Love Is A Chemical, Nothing Else

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Am I the one you want
The one you'd plead for god to grant you
Every night until your knees faded black and blue
From the floorboard underneath you
Is that what I am to you
The miracle
The undying wish
The thing for which you'd kill a million men over
Slit their throats at the mention of my name
And hang their heads at any pessimistic thought they've centered around me
Would you die for me
A martyr to this cause
Plunging the knife in your weak and weary heart for the sake of keeping mine beating
Sacrificing blood for love
And life for longing
Is that what I am to you
The above all
The last man standing
The end game
Where it all comes down to us
Who will you bleed for
Who will you plead for
Because if, by god's cruel misfortune,
I am the end all
The piece of which you cannot breathe without,
I regret to inform you
That what you deem love
Cannot bear the burden of all that I am
And though the fire in your gaze may never dwindle
The will to recover what can never be restored
Will dissipate like cigarette smoke from your trembling hands
Because my dear, my darling, my one desire
As my mother always told me
For years and years on end
As we would drive past the ever sickening green flourish of trees
And taunting mirrors of river reflections
"My dear, love will never be enough"

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