Who's killing a goat?" Harry asked with an annoyed expression.

"All right. These are your schedules with latrine times. You get seven minutes each. Do not waste it." Frank tells us handing us all schedules telling us when we shower and what bathroom we use. We have six bathrooms and even thats not enough.

"Why do I suddenly feel like i'm in prison?" Phoebe ask her arms crossing her chest. I can't help but agree with her.

" Fashion police caught up with you?" Christina asked with a snotty expression.

" Snap! Up top, girlfriend!" Lau said snapping his fingers pointing at Christina. She rolls her eyes and walks away.

" Why the drill, admiral?" William asked standing in front of me and Dylan.

I yawn and walk with my eyes closed. I am not a morning person. I hate when people wake me up.

"It's not a drill, William. We have doubled our force. That calls for increased coordination." Frank tells him. William grabs his scheduled and walks down the stairs.

" Don't worry, you'll soon be doing this in your sleep." Frank said watching me and Dylan rub our eyes.

"I am asleep." Dylan said snatching his schedule.

I grab mine and look him in the eyes with a glare. "Wake me up again with Joni playing sax. And I will end you," I threatened, "Have a good day" I said smiling when his eyes widened.


"Can someone pass the hash browns?" Harry ask. I grab the bowl and hand them to him.

"Hey, guys, give me that cereal." Bina said.

"Kelly, can you please give me a pancake?" Michael asked.

I spin the dish that is holding the food. Christians fingers get gravy all over them. I laugh at her and shove bacon in my mouth. It was funny because she had a sour ass look on her face when it happened.

Michael looks away from his plate to get syrup. While he does micks dog grabs a waffle of his plate and runs away. Michael turns to look at his plate. He looks at Jimi who has a waffle in his mouth looking at him. Michael gives him a glare and grabs a new one.

"I don't want any. Bacon, please. Thank you. Wait, i want that. - Butter. I love butter. Come on. Give me the syrup, please. Does somebody want to eat my oatmeal?" People say randomly.

I look down the table and see Williams homework has sausage gravy all over it and he is trying to clean it. How did he manage to spill that on his homework? I see Joni and Dylan hi-five and laugh. Well i found the culprit, i catch eyes with Dylan but he quickly looked away. Is he still mad about the other day? I dont even know what i did.

"I'm sorry, William. Is that your homework?" Dylan asked with a smile.

Oh. That's cold.

After we all finish eating we get ready to leave for school. But Frank walks in telling us all to come to the living room. We all stand up and walk into the living room standing around the in-table that held the house telephone.

"Listen up! Before you go to school, there's one thing we need to do." He tells us.

"Everybody ready?" Helen asked as we all stand in a circle looking down at the phone.

"Yeah."we say half heartedly.

"Hi, you've reached frank.
Oh!" We all shout. The phone beeped before we could say all our names.

Yours Mine & Ours जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें