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A clouded white light is cast over my room. Looking up I can see his beautiful face hovering above mine. As he smiles down at me I can feel the overwhelming feeling of pure happiness and love bubbling in my chest. Reaching down he brushed my hair out of my face and whispers,"I love you Jasmine." Feeling as if my hands is reacting up for his face. Whispering back I say,"I love you too Jackson."

. . . . . . . 

Quickly sitting up from the her bed Jasmine grabs her head. Squeezing her temples, trying to calm the demons in her brain. She chants to herself while shaking her head,"It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It. Meant. Nothing." 

Robert stirs in his sleeps and starts to growl. He's says,"Jasmine. Jasmine. Jasmine no. No. No." His growls turn into whimpers. Trying to comfort him she puts her hand on his arm. "Robert." Shaking him she tried again,"Robert wake up!" 

Robert's eyes pop open. Looking into his eyes she can see the black orbs and feels her body begin to shake. Standing from the bed she puts her hands out in defence,"Look Robert let's think clearly now okay."

He snarled,"You tried to leave me for him!" 

She shakes her head,"No. No I would never do that to you baby. It was just a dream I promise." Robert stalks toward her like a predator. He stops when he has her back to the wall and his chest to hers. 

Leaning down to her neck he began to breathe on her soft skin and inhaled her scent. Jealousy coursing through his veins his body continues to emate subtle vibrations from his chest. Images of his very real dream cloud his vision as he closes his eyes. A snarls rips from his mouth, without hesitation he grips Jasmine by the shoulders and says,"You are mine dammit and you will never leave me." Breathing fast deep breaths he tries to calm himself but each time his eyes close all he can see is that daunting dream.

Jasmine can see the emotional torment he is going through. Through their bond she can feel his jealousy, doubt, confusion, and fear. Before he does anything he will regret Jasmine smashes her lips to his. Electric sparks buzzed through their contacting skin and the world around them froze, but deep down they could feel that this kiss was different. Instead of Robert promising himself to Jasmine, for the first time in her life Jasmine was promising herself to Robert. Something that she thought she'd never do since Jackson had taken her. Breaking away from the kiss they pressed their foreheads together. Looking into each others eyes just living in the moment, Jasmine looked into his eyes and said,"We need to end this. I'm done with him ruining our lives." Robert nodded and walked them both back to bed. Lying down with his mate in his arms he felt a surge of pure confidence and pride for her. In all these years that she was away all he could think about was what he would do without her, but it never occurred to him what she would do without him. He was proud that he had such a strong willed mate who had blossomed from a scared teenage girl to a beautiful woman, despite her internal scars she was a truly mesmerizing soul.

Hours later everyone in the house was up, down stairs at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. The tension was simmering below everyone's skin, everyone except for Hazel. Hazel played with her food in her high chair while giggling lightly to herself. Picking up a handful of food she reached her arm out and threw it at Chase, but accidentally hit Alexis in the face. Sucking in her breath she put her messy hands over her face, peaking through her eyes. Alexis wiped the food off her face while her shoulders bounced up and down. Chase asked,"Are you okay?"

Looking at her eyes he could see the happiness in them and noticed that the noise she was making was a laugh. She picked up some food from her plate with a mischievous glint in her eyes,"I'm gonna get you now", and threw it at Hazel. 

Hazel giggled and picked up more food, but this time aimed for Jasmine,"Watch out mommy!"

Jasmine laughed and put her hand up in surrender,"No! Don't get mommy get Robert."

Smiling brighter she aimed at Robert instead of at Jasmine and hit him right in the face. Hazel laughed louder and pointed at Robert,"Robert's got a oatmeal face." Chucking Robert picked up his eggs and yelled,"Food Fight!" Instantly every one grabbed their plates and ran for cover.

Running for the counter Jasmine grabbed Hazel and her plate. "Run mommy run!"

Ducking down behind the kitchen counter Jasmine asked,"You ready."

Hazel nodded and said,"Their going down."

They both grab a handful of food and stand up. Jasmine commands,"Stay close." Walking out the kitchen they check their surroundings before turning the corner into the front hallway. Speaking to herself she says,"It's quiet. A little to quiet."

Out of no where Hazel shouts,"Mommy look it's daddy!"

Turning around she ask,"Daddy?" Looking down at Hazel her eyes follow to where Hazel's little finger is pointing. There standing in front of the kitchen table holding Robert by the neck was Jackson. Pushing Hazel behind her back,"How do you know who he is sweetie?"

Looking down at her hands she shyly answers,"I met him in my dreams mommy." Not responding to her answer Jasmine looks over at Jackson,"What do you want Jackson."

Giving an evil mischievous smile he answers,"I just came for what is mine."

Shaking her head she bites back,"Hazel and I are not yours!"

He shakes his head,"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You see that's where you're wrong my love. All three of you belong to me."

"All three?"

He says yes the shouts,"Alexis get in here we're leaving." Climbing from behind the couch Alexis nods and walks towards Jasmine.

Grabbing her arm Jasmine says,"Stop Alexis you don't have to do this."

Looking desperate Alexis barely whispers,"What choice do I have." Alexis shrugged her arm off and walks to the front door. Looking back at Jasmine she says,"Its either do this or lose Chase. I can't have anyone else die for me." She opened the door and walked out. 

Jackson sighed,"I'd advise you to follow her example because I am much stronger than both my brothers and I could end their lives if I please. Now its either you take our child and get in the car or I snap their necks." Biting her tongue she picks up Hazel and walks toward the door. Turning around to look at Robert one more time she says,"I love you." Then walks out. 

Looking at his pathetic brother, Jackson releases his neck and lets him fall to the ground.

Robert grabs his neck and sucks in air, catching his breath he threatens Jackson,"I swear to god you will rot in hell for this. I will kill you myself brother."

Chuckling Jackson leans down to his level,"I'd like to see you try." He walks away towards the door, but before he left he said,"If you come for them I'll kill you and Chase", and walked out the door.

Leaving an unconscious Chase and a winded Robert alone living their worst nightmares.



Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :D I'll try my best to update more often. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could please leave comments if you liked something, saw and errors, or just wanted to say something.

The more feedback I get the better.

Thanks for reading!!!!!

Is This Love? (#Wattys2015)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora