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5 Years Later 

Hazel runs into the living and jumps onto her mother's lap,"Mommy! Mommy! gus what!" 

Jasmine picks Hazel up and hugs her while placing sloppy kisses on her forehead,"What what is it sweetie?"

"Uncle Chase is telling stowes again." 

Jasmine smiles at her daughter and sits her on her lap. She starts braiding Hazel's long brown hair. "What did he say this time-"

Chase comes running into the room with a goofy smile on his face, "Don't listen to her I didn't say anything!"

Jasmine looks at Chase with amusement and raises on eyebrow,"Are you calling my baby-"

"Mom! I'm not a baby!"

"I'm sorry sweetie but you'll always be a baby to me. Even when you're old and creepy like Uncle Chase-"

"Hey I'm not old...or wrinkly." Chase pouts at Jasmine and Hazel's girly laugh fills the room causing them both to smile.

"You heard that Uncle Chase Mommy said your old an wincly an an cweepy."

Chase smiles mischievously at Hazel, "Well looks looks like I'm going to have to eat Mommy so I can be young again."

Hazel's little eyes open wide, "No Mommy run don't let Uncle Chase get you!"

Jasmine opens her mouth to respond but gets interrupted by the doorbell. Jasmine and Chase freeze and look at each other. Chase brakes the silence after what seemed like forever, "Jasmine take Hazel to the basement and stay there. Just like we practiced ok." Jasmine slowly nods, gets up with Hazel, and leaves the living room. The doorbell rings again...and again...and again. Chase leaves the living room and follows the adjacent hallway to the front door. He unlocks the five locks from top to bottom and opens the door. Laying on the porch is an envelope with Jasmine's name neatly written in cursive on top. Chase slowly picks up the envelope and looks around the secluded area outside to see if anyone is out side. He quickly comes back in closes and locks the door. 

In the basement Jasmine is sitting on the twin sized bed with Hazel on her lap. She is trying not to be scared but she can't stop her body from slightly shaking. All of a sudden the walls of the cellar seem to be whispering her name. "Jasmine...Jasmine...Come back to me my love...I'm coming for you Jasmine." She puts her hands over her ears, "Shutup! Just leave me alone!"

"Mommy? What's wong mommy?"

Jasmine sits Hazel next to her on the bed. She could feel the transformation beginning. The blurry vision, pain in her nails and bones, and her canines poking at her lips. She starts beating on the cellar door fear for her child's life. "Chase open the door! Please don't leave me in here with her! Chase!" Her please become a dry sob as she feels her self slipping further and further into the change. She can't be around Hazel when this happened. Her wolf hated what Hazel's real father did to her and Jasmine didn't know how she would react around Hazel. Jasmine walks over to Hazel, "Baby mommy is sorry. Just know that what ever happens I love you no matter what and that will never change." 

Hazel looks up at her mother with tear filled eyes, "Mommy you're scarwing me what's wong."

Jasmine smiles at her little angel and kisses her forehead. She gets up and walks to the furthest corner of the room, "sweetie do mommy a favor and don't come near me okay...you know what why don't we play a little game?" She wiped the sweat off her face and smiled at Hazel. 

Hazel nods at her mother,"okay mommy."

"Okay...mommy wants you to choose any other place in the cellar and hide okay and don't come out until Uncle Chase comes for you."

Hazel slowly nods at her mother,"like hide and sweek?"

"Yeah sweetie like hide and seek. Now I'm gonna close my eyes and count to ten and I want you to go as fast as you can and be very quiet so mommy can't hear you." They nodded at each other and Jasmine closed her eyes,"one...two...three...four." Jasmine swallowed the lump in her throat praying that Chase got to the cellar in time. "five...six...seven...eight...nine" Before she could finish she opened her eyes one more time to make sure Hazel wasn't in the room. She could feel her vision blurring all the way and was to tiered to fight the change. "Mommy's sorry baby." Jasmine passed out on the floor welcoming the darkness. 

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