Break of Dawn

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Sorry you guys for not posting in a while but I've been REALLY swamped with work.


Jasmine's P.O.V

Keep pushing forward. That was the best thing to do in situations like these. It was Me, Chase and Hazel against the world. I felt so liberating to finally be away from that damned place, but in the back of my mind I know that I was subjecting myself to a life of loneliness and dead. Yes I did have my beautiful daughter with me and she was suppose to be my world, but with Robert not by my side I knew I would never be able to fill that void. After all we were mates and in his world that's everything. Ever since I got bit by Jackson I've felt like I've been losing myself. Like there's another part of me that's trying to break free. The sensation is both terrorizing and exciting all at once. Some thing big is going to happen and no matter what I've got to keep my head up. Or at least try to.

Chase P.O.V

 Robert was going to kill me for taking his mate and pup away from him, but it had to be done. If she didn't leave his wolf would have put her through hell. I'm not sure what cause his wolf to take control of his human but he's going to have to control that situation. If not things are going to get really ugly really fast. I don't know Jasmine that well but I can tell a good person when I meet them. I can also tell that she's been through a lot and she has even more rough patches up ahead. I just hope she can brave the storm for the sake of her pup and mate.

Robert's P.O.V

How dare she leave me! After all I've done for her that little minx has got another thing coming. I won't stop until I find her and when I do I'll remind her why the moon goddess made us mates in the first place. "See this is why she ran away in the first place. You are out of control and I'm not going to let you hurt my mate ever again. She's already been through enough and you just had to add to the list." How else am I suppose to react when I hear her moan another wolf's name in her sleep. "I admit that did hurt but there's got to be some explanation to it. Just think about it she was terrified of Jackson why would she be having those type of dreams about him. Yeah I guess you're right. "Exactly so here's what were going to do to get OUR mate back..."

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