Rescue Me

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I woke up to another nightmare because Hazel was crying. I pulled her small warm body to me and rocked her back to sleep. When she finally fell back asleep I layed her back down and got up to use the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a ghost, my brown skin looked dull and dry. My lips were chapped and I had a cut over my eyebrow. I moved my head to the side and saw the healing bite make on my neck. After washing my face and cleaning up my cuts I limped back into the room. I froze when I saw Robert standing in front of the bed holding Hazel. I looked at the couch across the room and saw the guy who brought me here looking just as cautious as I. "Robert...sweetie umm what are you doing?" 

He looked over at me, his eyes were a little red and he had dark circles under his eyes. His hair was messy and his clothes were a little muddy. "Isn't she beautiful?" He looked back down at Hazel,"she gets her good looks from her mother."

I walked over to him slowly. I was surprised to see that Hazel was wide awake just looking at him. "Yes she is beautiful...umm can I hold her now Robert?"

He looked up at me with disappointment,"Why I'm not going to hurt her." He stepped back from me looking angry. "Why are you acting like I'm crazy or somethin?"

His eyes were slowly turning black,"No no baby I'm not its...I umm...I just I get a little antsy if she's away from me for a certain about of time. The doctor says that's natural for new mothers." He started to calm down and his eyes went back to their usual dark green. He gave me a small smile and gently put Hazel in my arms. Robert looked down at me and leaned down to give me a kiss on the lips but I turned my head. He frowned and put his hands in his pockets. He started walking towards the door and without saying another word he left. When he left I looked at the guy on the couch. 

There was an awkward silence for about two minutes until he cleared his throat,"So your the new Luna?"

I nodded my head,"Yes"

He looked at me confused,"Why not?"

I put Hazel back in her little crib and sighed,"I...I just can't stay here. Too many bad memories."

"But you can't just up an leave your mate-"

"Look uh-"

"Chase.The names Chase."

"Right okay well Chase no offence but you don't know what I've been through. Ever since I came here my life has been nothing but hell and I'm tired of it. I just...I can't stay anymore. Yes I do love Robert but for some reason he's changed and I don't want to stick around and be his wolf's little punching bag." He looked back at me with sympathy in his eyes and nodded. 

"Well at least let me help-"

"I don't need any help I'm just fine on my own."

"Really how do you expect to to take care of a baby and yourself with no money, shelter, or food?"

I looked down at my hands letting the words sink in. I knew he was right but I didn't want to put anyone in danger and I'm still not to comfortable around males yet. "What should I do then?"

He was silent for a little bit,"Tomorrow...we leave tomorrow and I'll have everything ready. Meet me in the front ready to go at 8pm and don't be late or early. Robert will be in an Alpha meeting so he won't know about it okay."

I nodded and he started walking out the room,"Wait why are you doing this?"

He turned around and gave me a small smile,"I guess I just like rescuing the damsel in distress." He winked and left the room. After watching him leave I moved Hazel's crib closer to my bed and laid down to sleep. 

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