What happened?

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Robert's P.O.V


Well it wasn't exactly a solid yes but she did agree to let me take her out. I feel like I just won a million bucks. In fact I havn't been this happy since. Anyway I know exactly where I'm gonna take her. I hope she likes it. Wait what if she doesn't? What if she hates it then she'll never want to talk to me again. What if I'm so nervous that I ruin everything?

My wolf interrupted my insecure thoughts,"Will you shut up you sound like a girl! I don't think our mate will like us if she feels like she's dating a girl." 

Rolling my eyes I said,"Oh hush will you. Lets me have some fun for once in my life." 

I left my room and walked next door to my office. 

......1 Hour Later......

Gosh these stupid contracts and form are completely irritating. Finally giving up I throw down my pen and put my hands on my head. I can't even focus for one minute I keep thinking about her.

My wolf anxiously suggest,"Maybe we should go see her!"

I remind him,"Don't get too excited we've still got a lot of work to do here."

Not giving up he says,"Yes I know that, but we've gotta take a brake sometime." 

After a couple minutes of thinking it over I say,"I guess one visit wouldn't hurt." Getting up I leave my office, going find my beautiful mate.


Utter heart wrenching fear.

That's all I feel right now. He came back last night. He said that if I said anything to Robert he would kill me and after I had the baby he would kill me. How am suppose to look Robert in the eye later during our date? Maybe I should just tell him I'm not feeling well and ask if we can go another day. But how would he react? Will he be mad? 

I get up to go to the bathroom, but on the way to the bathroom I see another note next to a rose, this time it's on the window seal.  I walk over to the window seal to read it.

Hope you're ready for tonight <3. 

Right after I read the note there's a knock at the door. I cautiously go and open the door and Robert is standing there with his hands in his pockets and leaning against the door fraim. When he looks at me we lock eyes and for some reason I can't find it in myself to look away. His captivating dark green eyes were drawing me closer and closer to a place unknown. The worst part was I didn't even mind were he was taking me as long as he was by my side then nothing matter. My heart began to ache as mental images of us growing old together flooded my vision. 

What could this be that I'm feeling? Love?

No it can't be that I promised that I would never let anyone in that close. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like to just let go. Why do I feel this way towards him?


She looked perfect in every way.  From her deep brown eyes, beautiful dark brown hair to her amazing kissable lips. Everything about her was perfect and although I don't know what happened when she was kidnapped, I could care less I'm just glad I was able to find her.

My perfect mate.

I didn't notice we were inching so close to eachother until I brushed her hair behind her ear. I quickly looked down from her eyes to her lips then back to her eyes. She licked her lips and looked at my lips too, right then I knew I had to do this. Without any hesitation or regrets I smashed my lips into hers. Automatically the sparks began to fly and I wanted so much more but I thought it would be best to not press my luck. What shocked my is how she reacted.


This felt. So. So right. Words could not describe the bliss I feel right now. I noticed that Robert didn't deepen the kiss which suprised me. I expect him to, but he didn't and I was very grateful for that. Right before I was about to end the kiss some unknown hunger unleashed in me and I ended up slipping my tonge inside his mouth and leaning more into him. I was so rapped up in my passion that some how we ended on the bed. That's when I was snapped back to life and began to panic. My body began to hyperventalate and go into panic mode. Suddenly Robert's hands became his. Robert's mouth became his and Robert's body became his too. 

Freaking out I yelled,"Wait no stop. Please don't hurt me!" Covering my face with my arms I felt him get up from over me. I waited for the blows to come with my hands infront of me, but nothing came. When I looked up and I saw the hurt and devistation on Robert's beautiful face. That's when I noticed my mistake. Somehow I thought Robert, the guy who went through hell to save me, was my attacker. When we met eyes again he gently grabbed both of my hands. He had a serious but tender look on his face as if my discomfert caused him pain.

With pain evadent in his voice he asked,"Jasmine what happened when you were-"

"Kidnapped." I got up off the bed and put some distance between us. Looking up at him with pleading eyes I asked,"Please just don't make me talk about it. I just don't want to think about it."

He frowned looking so confricted, "Please Jasmine I want to know. I won't look at you any differently no matter what."

Moving to the window seal I said. "Only if you promise me something."

"Anything you name it-"

Sighing while looking out the window I said,"Promise me that you'll let me go home. To my family." Turing back to him, I looked him in his eyes showing him how serious I was and said,"where I belong." He froze and seemed to be having a inner battle with himself and probably his wolf side too. Before he could object I said,"I promise this won't be the last time you see me."  Looking down at my hands I explained,"I'm not sure if you feel the same, but can feel the connection between us too even though I don't understand it. I just wan't to atleast be able to have something normal for a change before."

I froze before I said to much but he asked,"Before what?"

I said, "Nothing", while shaking my head and continued,"So do want to know or not?" I watched him paciently with my fingers crossed behind my back for good luck.

Wow I never thought I'd be asking my original kidnapper for my freedom.

Is This Love? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now